AN: So, because the last chapter was so short, and so was this one, I decided to just post them both today. Hope you enjoy!
Dean packs his bag, looking around the hotel room to make sure he hasn't left anything. He looks up when Sam enters the room from grabbing his belongings in the bathroom. Instinctually, he checks over Sam again, making sure he is truly all right. He's been having a hard time getting the visual of seeing him bloody and broken out of his mind.
"I'm fine Dean," Sam says, knowing exactly what Dean is doing. Dean looks away and zips up his bag.
"Yeah?" Dean asks guiltily, staring at his bag. Sam looks at him and sighs.
"It wasn't your fault Dean," Sam tries to assure his brother.
"Yeah," Dean says none too believably.
"You couldn't have done anything. You were tied up," Sam says, leaving his bag and taking a few steps towards his guilty brother.
"I should've found a way," Dean says looking up at Sam.
"You tried," Sam replies, meeting his brothers gaze and holding it.
"I should've done something," Dean says, the image of his brother flashing before his eyes once again and he flinches slightly. Sam looks at him for a moment before answering.
"You did. You were there," Sam says, knowing Dean would know exactly what he meant. Dean takes a deep breath.
"Yeah," Dean says, looking back down at his bag, knowing exactly what Sam meant. He was there, just like he was back at the field in Lawrence, Kansas.
"Listen, Dean, about Benny…" Sam begins, changing the subject.
"I get it Sam. He's a vampire. You don't trust him. But I know the guy. I spent a whole year with him fighting by his side. He's doing everything he can to not be that kind of vampire. What happened back in Louisiana was self defense. Martin was threatening to kill Elizabeth. His family. His own flesh and blood. I can't really blame the guy Sammy," Dean says, looking back up at his brother. Sam thinks for a minute, studying Dean.
"I'm not saying I trust him. I'm not saying I like him or the fact that you and him…" Sam begins but stops. He takes a deep breath. "But I do trust you; whether you trust me or not. So, if you say he's good then I guess I can give him a chance. Doesn't mean I won't be watching his every move though."
"That's all I'm asking for here Sammy," Dean says, nodding. He throws his bag over his shoulder and pulls his keys out of his pocket. Sam grabs his own bag and follows after his brother, shutting the door behind them. They throw their bags in the trunk and make their way around the Impala. Dean stops abruptly and Sam almost runs into him.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks walking around his brother to his side. Dean looks over at him and holds up his keys.
"You wanna drive?" Dean asks, watching Sam carefully. Sam recognizes the gesture for what it is. Dean hadn't let him drive the Impala since Louisiana.
"Yeah," Sam replies catching the keys easily as his brother throws them to him. They climb in to their seats and Sam starts up the car; Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" sounds through the speakers. Sam turns up the music and pulls out of the parking lot onto the road. He subtly glances out of the corner of his eye noticing the smile playing on his brothers' lips.
Things aren't great. They aren't even good. But they are okay and as far as Winchesters go, okay is pretty damn good.
AN: Well, that's the end. Hope ya'll liked it! Please review and let me know what ya'll think.