hey guys! this is my first fanfic so please tell me what you think. sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. by the way i own nothing of my candy love.


(Luna P.O.V)

"Alex let go!" I screamed walking back home (or at least trying to). A little "incident" occurred but I won't be getting anywhere with this prick clinging to me. "Urgh! I said let go!" He wouldn't budge so I did the next best thing I could think of. I swing my arm as hard as I can but not fast enough because the next thing I know he has me pinned up against a wall and his lips crash onto mine.

His lips were cracked and wet with a taste to liquor to them. I couldn't do anything but struggle with his weight pinning me down so I took my chances and kneed him where the sun don't shine.

"You..bitch!" he said struggling to catch his breath. I took this as an advantage and ran. "Don't think I'll forget this Luna. I'll find you." I'm pretty sure he said something else after that but I didn't catch it. I don't think I would've wanted to either.

Without realizing, I had subconsciously ran home. "Hopefully he didn't recover in time to follow me." I threw open the door with one objective in my mind followed by startled looks from my parents.

"Luna just where the hell have you been!" yelled my mother. I ignored her and headed towards my room only to have her block my path. "Luna Blagmon! Don't you dare ignore me!" "I'm leaving alright! It shouldn't matter to you anyways! You've wanted me out this house since day 1!" I yell. She gave me a glare filled with enough rage to make "If looks could kill" a whole other meaning.

"Excuse me?" she says. "You are not to leave this house under any circumstance. Do you understand?" The seriousness in her tone was enough to make me flinch, but what was scarier was that she expected an answer but she sure as hell wasn't going to be pleased when she hears this. "No actually. I called auntie an few days ago and asked if it was alright for me to stay with her for a while since I knew this day was bound to happen. I'm pretty sure you know what her reply was" I finish with a smirk. Her face twisted into something so… murderous.

"You ungrateful child! You'd rather live with that.. fool than here!" "Id even prefer hell if you weren't there!" I yell. "Don't speak to your mother that way!" He raises his hand and slaps me perfectly across my face. "Wow, first reaction out of my father and THIS is what I get".

My father has never even raised a finger at me. Not ever since she came into our lives. Truth is this woman here is actually my step mother Rachel Adams. I refuse to accept her. I knew that eventually her hatred towards me would rub off on my father, but I didn't think fate would choose now. Everything went silent. Seems like my father decided to break it. "Luna I…" "Just stop" I say holding my now swollen cheek not able to look at him. "All this is just a better excuse on why I should leave." I lift my head to look at him and he seemed so broken.

"A.. are you alright?" he mumbles. I look at him in disbelief. After all the abuse I took from my "mother" with him witnessing it all NOW he decides to ask after HITTING me?! "Now you care?!" I scream. He takes a step back but then tries to console me again until she grabs his shoulder. "Charles, let her decide what she wants to do right now. Let her clear her head" she says smirking at me.

With that I ran to my room tears threatening to spill. "He still takes her side after everything that's happened." Leaving is all I have on my mind right now. I grab everything I can and shove them into some bags and decide to call my auntie. First ring….. Second ring….. "Hello?" She sounds tired. "Hey auntie." "Hey sweet-pea. It must be urgent for you to be calling me this hour." It is?

I look at the clock and it read 1:18am. "Wow, so much drama. I didn't even bother with the time." "Yea well um.. do you think you could come pick me up right now? My parents.." "Say no more, I'm on my way. I'll be there in about an hour so get your things together" and she hangs up. After what I think was an hour I hear an argument going on downstairs. Auntie must be here. I walk downstairs with my things and I find Rachel and auntie arguing. "She is old enough to know what she wants to do with her life!" auntie says. "Coming from you I highly doubt that" says Rachel.

I step in before this conversation gets out of hand, and by out of hand I mean physical. "Auntie I'm ready." "All right then let's get moving" she says giving one last glare to Rachel. I didn't even bother with any goodbyes. As I walk outside I notice a pink buggy with purple swirls on it. I can't help but smile. "At least where I'm going will keep me happy."

My auntie lives in a small town called Sweet Amoris. It's so much better than where I live. As I walk into the car I hear her mumble something. All I hear is "… and she can shove that up her ass!" I can hardly contain my laughter at my aunt's use of language. She hardly ever curses. She must have noticed that I heard her because she started laughing too. It's hard to think that I was so upset a while ago and now I'm here laughing my but off with my aunt. I guess she just has that effect on people. No wonder I like being around her.

She turns on her car and about 5 minutes into driving she tries to start up a conversation. "Aren't you going to miss Alex?" Shit. I completely forgot about him. "Yea.. about that, I dumped his sorry as after he tried to rape me." That earned me a look of shock from my aunt and an almost car crash (almost). "What?! Well did you handle it!" "I hurt his manhood" I said with a straight face. After a few moments of silence we burst out laughing.

Since this conversation brought us nowhere we sat in silence the rest of the way and sometimes singing along to One Direction's "What makes you beautiful." When we arrived I was already half asleep. "Go on upstairs to the 8th floor at room A265. I'll bring your things" auntie tells me. She hands me a some keys and I wobble to the entrance, into an elevator and the silver doors close shut. Luckily the first door to the right of the elevator was room A265. As I unlock the door I'm stunned by the décor. Egg-shell colored walls, white leather couch, flat screen and is that a.. ? GAME ROOM?! "I can get used to this." I walk down the long hallway and walk into the first room that has a bed. "Hopefully this is a guest room" and just like that, I'm out like a light. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring me."

(Maggie P.O.V/auntie)

Looks like she got herself comfy. I take her shoes off and cover her with some blankets. I take a seat by her and smooth down her jet black hair. "If only you were my daughter. You wouldn't have suffered as much as you did." "Mm.. Auntie?" I chuckle. "Goodnight sweetie. I'm sure tomorrow will be better." "Of course it will. I'm here with you now" she says. So kind and sweet. Hopefully no one will take advantage of that in the future.

Authors note:

Hey i hope you guys like this story. again, its my first fanfic so im hoping i did well.

If this story goes well im hoping to make another.

Thanks for reading and post comments to tell me what you think.

BYE :)