Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any characters and copyright belongs to JK Rowling

It was finally the weekend so Harry decided to visit Fenrir and Remus in their temporary quarters after breakfast. They were staying on the ground floor not too far from the entrance but carefully hidden away from prying eyes. As he reached the portrait door, a detailed woodland with a Wolf protector, he felt nervous knowing he still had a lecture coming about is disappearing act. He knocked and didn't have to wait long for an answer. Fenrir opened the door with an irritated look on his face which softened upon seeing Harry.

"Hey pup" Fenrir greeted before enveloping Harry in a bear hug. Harry smiled returning Fenrirs' hug and then followed him into the living room to be met with Remus arguing with Sirius Black and Lucius Malfoy.

"We just think if Harry got to have some quality time with us and Draco as a family then it would do us some good. I'm sure Fenrir will be busy enough with the pack over Easter. We can look after Harry and we are not saying you can't come and see him, but we believe it would be best If you didn't stay at the manor." Lucius stated as Sirius clung to his arm.

"WHAT!" Harry shouted alerting the other to his presence "I don't even want to spend the summer with you two never mind that pompous brat if Remus and Fenrir aren't there then I am not going. You two are not and never will be family as far as I'm concerned. Why would I want to be family with a pompous selfish brat, a manipulative superficial snake and a traitorous coward of a godfather? I would rather stay with the Dursleys than have "quality bonding time" with you lot" Harry sneered at the two who paled at his words.

"Harry I think you're going a bit far" Remus tried to mediate "Sirius, Lucius, me and Fenrir will be accompanying Harry to Ripethorn Manor and only be presiding with the pack unless Harry comes with us or during the full moon. You have lost Harrys trust and frankly mine. I am giving you the opportunity to try and make amends but do not push my kindness"

Lucius looked like he was about to argue but Sirius stopped him gently before nodding at Remus. They turned to leave but Sirius paused in front of Harry.

"I am so sorry. I never intended to hurt you. You are the most precious thing in my life. You mean the world to me" Sirius sobbed, leaving when it was obvious Harry wasn't going to talk to him.

Harry walked up to Remus when they left and clung tightly to him "Oh Harry" Remus sighed as he felt the young boy's tears stain his shirt.

"I want to hate him Remus. I can't trust him and he betrayed me. He didn't tell me anything and he treated Draco as a son. He abandoned me and let Draco shove my face in it. I can't forgive him" Harry sobbed as Remus guided him to the sofa, Remus holding him on one side and Fenrir sitting on the other stroking his arm soothingly. They sat there for a long time till Harry drifted off to sleep.

"Ive got an appointment with poppy, just a routine check-up. Do you mind staying here with Harry?" Remus asked Fenrir as he laid Harry down on the sofa and placed a blanket over him.

"Sure" Fenrir replied and gave Remus a kiss before Remus departed out of the portrait door. Fenrir sat next to Harry reading a report by his second in command Quinn.

He was just reading up on inoculations for the cubs in his pack when Harry stirred from his slumber.

"Wheres Remus?" Harry mumbled blearily.

"Check-up with Poppy" Fenrir replied noticing Harrys concerned face "Just routine"

"Oh right" Harry mumbled as he sat up on the sofa.

"So what happened between you and professor Snape last night" Fenrir asked out of no where.

"What do you mean?" Harry stuttered.

"Well apparently he was out of sorts and seemed quite upset after detention with you" Fenrir informed him.

"Blaise and Theo told me he liked me, romantically and I didn't quite know whether to believe them" Harry whispered

"So you thought you would torment him to find out. Give him hope he could be with you and humiliate him by throwing his love back in his face" Fenrir growled still reading his report.

"No. I mean. I don't know. I got carried away. I didn't mean to hurt him" Harry whispered as he hugged his knees to his chest.

"What would you have done if he had gone further Harry. Taken your flirting as permission. Where were you going to draw the line?" Fenrir now focused on Harry.

"I don't know. I don't know what I was thinking?" Harry now had tears in his eyes. Fenrir sucked in a breath.

"Do you have feelings for him?" Fenrir enquired softly. Harry froze.

"What! No, maybe. I don't know ok. I only found out he liked me yesterday. I thought he hated me." Harry gasped. "I thought he was shagging Draco anyway"

"Draco. Draco is his godson. Did you know Severus fought against Sirius and Lucius hiding their relationship from you? Even threatened to tell you himself. He truly does care about you" Fenrir soothed the tearful boy embracing him a fatherly embrace.

"That's another thing when are you going to forgive Sirius and give the Malfoys a chance" Fenrir asked "I know you and you love Sirius. Me and Remus will always be here for you. You will always be our cub but you should give them a chance. Lucius doesn't like to show it but he was really excited at the prospect of adopting you. He's always wanted a large family and the prospect of making Sirius happy helped. I know Draco's a brat and can be a pain in the arse but his actions were from jealousy of you relationship with Weasley. At the end of the day what they did was wrong but they love you and want you to be part of their family. I'm not saying sign adoption papers and start calling Lucius Daddy but give them a chance over Easter"

"I will think about it" Harry conceded as he hugged his legs.

"That's all I can ask" Fenrir replied giving Harry a hug. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but if you don't leave soon you are going to be late for your detention." Harry groaned then said goodbye to Fenrir before walking to the dungeons.

As he entered he noticed that Snape looked more miserable than normal. Harry started to feel guilty about how he acted last night.

"Cauldrons again Potter" Snape growled not even looking up from marking. Harry placed his outer robe on a table and got to scrubbing the cauldrons there was 12 tonight. By the time he was done he was flushed and tired. He turned round and felt disappointed when Snape was still focused on marking. Dragging his feet, Harry went to stand in front of Snapes desk. On the way Harry knocked into a desk and a simmering potion on it spluttered and burnt Harry's bare arm.

Snape shot up as Harry hissed in pain.

"Shit" Snape swore as he inspected Harrys arm and quickly vanished the potion. He then proceeded to drag Harry out of the classroom and through his office into his personal chambers. He shoved him onto the sofa and quickly dashed into an adjoining room, leaving Harry a bit dazed. Luckily he soon rushed back in with a jar of salve. He fell to his knees before him and quickly started rubbing the salve onto his arm.

Harry watched mesmerised as Snape focused on his arm, panic and concern clearly seen on his face. The pain soon left but Snape continued to stroke Harrys arm, changing his gaze to Harrys face a look of love, adoration and lust in his eyes. Not even thinking about what he was doing Harry leaned forward, kissing Snape hungrily and wrapping his arms around him.

Snape paused for a second before wrapping his arms around Harry and kissing him back with force. Harry felt himself being pushed back against the sofa as Snape climbed on top of him. Snape's tongue entered Harry's mouth, as his hands caressed the young man's body. Harry moaned loudly as Snape's mouth crept down his neck as Snape unbuttoned his top. Desperate for some friction Harry arched into Snape and his hands fell to his trouser zip. He quickly unzipped his professor's trousers and slid his hand into his boxers. Snape groaned and arched into Harry.

Encouraged by Snapes reaction Harry pushed Snape up till they were both sitting up and pushed his boxers lower. Still massaging Snapes now hard length Harry moved his mouth lower, unbuttoning his shirt with his mouth. Snape's moans got louder the lower he went. Soon he came to the man's weeping member. He started by lightly licking and breathing on it before taking the impressive limb into his mouth sucking and licking as he descended. Snape seemed to come undone by these actions as one hand griped the sofa another tangled in Harrys hair.

Harry soon had to use a hand to stabilize Snape's quivering and thrusting hips as precum mixed with his saliva. Giving now warning other than a loud cry of Harrys name before unloading his balls into the young man's mouth. Harry swallowed as much as he could, some leaked out of his mouth as he rose back up to be face to face with a flushed and sated Snape. He gave a smirk and licked the remnants from his face, resulting in a groan from Snape before Harry gave a slow yet passionate kiss to the man.

While Kissing Snape Harrys hand dove into his trousers to finish off his own problem. Already close he worked hard on his cock. He was gasping into the kiss before Snape realised Harry was still Hard and feeling guilty he replace Harrys hand and brought Harry to a gasping orgasm. Once they were both sated, they realised what they had actually done.

Embarrassed Harry cast a cleansing charm and tucked his member back into his boxers, zipping his trousers back up. As Harry shifted to sit properly on the sofa, Snape too righted himself. Neither could look at each other. They were startled when they heard Remus shouting in from the classroom, all the doors they had walked through remained wide open. They shot away from each other as Remus made his way into Snapes quarters with a confused look. Anger entered his eyes as he gave a distinct sniff of the air. He glared at Snape, "You sick bastard. You fucked my pup" He snarled, diving for the now scared man only to be stopped by Fenrir who held the thunderous man back.