Hi, people! I had a great idea and had to type it. YAY!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own it.
WARNING: Eyes has had too much caffine and sugar! =)

"Come on, Kanon. It'll be fun!" little 7 year old Eyes pleaded with his best friend and big brother. Eyes was wearing a pair of cream ear muffs, an orange car-hart jacket, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black snow boots. His light purple hair reached his jaw line, and his bangs were long and in his face.

"I said no, Eyes. Do you want to get in trouble?" 7 year old Kanon said. He was wearing a red car-hart jacket, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of black snow boots as well. His short orange stands lay across his forehead, no where near as long as Eyes'.

"We won't get in trouble. I already asked." Eyes lied.

"You did? Well then I guess its alright…" Kanon said, falling for his brother's lie.

"Great! Now get on the bike! Do you mind if I steer and you pedal the bike? I mean, your legs are longer." Eyes said. His smile was one full of mischief. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes, one that told you to be ware. If there was something Kanon knew that no one else did, was that Eyes was one to cause mischief. A lot.

So now here they were, riding Eyes' older step-brother's bike, Kanon pedaling, Eyes steering. Just a perfect way to spend the first day of Christmas break, right? Suddenly they hit a bump in the road, throwing them into a snow drift on the town square. When Kanon sat up he looked very unpleased. When he had landed, he got snow in his jacket and down his shirt. (I mean who wouldn't?) Kanon turned to his side and opened his mouth to scold Eyes about being reckless, but shut it when he heard Eyes giggling and laughing, while moving his arms and legs.

"What are you doing, Eyes?" Kanon asked, trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably.

"Snow angels!" Eyes giggled. 'Why does he have to be so darn cute and adorable sometimes?' Kanon thought.

"Alright Eyes, lets get this done. What time do we need to be back home?" Kanon asked.

"Oh!…I dunno…" Eyes said absent mindedly.

"What do you mean you don't know!" Kanon snapped, "didn't you cover this when you asked?"

"Uh…well…you see…um…" Eyes faltered, sitting up.

"You tricked me! How could you!" Kanon said, raising his voice.

Eyes hung his head, his hair creating a curtain hiding his face, he gave a sniffle before he spoke, "I just wanted to go shopping with Kanon. I didn't mean to make him made, honest. But he's always so busy training all the time, we don't get to play and hang out anymore.*Sniffle* I'm sorry. And I didn't mean-WAAH! Don't hate me Kanon!" Eyes said jumping into Kanon's arms, "I'm sorry! Don't be mad! Please!" Eyes buried his face in Kanon's chest. 'Oohh! Eyes! You make me so mad sometimes! Why don't you understand that maybe I don't want to get in trouble? 'always so busy training all the time, we don't get to play and hang out anymore.' Eyes words rang through his head. 'Is that why, Eyes?' Kanon subconsciously stated stoking Eyes head and rubbing his back with one hand. 'For my attention? Is that why you always cause so much mischief? Because you want attention, MY attention?'


"*Sniffle* Y-yes?"

"Don't worry. No matter how busy I am, I always have time for you."

"Really?" Eyes said, looking up at Kanon.

Kanon nodded, whipping the last of the tears off Eyes' face, saying, "where do you want to look first?"

Eyes' face immediately brightened, and jumped up grabbing Kanon's hand. No sign of what had just happened on his face.

"To the toy store!" Eyes stated.

"You had one of your step-brother's energy drinks, didn't you?" Kanon asked, already knowing the answer.

"Actually…I HAD FOUR! YAY CAFFINE!" Eyes shouted.

What shall happen with these two? Review to find out!