Nick drove around town for who know's how long before pulling into his own driveway. He sat in his car for a while thinking about tonight. The rain had let up to nothing but a drizzle and he was content enough to watch it bead up on his windshield.

He didn't want to go in. The house was so empty with only him there, he would find himself wondering the halls at night, unconsciously exercising his leg, but tonight was different, she was going to leave, go to Boston. It made him want to follow her there like a lost pup. The 14th was coming. She hadn't asked him anything about the roses that were left on her doorstep, perhaps she had been tossing them he thought sadly.

Gold gingerly got out of his car before opening the back door and pulling out the large box from the seat. It was beautiful, crafted in silver with a large silver metallic bow keeping the whole thing together, a present fit for a Princess. He had meant to leave it for her tonight but had stopped by for a quick peak before making his delivery. She had looked almost sad as he had watched her through the window in the rain, he doubted it was over him.

He fixed himself a glass of scotch when he got into the house setting the box down on the couch beside him. He unbuttoned his jacket and undid the tie and top buttons on his suit, after kicking off his shoes, he flopped down most uncharacteristically next to Belle's gift. His fingers fiddled with the ribbon as he sipped his drink, his mouth in a tight frown, he needed to move on but it was impossible. He did resign himself to one fact, if she didn't show up on the 14th then it would be done, no more, he couldn't take it. He would just do what he had been doing all those years before she fell into his life, turning it upside down, just exist.

He had been paying Granny Lucas a considerable amount of money to hide his secret and tonight would be no exception, she was quite the little old expert on deals, practically turning her situation from paying him rent to the other way around. A smirk graced the corners of his mouth, she was a shrewd old broad that was for sure, as far as he knew she had never gave any hint to Miss French that it was actually he that had been leaving the flowers. Each one meaning something new. desire, believe me, forgiveness, each one with something he desperately wanted to say to her but was a coward and chose to tell her in some kind of code. He knew her curiosity would get the best of her and she was the kind of girl who would decipher the meanings pretty quickly, 'she was tenacious that way' he thought with a smile.

He decided to take a long hot shower, maybe that and a few more glasses of scotch and he would be able to sleep. Even if their talk hadn't gone over very well, just hearing the silky sound of her voice was enough for him.

The steaming water hit his back, releasing some of the tension that had settled between his shoulder blades, making him sigh as he raised his head, wetting his hair. He didn't bother with a rag opting instead of squirting a palm of liquid soap into his hand and lathering up his chest and arms. When he had been married his wife used to sneak into the shower with him. It had been one of the many things that he had taken for granted but now it was small things like notes in his briefcase when he was back in Scotland or how she woke him up at night snoring. God he missed the snoring. Here he thought that never in his life could he ever want another woman the way he had wanted her, but Bella...oh God Bella how he wanted her. She aroused feelings in him that had laid dormant for ages.

His wife had spoken about what would happen if ever one of them died and she had made it clear that she would want him to go on, even marry again. His eyes closed thinking of all the years he had spent in a limbo, never even imaging the possibility of some other woman taking the place of his lovely wife, the mother of his son, his love. but now.. his mind went to the night that he had shared with Bella, it had been great, it had felt so natural, so right. Her ripe body responding to his touch, the feel of her skin, the taste of her as she gave him all of herself. He had been her first, he hoped her only, although it wouldn't matter if she had...yes, yes it would, No way would he just let someone take his Bella,he couldn't even bear the thought of her in someone else's arms, someone else's hands roaming her taunt body.

Alright, that's it he had spent enough time dreaming in the shower, he was hard as a rock and the hot water wasn't helping in the least, he needed to turn the water to cold if he was going to get rid of his need, or maybe... No, he felt dirty, juvenile when he relieved himself of his desire's, but maybe just this once...his hand wrapped around his erection firmly and he bit his lip at the jump his eager member gave him, he felt greedy as he stroked himself but oh it felt like heaven but not the heaven he so longed for, not even close but as he rubbed his thumb over the head his seed spilled out of him with a grunt of passion, passion for a certain blue-eyed would be nurse who haunted him, and one who he couldn't live without.

Clad in only a pair of black boxers Gold lay in the dark, hoping beyond hope that tonight he would be able to sleep, but he knew better, knew that his thoughts even when he slept always turned to her. He rubbed his hands down his face while he thought seriously about getting up and fixing another drink. Finally the drink won out and as he sauntered around the livingroom his eyes reverted back to the large box laying on the couch, beckoning him. He would take it to her, when he had seen it he knew it had been crafted specifically for Bella. No matter what, even if she didn't show or spit in his face when she found him out, he knew without a doubt that she would look stunning.


"Belle are you alright honey?" Granny's concerned voice sang through the bathroom door. Belle wiped her eyes but Granny could hear her sniffles through the door, "We're pretty slow tonight why don't you take the rest of the night off and get some rest." She didn't want to bring to attention that she had witnessed the whole thing with Gold outside, afraid it would bring on a fresh onslaught of tears from the distraught girl. "Thank you, your right I'm not feeling myself." Granny sighed with relief when Belle emerged swollen eyed and red-nosed. She felt sorry for the kid, love could be exhausting and if it was one thing Granny could spot a mile away it was two people in love, although she would have never have thought it out of these two unlikely pair, Bella was so sweet and Gold..well, Gold was Gold. apparently opposites do attract and man where they opposites, but she seemed to bring something out in Gold that made him easier to tolerate, he hadn't even batted an eyelash when she had named the price for her silence.

Belle climbed the stairs with a defeated look on her face and her heart sank when no Rose greeted her as they usually did. With a heavy heart she unlocked her door and threw down her keys before removing her coat and shoes. Maybe it was time to move on, Gold obviously had. He hadn't even so much as touched her while they were in the car, in fact he had seemed skittish, ready to bolt if she had come near him. Belle sniffled at her own stupidity, she had wanted nothing more than to throw herself at him and beg him to make Love to her once more, but she did have her dignity to think of even if there wasn't much of it.

She took off her diner uniform and instead of the trouble of putting on night-clothes opted for just her bra and panties as she lay across her bed . She gathered her body pillow close, and before she could stop herself a fountain of misery and tears poured out onto the pillow that bared the brunt of her feelings. Maybe she should just go to Boston, get away from all this. She would be sorry to leave Ruby and Granny for they had become good friends, something she had never had much of in the past, but living in the same town, seeing him everyday was breaking her heart and she couldn't even contemplate what she would do if he were to start seeing someone. Yes, she would put in her notice, she would leave, it was the best thing for everyone involved.


A sharp rap on her door awoke her, Belle's head pounded as she grabbed her robe. 'Oh God, Please make it stop' her temples pulsed in time with the banging and she thought once about biting whoever's head off that had the audacity to bang on her door so early,'this better not be Greg" She thought to herself as she jerked it open, reveling a young man holding a rather large box. "This is for you Mam, if you don't mind signing here" he held out a pad that Belle promptly scribbled on. "Thank you" she said as he handed her a large silver box with a decadent ribbon on top of it. "What in the world?" she shut the door and set the package down on the couch while she slipped into the bathroom to take care of a few necessities.

Sure enough the box was waiting for her when she returned but she was a little apprehensive about opening it, she wasnt really sure why. It was almost too pretty to open she thought as she undid the box and lifted the heavy lid. A rather large gasp escaped her as she stared at the silk gown and shoes to match. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and much to her delight a single rose lay on the gown accompanied by a small note that was attached. The rose was red, she didn't have to look it up to know what it meant. She plucked it out and smelled its fragrance before setting it aside without reading the note, she had to get a look at this dress.

It was a thin silver gown made of silk, she rubbed it against her face feeling its soft texture. its spaghetti straps were decorated with small delicate sequins as was the soft design across the bodice of it. she held it against her, it looked like a perfect fit, she had never saw anything like it "oh" she almost forgot about the shoes. she took them out, they were a perfect match for such a beautiful dress and then she saw the silver mask. It was breathtaking as it matched the dress, it was all too much she thought as she slipped on the shoes to find that they fit perfectly on her small feet. Then she remembered the note, she plucked the card from off the rose and read it."I'll be waiting for you tonight at precisely 10:00, meet me on the gazebo, I'll be waiting, untill then."

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she took in the note and the contents of the dress, it was all so much, almost too much to fathom. She had worried that she would have to work tonight but surprisingly Granny had told her not to worry about coming in unless it was for the masked dance.


It was almost 10 and there he stood, waiting for her. His well-fitting black tux and mask to match left him feeling constricted, he fiddled with his tie. His fingers shook from anticipation and fear, would she run when she found out it was him standing on that gazebo? He checked his watch, 10 more minutes, time seemed to have stopped. the gazebos looked stunning for his Bella, Lights had been wrapped around every stick, winding their way down as Roses of every color weaved their way through. They created a barrier around the gazebo to hide them, so that they could have a magical setting for what he hoped was their reunion. He walked around the circle of it, rubbing his hands across some of the flowers, smelling others all in an attempt to calm his frazzled nerves, he checked his watch again, 9 minutes, '9 minutes, really? what if she doesn't come? what if she's already left?' His mind went haywire at all the things that could go wrong with this night, he had to remain calm, if she left he resolved to go after her, to the ends of the earth if need be, anywhere.

He hung his head and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, 'she has to come' he thought. He had his back to the opening when he heard footsteps coming up the few stairs, he honestly didn't know if he was brave enough to turn, but somehow he found the courage and as he did his mouth went dry at the sight of her.

Bella reached the plateau of the gazebo at last. Her mouth had hung open at the beautiful canopy of lights and roses but what awaited inside was pure heaven. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry but the closer she got the harder it was to keep her tears at bay. He had his back to her when she entered, his black tux tailored to fit looked wonderful on him, 'oh God, Nick.' All the worry and frustration that had plagued her seemed to melt away when he turned to face her.

Her legs felt like they might have given out from beneath her as he approached, and she then noticed his cane, or the absence it. "Your cane, it's gone?" He looked down at his leg before he turned his gaze to her with a grin, "It's gone Bella, and thanks to you it will never be back." Bella gave him a radiant smile, " I guess Nursing for Dummies isn't such a bad book after all." they both laughed at the same time before falling into a hushed silence, Gold stepped closer to her and Bella could feel her temperature rise at his closeness, he smelled so good she closed her eyes and inhaled him in.

"I've made a lot of mistakes, but by far the biggest one was not going after you that day." Bella bit her lip before looking at him shyly, "Nick, your leg was injured, I should have never.." He stopped her with a finger to her lips, "You did nothing wrong, you were following your gut, I acted..." he tried to come up with an appropriate word, "unforgivably."

Bella couldn't help it when tears escaped from under her mask.

Before she could react he was pulling something out from inside his Jacket. Her heart felt like it had stopped when he produced a small black box. "But if you will give me one more chance,I'd like to spend the rest of my life making it up too you." Bella bit back a sob as she launched herself into his arms, bypassing the box in his hand. Her hands found their way into his hair as she pulled him into a kiss. He didn't need any more encouragement than that as she melted against him, he gripped her so tight Bella thought she might pass out.

He whispered his love for her in her ear before moving his mouth to her throat. She sighed in his arms as she held him for dear life, vowing never to let him go. His demanding lips found hers as he kissed her as if he sought to desire her. When they finally stopped due to lack of air, he spoke, "Don't you want to look at it at least? You might change your mind." Bella laughed out loud and Gold knew that without a doubt it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.

"I don't care if it's a plastic ring out of a gumball machine, I'll love it forever." Gold's face spilt into a large smile, bringing out his dimples that Bella loved so much but had been deprived of for weeks, "Well, not exactly a plastic ring from a bubblegum ball machine, but I think there might be one of those in the diner if you'd rather. I could.." Before he could finish Bella snatched the box from him, "I'm sure this one will suit me just fine Mr. Gold" she said with a smile.

"Well Miss French how do you like it?" He got a little worried when she opened it but didn't speak, maybe she had changed her mind. Bella just stared at the ring in the black velvet box. It was gorgeous, two roses with stems that wound around to form the interwining circle. Each rose had a diamond inside and the whole thing made out of the finest gold money could buy. With shaking fingers she plucked it from the box and held it in her hands. "You don't have to answer me right now, I know it's early, just think about it Bella and please don't go, please say you'll stay and come home, and I know I don't deserve it or you, but know that I-I Love you, and I'll never let you go again."


"Come with me" she whispered into his ear before leading him to her little studio apartment. Gold had never been inside other than the lobby..and well the stairs, he had seen a lot of the stairs. It was the nicest the hotel had to offer but it was cosy and secluded enough for what Bella obviously had in mind too. They stood staring into each others eyes, breathing as one. Bella started to pull off her mask before he stopped her, "Leave it, I like it." Bella nibbled her lip as she watched him unbutton his jacket and remove it before pitching it over the chair.

She took his cue and captured his tie giving it a tug before delicately pressing her lips to his , but Gold didn't want soft, he needed her and needed her now. After the tie was discarded he kissed her shoulder feeling her shiver before pulling the thin strap of her dress down her arm. Bella let out a gasp when he turned her body away from him before placing a gentle kiss between her shoulder blades, her skin was so smooth and soft Gold couldn't keep his hands from roaming , circling her shoulders before slowly unzipping his beauty out of her dress. The sound of the zipper being undone made Bella's legs shake from the anticipation of his hands and body on hers.

With almost no urging she stepped out of her dress and Gold let it fall to the floor, leaving Bella standing in only her mask, a g-string that was silver like the rest of her outfit and her heels. Bella turned to face him, "You have me at a disadvantage Mr. Gold." He gave her a playful grin, "How is that Miss French?"

Bella blushed a scarlet that was visible even behind a mask, at that moment Gold wanted to fall at her feet and just worship her.

"Allow me Mr. Gold." Bella slowly unfastened his shirt, their eyes locked on each other, she didn't know if she was dreaming, he seemed so beautiful to her, almost other worldly. His eyes held her captive as well as his lips as he leaned in for a kiss. She felt his fingers on her chin. God she felt like some child, naive, stupid in the art of Making Love, she didn't quite know what to do or where to put her hands, so she gripped his shoulders as his explored her mouth.

He saw that her lips were swollen from his kisses but she was just so..delicious. He could see the uncertainty in her manner and he loved it, loved that about her. Her eyes flew open when he picked her up, she immediately wrapped her legs around his waist but with her slight weight Gold could easily bear it. He made a mental note to thank Whale, even through Gold was pretty sure he was about half a quack.

His strong hands gripped her firmly as she wound her arms around his neck. Suddenly she felt the bare wall at her back as he pushed her against it before taking her nipple in his mouth. Bella cried out at the shock than ran through her body at the touch of his mouth on her sensitive skin. She found herself grinding against his pants and moaning like she had been making Love all her life. "Just do what feels right Bella." He said through gritted teeth. He was trying in vain to go slow untill she felt confident enough to let herself go but he was failing miserably.

"Just take me Nick, I can't bear it" she sounded almost desperate for his touch, as if her life depended on it. Nick sighed his relief as he held her up with one hand and unzipped his pants quickly with the other. Bella felt a moment of fear as she felt his erection press into her body. Last time it had hurt and the memory of that pain, lingered for a second before he was filling her and oh, it felt wonderful. He impaled her as he held her against the wall, working her body up and down, taking his fill of her. "Open your eyes, I want to see those eyes Bella." his voice sounded hoarse as he pumped away inside her. Bella's eyes rolled open as if she were in a trance, nothing but the feeling of him within, he was buried in her so deep that it combined pleasure and a slight twinge of pain that somehow added to the bliss.

Gold knew he couldn't last and felt himself shatter when he felt her walls tighten around him as she cried out his name. He held her there till he could catch his breath before carrying her to lay down gently on the bed. Bella was sure that if he had set her on her feet they would have surely given out on her. Gold lay down beside her, pulling her close as she nuzzled at his neck feeling almost shy, not really wanting to look Gold in the eyes. But Gold had other ideas as he leant back , forcing her to look up at him. She held his gaze for a moment before turning her head away, feeling suddenly shy.

"Are you alright, I didn't mean to hurt you Bella, Are you in pain?" Bella shook her head, "No Nick, I'm fine, I mean it was fine..I mean it was more than fine.." Gold snickered at her rambling. "I'm just embarrassed, I do-don't know what I'm doing, I just don't want to disappoint you." Gold's face softened, he gently soothed her hair back from her face, "Bella, we could live forever and you would never disappoint me," the sincerity evident in his words made tears form in Bella's eyes. One slipped out and Gold kissed it away. "You know You say your embarrassed but I don't recall your nervousness earlier" he joked with her, "Come to think of it your were quite brave, and you looked like you were having a good time from where I was sitting." He loved making her blush, he throughly intended to keep her a vibrant shade of pink every single night for the rest of their lives.

They slept in each other's embrace, and Bella was pleasantly surprised to feel Gold's fingers tracing her skin before they made love yet again. This coupling was must softer, not the primal instincts that had besieged them earlier, making Love slowly as they drank in each other. Bella lay with her head on Gold's chest when morning came, her blanket tucked around their bodies.

Gold's eyes fluttered open when he felt her head move, she turned and gave him a soft smile, "Good morning" Gold's arm came around her, pulling her closer, "very good morning" she laughed at his little joke.

Gold sat up on the side of the bed, as Bella searched for her robe. It was his turn to feel the sting of embarrassment as he waited for her to go to the washroom before leaving the security of the blanket,quickly pulling his pants before she returned.

Bella emerged from the bathroom to find him making tea on the stove. She walked up behind him noticing how good he looked from the back only wearing dress pants with tousled hair. No one ever in the history of Storybrooke had even found a hair out-of-place from the immaculate pawn broker. Bella put her arms around him, his hands immediately covered hers as he turned in her arms. His brows took on his most serious slant, "Bella, please say your let me take you home, I can't bear to be there without you,I love you Bella French." Her hands cupped his face, "and I love you Nicholas Gold and I'm ready, take me home.


Sorry if this chapter sucked or didn't live up to anybody's expectations, I feel like shit. I love all my reviewers, thank you so much for taking the time to read my stories. I go to the hospital friday and I might be done if all goes well, wish me luck.