"Alright class, we have a new seating chart as of today!" Mr. Sten, our Social Studies teacher announced. He cleared his throat.
Today was the beginning of the last quarter in my middle school. This year was my first in public school since 3rd grade; I've been home schooled most of my life. But anyways…
"Megan, here. Brittany, here." He rambled off until he finally came to my name. "Annabeth, here." I sat down and turned to my best friend, who was on my left.
"Wow, we actually get to sit next to each other for a change." Thalia exclaimed, getting out her notebook.
"I know right!"
Mr. Sten pointed to the chair to my right. "Percy, here."
I inwardly groaned. Percy Jackson was the goofball of the class. He never did anything, to the annoyance of the teachers, and had a very… er… interesting personality.
"Hi." He said to me as he plopped down into his seat.
"Hi." I said back, a little testily.
My old crush, Jacob, was waving at me from the front row. I excused myself and made my way to where he was. "What? I asked. "Mr. Sten is about to start talking."
"Do you know if Drew is going out with anybody at the moment?" I glanced back at the girl.
"No, she's single for now." Drew is constantly getting a new boyfriend, then dumping him. William had lasted the longest when she dated him; 2 years. Then, she dumped him. They went out again, and she dumped him after 2 weeks. She's not my favorite friend.
"Oh. Ok, that's all I want to know." If you haven't picked up on it yet, William still likes Drew. What an idiot.
"What did he want?" Thalia asked when I got back to my seat.
I waved her off, paying attention to Mr. Sten who had started to lecture. It was going to be a loooooooong period.
But if I knew what would happen, how hard I would fall for the dork next to me, maybe I would've been more aware of my surroundings. Because if there ever was an accurate Princess and the Frog story, then it would be this one.
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