Author's Note: Hi. The True Black Star has returned from his life for you. I know, I'm the True Black Star.

"Hey, Kid, are you ready to go?" asked Liz, standing at the door.

"Yes, let's go," Kid responded, walking up to her and Patty. "Tomorrow, we have to get ready to leave. You both know that I can't stay here."

Liz and Patty nodded and let Kid out the door.

Meanwhile at Soul and Maka's place, Maka had the entire house nice and clean and she also cooked a meal without hitting any allergy violations. (fish, nuts)

Soul just sat in a corner, fussing about how he lost his girlfriend to some stuck-up rock star.

When Kid arrived, Maka was happy to take his jacket and bring him to the table, simply because it was a reason to touch his pale, yet sexy body.

"How are you?" asked Maka.

"I'm fine. I like the way you take my coat off. Interesting," Kid responded, blinking his eyes. Maka giggled and blushed at his comment.

"Well..." she giggled.

"Well, Kid, tell me, what do you like to do in your spare time? Do the peeping tom?" asked Soul.

"What? No."

"Don't worry about him. He asks everyone that. What do you do?"

"Nothing really. Sleep, sing, eat...just normal stuff."

"Don't forget kill," Liz whimpered under her breath.

"Huh?" gasped Maka.

"Heh, she means like killing time. Not..." Kid cleared.

"Does this mean you wouldn't be the best boyfriend or are you taken already?" asked Soul.

"May I ask what's with these weird questions you're asking me?"

"Is asking how you like the food weird?" asked Maka.

"Yes, because I haven't eaten yet. I don't help myself to other people's food. I find it rude."

"That makes sense. You have my permission. All the food's on the table just get whatever you like."

"Thank you, Maka."

My name...he said my name...oh, Kid I want to tear you apart, put you back together and do it again...

"You never answered my question, Kid," Soul remarked.

"Ah, yes. You're right. I didn't. No. I'm not taken."

He's not taken...fuck Soul...I want to fuck you, Kid...!

"Well, when it comes to dating, what kind of guy are you? Do you look for a specific woman and do whatever you can to satisfy her or do you just go for any woman taken or not?" Soul challenged.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" asked Kid, now getting offended.

"It's just a question."

"I'm looking for an organized smart woman, smart but fun. I would not try a taken woman.


"That's interesting. Now...tell you like Maka?" asked Soul.

Shut the fuck up, Soul!

"I like her cooking. You're lucky to have a girl like her cook for you."

Maka blushed harder.

"Thank you," she said. "Perhaps we should just keep eating and not worry about Kid's love life. That's his business."

"Eh, it's okay. I'm used to it."

"Yeah, Maka, he's used to it. He's more famous than us. There must be people asking him about his love life all the time," Soul added in.

"Then maybe he needs a break from the many questions," Maka argued.

"Now, now, Maka. It's alright. Like I said, I'm very used to answering questions from people who need to get a life..."

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" snapped, Soul standing up angrily at the table, not scaring Kid at all.

"Soul!" snapped Maka.

"Hey, don't get mad at me, it was Maka who fainted," replied Kid, spooning another bit of food.

"I...I didn't mean to's just that he's so..." Maka whimpered, looking at Kid. His sweet golden eyes, his shiny black hair...or was that just the fine stripes in his hair? Just something about his face made him

(No! The True Black Star isn't gay!)

"He's so what?!" Soul demanded.

"Talented!" Maka blurted.

Kid laughed.

"I'm glad you think so."

"And...uh...let's not forget his wonderful partners..." giggled Maka, pointing to Liz and Patty. Not that they were paying attention. They were too busy feeding their faces and grabbing as much food as possible as if they were still out on the street. (But that's the way they always eat.)

"Were you referring to us?" asked Liz, looking up with her mouth full.

"Yeah. We were talking about Kid," Maka answered.

"Eh. Say what you must. We're used to...wait, you were talking about us?" Maka nodded. "Oh wow. That's different. Is there anymore food?" Maka nodded again. "More?" Nod. She walked over to the stove to get Liz and Patty some more food. Soul death glared Kid.

"Well, don't you want anymore?" he tested. Kid shook his head.

"I'm quite satisfied with what I was given."

"You're satisfied with something?!" screamed Patty. "You're never satisfied with anything!"

"Patty! Shut up!" screamed Liz.

"No, no, it's alright, Lizzie. She's right," Kid comments, giving a little giggle. "It's very hard to satisfy me, but this impressive."

"Who the fuck asked you?!" screamed Soul. "Who said this was a heath inspection?! Who the fuck are you supposed to be?! I don't give a fuck about your fucking approval! And neither does Maka! As a matter of fact," Soul stood up and grabbed Kid out of his seat by his coat. "Get the fuck out my house!"

Kid kept calm. He continued to give a smile. He wasn't afraid of Soul at all.

"Soul! He said he liked the food. What the hell is wrong with you?!" screamed Maka, pulling Soul by his hair.

"I don't like judges!" Soul screamed.



Liz, Patty and Kid just stood there, confused about what just happened.

" it time to leave already?" asked Patty.

"I guess so. We have to pack up so we can leave tomorrow. I honestly don't want to stay here," Kid commented.

"I understand. I'm sorry about Soul," Maka sighed.

"It's alright, but you know, Maka. I find you to be so interesting, I'm going to come back here to see you again."

"Really~?!" Kid nodded.

"Give me your number. I'll give you a call when I get home."

"Sure. Uh...Kid? Can I ask you one last thing?"

"Anything, Maka."

I love it when you say my name...will you marry me? No! That's not it! Damn...what was I gonna ask?

"Why did you come here to bad memories?"

"Oh, because my bounty...I mean...uh...enemies were banned from here."


"You know, supernatural powers. It's not legal anymore."

"Yeah, I remember that. That's the only thing that makes me and Soul badass. It's because I use Soul's weapon form to perform. We talked to everyone we could about it. No one says anything, so I guess it's okay."

"That is badass to use some illegal in a positive legal way. I like that. Not only is it different, but it's original. You keep doing stuff like that, you'll be as big as me."

Kid and Maka walked outside.

"You smoke?" asked Kid. Maka nodded. She took a pack of cigarettes and took one out. Kid lit it for her.

"I remember when supernatural ability was first outlawed," Maka sighed, smoke flowing out of her lips. "So many people got arrested because they didn't know or maybe they just didn't care. People were still out there in weapon form. Then they started a rebellion by killing each other with it."

"As if the kishin weren't bad enough. Since the weapon stuff was banned, the Death Weapon Meister Academy had to shut down," Kid continued, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

"It was a good academy, too. It was cleaning up these damned streets. I hate that bastard. I wish he'd die, but the problem is, no one else would be up to run," Maka added on, throwing her cigarette on the ground. Kid smiled, but it wasn't a strong one.

"...Except for me..." he sighed. Maka looked at Kid with widened eyes.

"Are you...his lost son...?" she gasped. Kid looked at her with his weak smile.

"Yeah. He banned weapons after he realized what he did..." he whimpered, looking down with his smile now gone. Maka didn't respond. She just looked to see what he'd say next.

"I...don't want to talk about it..." he breathed.

"This is where the bad memories come in?" Kid nodded, holding in his tears, thinking of his horrible past with his father. He took a deep breath and sighed, "I have to leave now. I...I can't...stay here..." Kid ran off, calling his girls to see where they might have gone. Maka wanted to know more, but she knew better than to pressure him about it. She walked back in the house with her passed out boyfriend on the floor. Passing him up, she went to bed with all of her clothes, thinking heavily about the new man of her dreams. Wondering when he'd return to continue the story of his mysterious past.

Author: So here it is...Let me, the true Black Star, clear this up. This is a different version of the Soul Eater world. The rules are different and the characters are way out of character, but it's a serious fic. Although...the true Black Star sucks without comedy, so you'll laugh at some point.