Jack's P.O.V.

It was a typical day at the dojo and Kim and I were sparring as usual. Just when I thought I was winning, she kicked me in my side and I stumbled back. Then, because I was vulnerable, she was able to flip me on my back.

"Aren't you getting tired of losing, Jack?" Kim said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Well", I said while she helped me up, "I just never get tired of losing to you." Of course I said this sarcastically and she knew it.

Just then, Rudy came out and told us we could leave. Jerry, Milton, Eddie, and I all went to change in the boys locker room, while Kim went to the girls locker room. Right when I got out, Kim was at the door.

"Hey, Kim", I said as I ran up to her, "I have a question to ask you."

"Sure Jack", she responded.

"Ok, well there's this girl I really like...and I wanted to know the best and most romantic way I should ask her out..." Little did Kim know, that the girl I wanted to ask out was her.

Kim's P.O.V.

"Ok, well there's this girl I really like...and I wanted to know the best and most romantic way I should ask her out..." Jack said.

My heart dropped. I really thought Jack and I were hitting it off...I guess I was wrong. I should have know that Jack didn't like me. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I thought to myself.

"Oh, um ok. Well she would probably love red roses and a picnic on the beach, watching the stars, after you took her to a romantic movie. But if you really want to surprise her... ask her in front of all her friends so she knows that you don't mind people know that you like her." I said exactly what I would love a guy to do for me. "Good luck, I gotta go." I said quickly as I ran out of the dojo.

As I walked home, I thought of all the worst possible people he could ask out, like that dumb girl Donna who was always flirting with him. Or my best friend Grace, even though she would say no because she knows that I like him.

When I finally got home, I changed into my pajamas, washed up, and went to bed, thinking about Jack the whole time.

Jack's P.O.V.

Jackpot! I thought to myself. I'm just a bit nervous to ask her out in front of Milton, Jerry, and Eddie. But I'll do anything to make Kim say yes.

As I walked home alone, I could only think about Kim's honey blond hair and gorgeous brown eyes. Soon I will be her boyfriend! Wait...what if she says no and just wants to be friends?! Oh god...maybe I shouldn't ask her...I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning.

The Following Day at Seaford High

Jack's P.O.V.

This is it I thought, I'm really going to ask Kim out!

As I approached our usual lunch table I made sure I had the red rose and the movie tickets, we are going to see a movie called The Love Tragedy. Everyone was already sitting down, perfect...

"Hey Kim, can I ask you somethin," I said

"Yeah Jack, what is it?"

"Will you go out with me?" I said while pulling the rose and tickets from behind my back.

Kim's P.O.V.

"Will you go out with me?" he said while pulling the rose and tickets from behind his back.

OMG, I thought, he was asking my advice to use on ME!

I froze, though.

"Kim? Kim?" he asked

"YES!" I blurted out of nowhere. "YES, YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!"

I got up from my seat and hugged him.

"AWWWW," I heard Jerry, Milton, and Eddie say.

"For the record I totally saw this coming!" Jerry said.

My heart couldn't stop racing. I think I had a panic attack because next thing I knew, I was on the nurses bed with Jack by my side.


"Kimmy are you ok?" Jack said.

I laughed. "I'm fine, I think I was just so excited you asked me out that I passed out...hahaha"

He laughed at my laugh and then we were both laughing when the nurses looked at us weird.

"So can I pick you up at 6:15 for your surprise date?" he asked.

"Sure! I'll be ready!" I replied.

At 6:15 That Night

Kim's P.O.V.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I quickly checked 1 more time in my mirror; lip gloss, and make up, done. Cute skirt/ outfit, Check. I got my purse and answered the door.

"Wow Kim, you look...amazing" Jack said.

"Thanks, you look pretty ok yourself," I giggled. " So where are you taking me?" I asked while we walked toward the spot.

"Well we are here" he said as we approached the beach. On the sand was a blanket and picnic basket. I should have seen that one considering that he took my advise...

"Jack I-" he cut me off by grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the set up. "Come on" he said, with a huge grin on his face.

After we ate, we made our way toward the movie, and when we got there he bought the XL popcorn and 2 soda's. During the movie he put his arm around me. When I looked at him, he started to lean in and I did too- when suddenly...BANG! We both screamed along with many other people in the theater. The main character was just shot.

We just looked at each other with surprised faces and laughed.

Jack's P.O.V.

After the movie I walked Kim home, we walked hand in hand. When we got to her house, she smiled at me.

"Thanks for an amazing night, Jack" Said Kim.

"Anything for you" I said.

Just as she was turning around to go into her house, I grabbed her hand, spun her towards me and kissed her. I could feel that she was tense at first but when i put my hands on her hips, she put hers around my neck and was calm. Her lips tasted like strawberries and were so soft. My stomach turned into mush and we kissed for about 4 minutes, really getting into it.

Finally she broke away. "Jack, I have to go, but i want you to know that...i Love you" she blushed while saying this.

"Kim I love you to, and I want you to be mine forever."

"Goodnight Jack!" Kim said before practically skipping into her house.

God I Love this girl!