A/N: This is an introductory chapter to a potential story. I want to clear up that I know that Tony is an only child. While I do not own NCIS this is my work. I am not being rude I just don't feel like sifting through thirty comments about it. While constructive criticism is welcome I do not want to hear about how somebody is acting OOC. If there is a concept you don't like that I did not warn you about I don't want to hear about it. My point is if you don't like it don't read it. Again this is not rudeness it's just that I had a huge problem with that in another story I wrote and don't want it to happen again. Thanks.

It was an ordinary day at NCIS. Gibbs sat at his desk and watched his team bicker back and forth about pretty much every stupid topic they could think of. It had been a long day with no cases. It didn't help that Ducky, Abby, and Jimmy were all at some conference. To make things worse they had another three hours left. Gibbs shifted in his seat. Vance had the heat turned almost all the way up and he felt like he was going to fall asleep. The team wasn't doing much better and he was about to send them home early when his phone rang.

"Yeah Gibbs"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah we'll be right there."


"Grab your gear. Cold case just opened up we're headed to Chesapeake Bay!" Gibbs called.

"What about Ducky and Gremlin?" Tony asked.

"Call 'em from the road." Gibbs replied.

Tony did as he was told and contacted Ducky on the way to the scene. Gibbs had allowed McGee to drive so they were actually going at a reasonable speed for once. They arrived at the scene twenty five minutes later. They were all curious about what had been found to re-open a cold case. When they arrived they piled out of the car and saw a weathered school bus. That looked like it had been underwater for years.

"So what gives?" McGee asked.

"Bus crash eighteen years ago driver was an NCIS agent shot and killed lost control of the bus and went into the bay." Gibbs explained.

"Why was an agent driving a bus undercover assignment?" Ziva asked.

"No he was driving some kids who won a contest and got a tour of the NCIS offices." Gibbs explained. He didn't remember a lot about the case but he knew it had been tragic.

"Were the kids OK?" Tony asked.

"Out of twenty-seven twelve survived." Gibbs replied.

The team exchanged sad glances.

"So why was the bus just found now?" Tony asked.

"A lot of people have been dumping trash in here and a beautification committee arranged to have it cleaned up. When they did they found the bus." A metro cop explained.

"So I take it that the bus being underwater caused it to be a cold case." McGee replied.

"No the case was solved it was the son of a man Agent Koehn put away." Gibbs explained.

"Then why is it a cold case?" Tony asked.

"Seven of the kids that died were never recovered seven families never got to answers it's still a case." Gibbs explained.

"OK this makes no sense if the bus was underwater how were any victims recovered?" Ziva asked.

"Eight of the victims escaped and died later." Gibbs explained.

Back at NCIS the team was hard at work trying to find out about the victims. Ducky, Jimmy, and Abby were trying to identify the bodies. While the team got info.

"OK I've found the names children on the bus. Who were uh never recovered" McGee explained.

Gibbs nodded he should have remembered the names but he still had some memories that he hadn't recovered and everyone that worked the case was long since gone. "Go on?" he replied.

"Alright they were Allie Morrison, Matthias Wilbur, Collette Abelson, Jack Ericson, Zoƫ Braxton, Max Davis, and Joseph DiNozzo." McGee replied. "DiNozzo?" he asked.

Tony felt like he was two feet tall and naked as he stood in the center of the bullpen. Everybody was staring at him.

"DiNozzo what the hell?" Gibbs demanded.

A/N: I know this is short but it is just an introductory chapter and I don't know if I will continue. I will see how people take this chapter. If I do continue it may not be for a while since I am working on "Home" and "Times Like This" but I am almost done with those so I will be able to work on this soon. Please review and thanks for reading.