Wandering the Cavern of Dreams

Claws was alone. Well, as alone as a Sableye can be in a cave, but that didn't bother him that much. He was doing what he loved, which was digging through the dirt finding his food. He didn't have time to make friends when he had to eat, in fact, he taught himself how to read, among other things.

He was digging away at the wall, trying to find even a hint of gems or precious metals that might be there, when he heard a noise behind him.

"What the?" He said. He looked and saw nothing. "Hello?" He said again, walking out of the small tunnel he dug, into the massive cavern where other tunnels branched out. Most Pokemon would be confused with how the tunnels twisted and turned, but for Claws he could navigate them with his eyes closed. His enhanced perception came from living in the dark so long. Claws then heard whispering. "Show yourselves!" Claws said, trying to be brave.

He looked around again and what he saw shocked him. He saw himself, except different. Instead of a the gems on his chest being rubies, they were emeralds, and instead of his eyes looking like diamond, they were made out of obsidian. The mirror image of him, though, didn't have the jagged scar that went down his left eye. "What?" Claws said, the Sableye in front of him mimicking Claws's lips.

After a minute of him doing actions to see if it copied him, he slapped at the image. The image faded for a bit; however the image copied Claws's movement and slapped Claws across the face. "All right, this is getting old." Claws said. The whispers were coming back. "Shut up already!" Claws shouted.

The whispers became faster, more insistent. Claws barely heard one word. "Follow." Claws was surprised, but he followed the voices. He winded down the tunnel, going much more deeper then the tunnels he dug went. He came up with the idea that the tunnels were caved in, but dismissed that idea.

He was still following the voice when he heard another voice, louder then the rest, call out "Stop." Claws was greatly confused, first the voices were telling him to follow them, now one voice was telling him to stop. His confusion increased, though, when he heard the others saying "follow" while the louder one kept calling out "stop."

"All right, majority rules." Claws said jokingly as he followed the voices again.

He followed them down deeper into his caverns. "All right. When are you going to stop?" Claws asked the voices. He heard two words, "Soon. Farther."

Claws just rolled his eye, which was strange since his eyes were made of diamonds, and continued to follow the sound. After a while he started to hum a song he heard.

Finally after walking for about an hour all the voices said, "Stop."

"Don't need to tell me twice." Claws mumbled as he sat down and looked around. He was in a large cavern about 30 feet tall and 25 feet wide. "Strange. I never noticed this place before. Who am I talking to?" Claws asked as he looked around. He didn't notice that there were shadows thickening at the center.

When he finally looked, he saw the shadows made a black hole like center. He peered down the hole and what he saw shocked him. Down there were millions upon millions of red eyes glaring at him. He took an involuntary step back.

Suddenly a booming and gravelly voice came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, "Soon. You will be mine Claws. You will soon face challenges only some could dream of and many would turn away in terror."

Claws frantically looked around, and, finding no one, called out, "Show yourself!" He looked around again and noticed something strange with the shadowy hole in the center. Almost all the pairs of eyes were gone, except for two.

What happened next shocked him so much that he was unable to move. The shadows rose out of the hole. The shadows rose out slowly, soon a head and wings appeared. The wings created dark splotches that stained the ground, the head was golden surrounded by a dark grey/black. He was so shocked that he fell to the ground, as it swallowed him up.

_In a cave_

"AH!" Claws shouted as he awoke. Another nightmare, another tired day alone in the mines. It was then that it hit him how lonely he was. Against himself he started to sob. 'Great! Just great. I made myself cry. No wait, it was that condition that I have, not normal sadness!' He was proven wrong by how violently his sobs shook him.

'No. This is my normal sadness. It's being enhanced by my disease. Stupid mental disease, making my emotions stronger.' Claws continued to cry. He rolled himself in a ball and threw a rough blanket over himself to keep him warm.


"Don't you think you scared him enough? I mean look at him! He's crying his eyes out!" Three shadowy figures were watching Claws as he threw the rough blanket over himself.

"He needs to learn how to not be scared when we throw something at him!" The larger of the three shadowy figures said, the voice was the same as the one in Claws's dream.

"I don't care! Look how scared and sad you made him!" the smallest said. The voice sounding feminine.

The middle one spoke up, it's voice identifying it as male, "Enough!" The other two fell silent. "Now then, is he ready?"

"No. He won't be for a while." The larger one said.

"Then we must send something outside of dreams that could hurt him, but what?" They all seemed deep in thought.

The smaller one said, "I sense some presences getting closer to him. Should that do?"

"Maybe. It depends on what they do there, but since we can't come up with any other ideas we will see what will happen." The medium sized one said as it faded away. The larger one faded after it, but the smaller one stayed behind for a bit.

"Don't worry. I'll try to protect you from them." She said as she faded away.

A/N First fanfic so go easy on me. Also I need OC's please! Here's the form.



Race(Your characters race, such as Claws is a Sableye):

Age(don't use real age):

Alters (is he/she shiny? Anything different about them?):

Moves (Choose up to five):

Finisher (You can combine two moves together to get a finisher. Make sure you have a description of it):




Name: Claws

Gender: Male

Race: Sableye

Age: 13

Alters: None besides a scar over his left eye

Moves: Brick Break, Zen Headbutt, Power Gem, Dig, and Shadow Ball.

Finisher: Shadow Gem. Mixing Shadow Ball and Power Gem together the brightness of the gems are dulled making it deadly, and unavoidable in low light.

Personality: Shy and timid, but quick to anger. This Sableye does not like to fight except when his friends are in danger or when pokemon are going after his food. However, with a mental condition his emotions are drawn out to the extreme.

History: I'll tell you throughout the story.

Also Thank You to SuperDaikenki for letting me use his region since I was too stupid to think of one.