Disclaimer: If I owned Familiar of Zero it'd probably end up like this.
I Just remembered That I promised this fic a LOOOOOOONG time ago and never posted it….my bad
Day two Of Rebuke's possible future fics.
Chapter 0: Lightning Strikes
-White Room-
The Room of white, Headquarters' of Rebuke and his army of heroes. A place of serenity and Justice, a place fit for the legendary master of games-
"Damn it no not again! I refuse to be that bitch's familiar!" I white haired man with tanned skin and silver eyes shouted as he leaped over a table. Said table was then sucked in to a bright green vortex of doom and destroyed. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" The man yelled as he made a lunge for his kitchen counter. "I already sacrificed that Japanese kid why the hell is this thing back to take me out?!" The man shouted with anime tears as he held on to the edge of the counter for dear life while his body flapped in the air as the portal tried to suck him in.
"Multiple realities and all that, Master. Just because you sacrificed that kid to one version of Louise doesn't mean the other realities will be satisfied with it." A woman with shoulder length white hair and crimson eyes stated. She was wearing a white Kimono and was sipping a cup of coffee as she stared at her Master with a smirk. "You should have known that karma would bite you in the ass eventually."
"Pentagon of the five elemental powers…"
"Fuck you and your geometric shapes of power!" The Game master known as Rebuke shouted as he tried to pull himself forward.
"Heed my summoning and bring forth my familiar."
"Bitch! There is nothing familiar about me! I look nothing like you!" The game master shouted desperately as he found himself holding on to the counter with one arm.
"I don't believe that's a criteria master." The woman said with a sweat-drop as her master growled. "Come on, you can solve this world's problems in a week tops and come back."
"What the hell Izanami! You are supposed to hate me trying to save worlds by myself!" The Game master complained as he pulled out a silver desert eagle.
"This isn't the poke-girl world so I doubt you can have another 'Largest orgy in the history of reality'." The woman smirked as the man used the hand he was holding on with to flip her off.
"Shit!" Rebuke screamed as he went flying towards the portal within seconds he was engulfed in a green light making the woman giggle.
"Finally, now the rest of X7 can have a vacation-"
The woman was cut off as the air in front of her shattered and she saw none other than Rebuke panting on the ground in the fetal position as his gun lied five feet away from him.
"You *pant* are *pant* fifteen different types of bitch!" Rebuke gasped out before flopping on his back.
"What the hell!? How did you get out of that?"
"The same way I always do, I sacrifice someone else!" His servant could only look at him in morbid fascination.
"Dear God…What did you do?" Rebuke grinned before opening his mouth…
-Flash: Valhalla-
"Now it ends Caius." A woman with bright pink hair and shocking blue eyes stated. The Purple haired man just smirked as the woman charged at him on top f her faithful partner Odin.
"Hmph! So be it Husk of the wandering-"
A green portal suddenly appeared between both startling both combatant as a man with white hair jumped out and began running towards the wide-eyed Lightning while the green light followed him.
"Blah, blah, blah, androgynous men, over dramatic monologues and impossible boss battles; Yo pinky you look close enough!" And with that last statement Rebuke flipped over the woman as she was engulfed by a bright light.
"W-what-?" Caius asked sounding horribly confused Rebuke just smirked.
"And the GM gets away again! Rebuke fifteen, portal of unholy servitude 0!"
"How dare you interfere boy?" A voice seeming rang out through Valhalla, causing Caius to widen his eyes in shock.
"How dare YOU waste 60 of my precious dollars, Etro?" Rebuke retorted before turning to face Caius. It was then that the man noticed that the strange man was carrying someone fire-man style.
"Yeul!?" Caius gasped while Rebuke smirked at him.
"Yo bro I think this is yours?" Rebuke said before tossing the unconscious girl at the stunned man, who quickly caught her. Rebuke then pulled out his desert eagle and aimed it behind him.
Seemingly shooting a whole in to thin air a white portal opened.
"This is the only exit so I suggest you hurry your ass up!" Rebuke shouted as he ran towards the portal. Caius didn't need to be told twice and quickly followed him.
-Flash: End-
Izanami deadpanned at her master before glancing at a nearby clock.
"And you did all this… in 3.5 seconds?" Rebuke shrugged as he stood up.
"Time moves differently in Valhalla."
"…You're going to hell you know that right?"
"Already there Iza, Already there."
-With Louise-
Louise slumped when nothing seemed to happen and it didn't take long for her peers to start their teasing.
"I knew Louise was just a Zero!" A blonde shouted while a busty red-head smirked.
"At least she didn't blow anything up." Kirche said with a chuckle as tears began to fall down frown the petite girls' eyes.
"How come I can't do anything right all I need to do to prove that I was a noble was to summon a familiar!" The pinkette thought furiously. "A rat would have sufficed or hopefully something that could protect me-"
BGM: Final Fantasy XII-2: Knight of the Goddess
Everyone in the clearing watched dumbfounded as storm clouds covered the skies as a giant crystal-like rose pattern engraved itself on to the ground and slowly rotated. A large lightning bolt struck the ground blinding everyone in the area. Once the light died down everyone saw that that the skies had cleared and standing in the middle of the clearing was a horse that appeared to be covered in metal. But that's not what caught their attention.
Not by a long shot.
It was the frighteningly beautiful pink haired woman on top of the horse that caught their attention. She was wielding two of the biggest blades they had ever gazed upon effortlessly while another blade was strapped to her hip. Louise shuddered when the woman's cold gaze landed on her, she realized that the woman was eyes were just as-no- they were COLDER than her mothers. She was slightly confused when the woman's eyes widened after looking at her.
"S-Serah?" The woman said softly before shaking her head.
Lightning P.O.V
I Have no idea how I in the hell I got here, and judging by the gob smacked expressions I was receiving from these hilariously dressed people they weren't so sure either.
"Oh dear God Louise summoned a Knight!" A fat Kid said while dropping his food.
"Not just any Knight either, You know only the highest ranking Knights can wear custom armor! And judging by her weapons you can tell she's powerful." Another Kid tried to whisper.
"S-strong." A blue haired… 11 year old? Stuttered.
They were using an outdated language but luckily it was one the Guardian Corps used for code so I understood it easily. Judging by nervous glances they were sending the small pink-haired girl I could only guess that she was this "Louise." Meaning she was my only chance to get back to my world…and potentially kick that white-haired bastards' ass. Tapping the side of Odin, he silently began walking toward the girl who appeared even small the closer I got. Hopping off of my partner, who quickly transformed in to his humanoid form, I handed him the blades and dismissed him…further stunning the kids.
"A Magic Knight! How the Hell did Louise summon a noble!?"
"More importantly what country is she from, we don't need a diplomatic accident."
"Maybe she's from Tristan She looks like she could be a Valliere."
Shaking my head I turned back to the gaping child who was now being nudged by a bald man.
"Louise, you have to finish the contract!" The man said as he continued to nudge the terrified girl.
"B-but" I narrowed my eyes at the man; I was never fond of anyone trying to force a child to do something that they obviously didn't want to do. He better pray whatever it was didn't hurt anyone.
"Come on Louise you have to take responsibility." The Man said with a sight making the pinkette gulp.
""My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière." The girl that was now confirmed to be Louise said…and damn was that a long name. "Pentagon of the Five Elemental Powers; bless this humble being, and make her my familiar." I was confused when the girl tried to reach up for me, once again reminding of my sister when she was younger. After the third attempt she beckoned me down so I did after all I wanted to see what that man was making her do, once again praying to the maker for the bald man, because if someone got hurt he was going down. So imagine my surprise when I received my first kiss ever from a girl that looked no older than twelve.
Hell no.
This was not what I had planned my first kiss to be like, if I even had one, it was wrong on so many unthinkable levels and I vowed to get that man for making a child humiliate both of us like this. Suddenly I felt a searing pain in my left hand as it was struck by small bolts of lightning engraving a symbol in to it.
Don't get me wrong it hurt like a bitch but unluckily for four eyes I went through worse and didn't pass out. So standing up I released my worse glare at the man, causing him to step back in fear. And for a split second I no longer saw any form of a man, instead I saw brother-in law and released my most devastating punch straight to his face, knocking him out instantly.
BRONZE TROPHY UNLOCCKED: You wouldn't hit a man with glasses would you?
"What did I get myself in to?" Both I and Louise spoke in synch.
AND There you go this will be a one-shot until I get a chance to focus on it
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