The Ransom of Dr. Dave

Part 69

A/N: Anything in bold italic is being spoken in Italian.

The police ran out of the chapel with their guns drawn.

Capt. Amos: Everyone stay down!!

Mark: Get the kids and dog out of here, now!!

Mr. and Mrs. Peterson took Antonio and a crying Rusty out with Rascal on his leash. As Rusty left, he kept turning back to see what was going on.

Rusty(crying): Papa! Papa!

Jing-Mei fell to the floor and lifted an unconscious and bleeding Dave's head into her arms.

Jing-Mei(crying): Dave, wake up! Please wake up! Oh god baby, please...

Father Chip leaned over Dave and started praying. Lydia pulled Jing-Mei off of Dave while the doctors went into action.

Luka: Someone get a gurney! What are his vitals?

Haleh: BP is 70/30. Pulse is 68. Respirations are at a 7 even with the help of the respirator.

Carter: Damn! Looks like his entire blood volume. Get something to put on this wound and clear a path.

Malik runs back into the chapel with a gurney. Malik, Carter and Luka lift Dave onto the gurney and head for the ER with Lydia, Mr. Santini and a frantic Jing-Mei behind them.

Up in the ER, everything is quiet. It is unusually slow for a weekend. The staff that got stuck pulling duty is sitting around the admit desk chatting when a gurney is wheeled in from down the hall. They see their fellow doctors pushing the gurney and wonder what happened.

Kerry: What's going on? I thought you were at the christening.

Luka: We were. But now we're here.

Elizabeth: What do you got?

Carter: GSW to the head.

Mark: It's Malucci. He was shot in the head during the christening.

ER Staff: What!!

Mark: Let's get him in Trauma One. Elizabeth, you better go reserved an operating room and scrub.

Elizabeth nods and heads up to surgery.

Kerry: What are his sats?

Luka: Unconscious. Blood pressure dropping quickly. Pulse weak and thready. Respirations shallow and irregular. MOVE!!

The team pushes the gurney into Trauma One and Jing-Mei heads in after them. Lydia holds her back.

Lydia: No. You don't want to go there. There's nothing you can do.

Jing-Mei: Like hell I can't. I am a doctor and his wife.

Lydia: He's got plenty of doctors working on him now. They are going to pull him through this.

Jing-Mei becomes hysterical as Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, her sons and dog approach her.

Mrs. Peterson: I can't believe that this happened!

Mr. Peterson: Why won't they leave that poor boy alone? Haven't they done enough to him already.

Chuny and Lydia bring a shaken Jing-Mei and family into the lounge to await news about Dave. On the way in they run into Capt. Amos.

Capt. Amos: How's Dr. Dave doing?

Chuny: Critical. They're still working on him in Trauma One.

Jing-Mei(crying): Well, have your men found the bastard who did this to him?

Capt. Amos: No, not yet. But my men are combing this entire hospital and the surrounding areas. They are questioning everyone to find out if any one saw something unusual today. They've courted off the chapel and are going over it with a fine tooth comb. We aren't going to stop until we find some clue or hard evidence that will help us out here.

Haleh enters the lounge with Carter and Luka.

Haleh: They've just taken Dr. Malucci upstairs to surgery.

Luka: Romano and Elizabeth are operating. He's in good hands.

Jing-Mei: How was he when he went up?

Luka: Still critical. Crashed in Trauma One. We manage to revive him after three minutes but he's lost an awful lot of blood.

Carter: Dr. Weaver is asking everyone to donate. Luka and I are on our way now.

Haleh: And me and some of the nurses are going to donate after our shifts.

Jing-Mei: Thank you everyone.

Capt. Amos: Excuse me, I have to get back to work. Dr. Chen, under no circumstances are you to go anywhere without your police escort. And that goes for your son there. Is there a phone I could use?

Luka points him to a phone.

Capt. Amos: What OR did they take Dr. Malucci to?

Luka: OR 3

Jing-Mei: Why do you want to know that?

Capt. Amos: Just a thought I had. I'll be in touch.

Capt. Amos exits while Jing-Mei tries to calm herself down and keep Rusty tranquil.

Haleh: Dr. Chen, why don't you go home and we'll call you with any news.

Jing-Mei(wiping her tears): There is no way I am leaving here. Not now.

Antonio lets out a big yawn and Jing-Mei looks over and sees Rusty shaking in his chair with tears running down his face.

Rusty(crying): Mi papa. Mi papa. He's hurt.

Jing-Mei: Your daddy is going to be fine. The doctors that are working on him are the same ones that helped your daddy before.

Mr. Santini translates but Rusty doesn't seem comforted.

Mrs. Peterson: Listen Dr. Chen, why don't you let us take the boys and Rascal home. Antonio is due for a nap and maybe once Rusty's in his own house he'll settle down. I know Rascal would.

Jing-Mei: Thank you. I think that would be best.

Mr. Santini translates to Rusty. Rusty gets up and gives Jing-Mei a hug and tugs on Rascal's leash to get him to come along. The Petersons, Mr. Santini, Rusty and Rascal leave and Jing-Mei burst into tears.

Jing-Mei: This is all my fault.

Carter: How do you figure that?

Jing-Mei: Dave didn't want to go to that christening in the first place. I made him.

Carter: How could you make go?

Jing-Mei: I threatened him by saying that I would never bring his only friend to visit him in the hospital. Hell, I did everything but twist his arm and withhold his oxygen from him to get him to go.

Luka: His only friend?

Jing-Mei: Rascal. That little puppy is the only one that Dave will let near him. He's the one that got Dave to speak for the first time since the attack. Dave's first word was "puppy" and his second word was "Luciano" whatever that one means. I think he's giving Rascal his own name.(pause) What does it matter? How could I do that to him. After all these months, he finally finds an outlet--a way of learning to communicate with us again--a way to deal with the horrible things that have been done to him and I told him that I would take it all away if he didn't do exactly what I wanted him to. He did it so that I would continue to bring the puppy here to see him and now this has happened to him.

Chuny: Dr. Chen, you couldn't have possibly have known that someone was going to try to kill him again.

Jing-Mei: Doesn't matter whether I knew it or not. My point is if he didn't come down to the christening, he would never have been shot... again.

Luka: They just would have found another way to get rid of him.

Jing-Mei: Maybe, Dave knew something was going to happen to him and his refusal to go was his way of trying to avoid the inevitable. Maybe, it was a cry for attention on Dave's part and I wasn't listening.

Jing-Mei remains in the lounge while the others go back to work. An hour or so later, Capt Amos re-enters the ER through the ambulance bay. He stops at the admit desk.

Capt. Amos: Excuse me.

Randi: Where have you been? Your men have been up here every 5 minutes asking me if I'd seen you.

Capt. Amos: Had to run an errand and pick something up. Is Dr. Malucci still in surgery?

Randi: Yeah, I guess. I'm not his keeper.

Capt. Amos: Thanks for nothing.

Capt. Amos heads up to OR 3. He spots Dr. Romano and Elizabeth coming out of the OR and confronts them.

Capt. Amos: Dr. Romano, we have to talk. Is there somewhere we can go and talk privately.

Back down in the ER, Jing-Mei, restlessly leaves the lounge and walks to the admit desk. The next shift is in and they are talking about the shooting in the chapel when they see the police roaming the halls of the hospital.

Jing-Mei: Did anyone hear anything from surgery about Dave?

Mark: Not yet. Still waiting.

Jing-Mei: Don't you know anything?

Carter: I know thanks to Malucci, we all could have been shot.

Jing-Mei: You can't blame Dave for this, John. Dave, would have been the first to take a bullet for any of us if we were the target instead of him.

Carter: I know that. I also know that he's not at fault. If anyone should be blamed it should be me.

Jerry: You?

Carter: I was the original target and Dave has obviously taken a number of blows for me. I don't think I will ever find the right words to say, thank you.

Jing-Mei: Dave knows that you're grateful.

Carter: But, I want the chance to make it up to him.

Jing-Mei: I wish someone would tell us something...

Mark: You may get your wish now. Here comes Elizabeth and Romano.

Jing-Mei turns to see the surgeons and Capt. Amos walking down the hall. All with grim looks on their faces.

Jing-Mei: Dr. Romano, how is Dave? Is he in recovery? Can I see him?

Romano: Dr. Chen, the bullet hit Dr. Malucci straight on through the head, striking the brain stem.

Carter: He's going to be okay, right?

Elizabeth: I'm afraid not.

Mark: What do you mean, no.

Romano: We've used all our skills but despite the best of our abilities, the damage was too much for him to handle this time. I'm sorry Dr. Chen, Dr. Dave died ten minutes ago on the table.

The staffs' jaws dropped. All were in shock. Jing-Mei stood shaken for several minutes when she finally was able to speak.

Jing-Mei(shaking her head): No. No, Dave's not dead. He can't be. I don't... I won't believe it. OH GOD, NO, NOT MY DAVE! Why? Why?

Jing-Mei becomes hysterical and nearly collapses to the floor. Carter is there to catch her. The staff tries to comfort her in their own grief. She keeps insisting that he's alive even though he's beaten all the odds by living for as long as he has that it was only a matter of time before they finally killed him. Jing-Mei stabilizes on her feet and Carter lets go of her.

Jing-Mei: I want to see him.

Romano: Um, I don't think that's a good idea.

Jing-Mei: Why not? He's my husband and I want to see him.

Elizabeth: I think what Robert means is the bullet did some major damage to his head and face. I don't think it would be appropriate for you to see...

Jing-Mei: Damn it. Stop treating me like another hysterical widow. I'm a doctor. I've seen gunshot wounds to the heads before. I know what to expect.

Elizabeth: It's not that we are treating you as if you don't know what you're doing. It's just...I guess we want to protect you.

Jing-Mei: From Dave. He would never hurt me.(pause) And now I guess my family is finally safe. Dave's gone so there won't be any more threat...(crying)Oh god. (pause)Now, I want to see him.

Capt. Amos: I think maybe it would do her some good to see her husband one last time. She can say goodbye to him and start the healing process.

Romano: Alright. You can see him.

Carter: I'll go with her.

Romano: She's a big girl. She can make the trip by herself, Dr. Carter.

Carter: I don't mind.

Romano: Yeah, but I do. I don't pay you to goof off in this ER while the rest of us actually have to work to earn a paycheck.

Carter: I just wanted to walk her up and make sure she's okay.

Romano: We have to head up anyway. I think we can handle that. Now, get back to work all of you.

Jing-Mei: It's okay, John. I want to do this by myself.

She starts to walk down the hall when she stops in her tracks.

Elizabeth: What's wrong, dear?

Jing-Mei: Rusty. How am I going to tell Rusty that his daddy is gone? That little boy is a shred away from having a breakdown with all that's happened. This will destroy him. What am I going to do?

The next day, news spreads through the ER about Malucci's death. For people who never showed Malucci any respect, they felt the loss. It's been months since Dave was a working resident in the ER but now, everyone sensed the emptiness. Never again would they have a scapegoat to blame all their mistakes on or see Malucci running away from one of his practical jokes and never again to watch Dr. Dave flirting with the nurses. There would never be another doctor like him. They all missed him more than they would ever realize.

Across town, there's a knock on the door of an apartment. The door opens and a young man enters waving a newspaper.

Pincard: Mission accomplished.

Vincenzio: Yeah, I know. I've been reading all about it in the paper. Nice going. That mother fucker is finally dead. He's gone. Now, no more threat of him ever revealing my organization. I can start running business as usual at full speed ahead.

Pincard: Well, I lived up to my end of the deal. Now, how about you living up to your end of it?

Vincenzio: Which was?

Pincard: You said if I got rid of your fucking kid then you would help me get your daughter in...well I guess she's your ex- daughter-in-law now.

Vincenzio: Right. I remember and I have every intention of living up to my end of the bargain. Just not yet.

Pincard: What do you mean not yet? Then when?

Vincenzio: This is a very hot subject. The police have the case wide open. I just feel you need to lie low right now. Why not take a vacation?

Pincard: With what money?

Vincenzio: I'll pay all your expenses to wherever you want to go to.

Pincard: And how will I know when it's safe to come back?

Vincenzio: I call you and tell you when the heat is off.

Pincard: You promise.

Vincenzio: Sure. Besides, I have other plans for you. (laughing evilly)

Five days later, Jing-Mei prepared her family for the funeral. Rusty was understandably somber. He didn't even feel like playing with Rascal who also felt Dave's loss. Jing-Mei finished dressing Antonio in a warm coat when she realized that it was time to go.

Jing-Mei: Rusty!! Let's go.

Rusty came to the doorway of the nursery with Rascal on his leash and his bowtie around him. Jing-Mei turns around and sees the two of them standing there.

Jing-Mei(shaking her head): No, Rusty. Rascal stays home.

Rusty bent down and hugged Rascal. He kept nodding back at Jing-Mei.

Rusty: Rascal come. Papa wants him to come. Papa want to see Rascal one more time. Papa say yes.

Not feeling in the mood to argue with the mourning little boy, she agreed. The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was only appropriate that Rascal be there. He probably helped Dave more than anyone else. What kind of funeral would it be if all of Dave's friends weren't there to pay respect, including his four-legged ones.

Dave's injuries were so massive and disfiguring, they had a closed casket. Mr. Santini eulogized Dave. He told them stories about Dave when he lived back in Italy as a boy. Not the stories of Dave and his father but times he spent with Dave. How Dave was like a son to him. How in the short time that he spent with Dave after his attack meant so much to him. Then he talked about Dave's love for Jing-Mei, his boys and of course the puppy. Dave might have been a man of few words near the end but he was not a man of few feelings. Finally, he spoke about the love and dedication that he received from his doctors, nurses, colleagues, friends and especially Jing-Mei and his sons. The whole time Rusty was crying aloud with Rascal whimpering next to him on the floor. It definitely was noisy but very touching. They're hearts broke for the Maluccis.

The day after the funeral, at a hospital nearby, on the rooftop the medical helicopter lands and a gurney is removed carrying a critical patient. The patient's face is wrapped in bandages and is breathing on a respirator. The two doctors and nurse wheel him inside. Once inside, another doctor comes over to the patient on the gurney. He looks him up and down.

Doctor: Welcome to our hospital, Dr. Dave.

To be continued. Please read and review.

-Will Vincenzio finally get what's coming to him?

-Will Jing-Mei, Rusty, Rascal and the ER staff learn what has become of Dave?

-Will Dave remember more of his tragic past and be able to identify his attacker?

=Will Rascal ever mate with Romano's bitch and have little Malucci puppies?

Find out the answers to these questions in my new story, the sequel called "Recovery". Coming soon to fanfiction. net.