Author's Note

I almost didn't have the will to do this, but I promised. Plus I said I'd upload it ages ago. But like I said, I'll be uploading the first 5 chapters this week, so look out!

Disclaimer: Just because it's a different story doesn't mean I own it.

No Strings Attached



"What does this make us?"

"To be honest, I don't know,"

"I can't be in a relationship right now. I just got out of one, and you live in California and I go to college, and-"

"Ally! Calm down. Look, you don't want a relationship, and I just want a way to pass time. And we tried to ignore our sexual tension, but look how that turned out," Ally rolls her eyes at the obnoxious blond. "So how about we just have sex. No strings attached."

The brunet's eyes widen at the crude suggestion. Could she really do that? There would be complications, and feelings hurt, and all other complications. And their friendship. The one they have held together with a sting that was getting thinner every day for 5 years.

"I don't know if I could do that. I mean what about our friendship? And what if Dez and Trish find out? And what if-" The frantic girl is cut off from her small freak out, by the blond, who is just rolling his eye, used to this short of behaviour from the petite girl.

"Stop thinking about it Ally. Think about it like we are friends with benefits. We will still be friends, but we just get to fool around. It will be just like old times, but when I leave there won't be any hurt feelings, and you can go on with your life. Oh, and we get to have sex. Simple as that."

Ally considered the proposal for a while. He had a point. She needed to stop being predictable, and take a risk in life. Plus she would get even more experience for her story. And a stupid little thing like this wouldn't ruin their relationship they had been growing for since they were 15.

"Fine." She mumbles.

Now you might be wondering how the two best friends got to this conversation in the first place. It all started when 1 of the 4 best friends was getting married.

Dear Diary,

If you told me I would be in Dez's car, driving to the airport to get on a plane to Miami for Trish's wedding from New York 5 years ago, I would have told you that you were more of a wack-a-doodle than the red head himself. But life is funny like that. None of us would've expected Austin to be doing a massive tour right now, or me getting in to Julliard for music, and Dez getting in to NYU!

And you probably wouldn't have expected me to be writing a romance novel. Yep. A novel. And for me to be completely stuck on a sex scene. Yes, my novel has a sex scene in it. I could just cut it out, but I think that the sex scene would make the whole thing complete! It would tie the whole thing in an epic fusion of love and perfectness. And the only reason I am struggling is because I have no experience what-so-ever.

Being an author, I have always used life experience to make my work as realistic as possible. Even when I was still writing songs for Austin. So being a virgin isn't exactly helping my story at all. I know what you are thinking. She's a 20 year old virgin. And I am very proud of that fact.

To be honest, I wouldn't have even lost it to Elliot. And I loved him. Actually, now looking back at it, I don't know if I loved him at all. Right now we are 'on a break'. And from what I have learned on F.R.I.E.N.D.S, that is never a good excuse. So basically, we are broken up.

"What are you thinking about," The red head asks, stealing a quick glance at the girl, and then focusing on the road again.

"Just how much our lives have changed these last few years," She replies, sighing.

"I know right. Who would've thought that Trish would be the first one of us to get married. I didn't know there was someone out there that could handle her," He half-heartedly jokes. Ally chuckles along, knowing how hot-headed the curly haired girl could be.

"Honestly, I thought it would be you, Ally," He confesses truthfully, making the girls cheeks redden a little.

"Well that seems far away now, considering the break-up I just had." She sighs, looking down. Ally had never been great at picking men, she has been in a relationship with a douchbag for the past 2 years. But now they are 'on a break' as they dub it. He said he needed space. Well he was getting what he wanted. She was soon going to be half way across the continent. How was that for space?

"Hey, don't think about that jerk. If he says that he needs space, then he doesn't realise how great you are to be around, and how lucky he was to be in your presents." he smiles at her.

"Thanks. But what about you? Getting into NYU! That something none of us saw coming." She says, stirring the conversation away from her tragic love life.

"Trust me, the one that was most surprised was me," He laughs, causing Ally to laugh too. Dez always knew how to brighten up anyone's day. It was a natural gift of his.

Not liking the silence that lingered after their small conversation, even if it was a comfortable one, Ally reaches out to turn the radio on. And of course the most annoyingly catchy song that everyone hates to loves comes on.

Ally starts to sing along to the infamous lyrics of 'Call Me Maybe' that she has picked up from the thousands of times she'd heard the song. So much so, that now she has mastered it. Dez glances at the girl in awe, as she belts out the lyrics, sounding pitch perfect even though she wasn't trying. That is something he had always admired about her. And he was glad that she could show the world her talent, having come over her stage fright (with the help of Austin, of course).

He couldn't hold back his chuckles, as the girl starts dancing (if what ever she does is considered dancing) in her seat. This also sends the small girl into hysterics as well, laughing the lyrics rather than singing them.

"Please stop dancing. You might break my car by knocking of my rear view mirror off," he laughs.

"Fine. But at Trish's wedding reception, I am not holding back anything," She laughs too, catching her breath as the song comes to an end.

Settling back in her seat, she turns her attention back to her journal/song book/diary, which she has kept since she was young. The leather bound book was getting a little worn out, and she was coming to the end of it, but it was one of the most precious things to her, and she guarded it with her life.

I cannot wait to see Trish again. I haven't seen her since New Years. It's sad that see can only see each other during holidays because of semester and such, but I am glad that I get to see her. And since I'm her maid of honour, (That's right, maid of honour!), I get to help her out with all the preparations for the wedding! This is going to be fun.

"We're at the airport!" Dez happily announces, parking his car, and bringing the Ally back to reality.

The two of them proceeded to weave themselves through their crowded destination, clumsily bumping against people streaming in all different directions. After going through all the extreme (yet could be life saving) safety measures, the found themselves sitting and waiting for their flight. Ally returns back to her book that she had previously been writing her thoughts into.

I also can't wait to see Austin. I also haven't seen him since New Years. When we sort of kissed. But I can't wait to see how his tour is going. Sadly, since we had to split up to go to peruse our dreams, all taking our separate paths, we don't see each other that much. The only one I see is Dez. And that's because our colleges are barely 20 minutes apart.

"Hey! I got you some pickles," Dez greets, sitting down in his next to the engrossed brunette, handing her the jar of pickles. She was so lost in thought, she hadn't noticed he had even left.

"Thanks! How did you know?!" She chirps, setting her book down and eagerly grasping her favourite snack from his hands.

"I know you." He replies simply.

"Thanks anyway," She praises, placing a small kiss on his cheek. The intimate act, made her unsuspecting friend blush a little, as Ally chomped away happily on her bitter snack.

Little acts like that almost came like second nature to the pair. They would exchange hugs, and kisses like that with out a second thought. However, Ally had no idea what affect this had on the flushed man sitting beside her.

"I think it's time for our flight," Dez states, masking his redding face.

"Already. Time sure does fly," She shrugs, walking in the direction of their destination. He chortles to himself and follows her.

The two keenly boarded their flight, excited to return to their beloved home. A place where they both grew up, and held fond memories that they keep close to their hearts. Where their families live, with their arms opened wide every time they return, even for a little while.

"Gosh! I can't wait to see everyone," Ally smiles, after settling in her seat, which was the window seat, despite Dez's wishes (she was always persuasive, and could resist those doe-like eyes?)

"Me neither. I miss them all so much," he agrees, sinking into his chair beside her.

"I can't to hear about Trish's past year at college," Ally muses. It would be really fun exchanging stories about their experiences in this very important and exciting time in their lives.

"Yep. Who would have thought she would be able to commit to it?" Dez chuckles.

"Hey, she did a good job at being Austin's manager," Ally reasoned.

"I guess so. I think she just got jobs for fun. It's not like she exactly needed money,"

"That's not the point. Having a job is character building, and it prepares us for the harsh reality that is life." The small girl rants, making her companion roll his eyes. He's so used to all of her outbursts.

"Whatever. I'm just surprised she made it this far. She's starting her last year at the University of Miami."

"And great fashion student she is. Who knew she was so good at designing clothes before she told us she it was her dream?"

"Well you did see what she did too all her uniforms. I'm pretty sure that all those headbands weren't given to everybody."

"I guess that's true. I'm just so proud of her. She has a bright future. She going to be a great fashion designer, she's getting married. She has her whole life planned out," Ally smiles wryly.

Ally had always been a rule follower. Someone who likes order, and knew what was to be expected of every situation. That was why she hated surprises. She hates being in oblivion to anything. She was always well prepared and had a plan for any obstacle.

So knowing that her best friend, who was the most disorganised person she knew, who could hold down a job for more than a week, was always getting herself into messes and expecting everybody else to clean it up, had every thing working out for her... well it stung, to say the least.

"Hey, we still got time to figure it out." He says, nudging her in reassurance. "Life is an adventure. It supposed to be spontaneous, exciting! The thrill of not knowing what's around the corner!" The enthused boy exclaimed.

"You sound like Austin," She mutters nonchalantly. Even she had to admit. Since Austin had been in her life, she has had enough surprises to last her a life time. Yet, some of those memories were the best in her life, and she wouldn't give them up for the world.

"I bet you can't wait to see Austin," Dez comments slyly, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, as the small blush crept up on the girls cheeks at the mention of Austin's name.

It didn't take a genius to see the budding romance between the two. From the beginning, it was obvious. Unfortunately, time was never on their side. He had a tour, and she was heading to college. She met a dreamy guy with a love for music, and he had thousands of screaming girls throwing themselves at him. If only they were given that little extra time, then their relationship would have been certain. But life is funny like that.

"Well yeah, he is one of my best friends. And I can't wait to hear all his amazing stories about being on tour," She stammers.

"Of course," Dez chuckles to himself, dismissing himself from the conversation.

As time flew by, Ally returned to her sacred song book, only to fall asleep while writing in it, due to her unearthly early wake up call, while Dez occupied himself altering between watching videos for inspiration for his next assignment, and listening to music. Before they knew it, the red light signalled for them to put their seat belt on.

Dez turned to the sleeping girl beside him. Her head was leaning on the window, and she had a peaceful expression gracing her face. He almost didn't have the heart to wake her. He stared at her for a moment taking in the carefree look on her facial feature, before moving a stray strand of her hair from her face.

"We've got to put our seatbelts on," He gently whispers. When she doesn't respond, he gently nudges her. He eyes slowly flutter open like a graceful butterfly. She looks around, becoming aware of her surroundings. Then suddenly she squeals and jumps up, only to find her head colliding with the top of the plane.

"Whoa. Hold your horses," Dez chuckles at the girl's eagerness. She blushes and buckles her seat belt.

"I can believe that we are almost here," Ally muses, looking out of the window, to find herself looking at a sea of pearly white clouds as they stream like water around the plane.

"Yep. Off the plane, in a taxi, and straight home," Dez smiles, watching the girl grin widely at the sight of the clouds. She was too cute for her own good.

After struggling to collect their bags and shuffle their way out of the airport, before they knew it, they were in a taxi, and on their way home. Ally embraced the atmosphere happily, as the familiar air filled her lungs. The distant memories of the scenery flashed past them as they recalled the place they knew so well.

Not long after, the taxi slowly came to a halt, stopping in front of a place that Ally knew like the back of her hand. It was home.

So, after the first five chapters, I won't be uploading until One night stands is finished, just because it's hard to juggle two stories evenly. So please don't tell to update after Friday. Thanks. In other words, did you like it? Tell me!

Until next time