The smile I see in my friends face just confirms my suspicion… He's in love. "So you two what brings you here? Trying to crash our date or trying to make it a double date?" I can't help but smile at my friend, my happiness for him is immense.

Hector just shook his head at me, "Fie, what is going through that head of yours?"

"Just that you my dear Hec left out some vital information about your boyfriend." I turned to look at my new boss. "And you, interviewing me but never mentioned your relationship with my best friend. So which one of the two of you is going to tell me about all about this?" I asked asked as I wave my finger between the two.

Carlos sits back down next to me, while Hector sits at the table, Tank goes to the kitchen to get extra place settings. I see out of the corner of my eye Carlos gives Tank a look of it's time for you to leave, but Tank just shrugged his shoulders to his friend.

Once they have settled in, I said "So start talking one of you or both of you, I don't care who just start talking." With a grin on my face.

I focus on Hector as he starts, "I wasn't in a good place when I left you Fie, I was starting to get destructive I was toying with get back into the gang, but Tia Ella grabbed my ear and brought me here. I have to tell you she seriously put un daño a mi hombría. She talked to Ranger into giving me a job, thankfully I no longer feel like it was a pity offer anymore. I have gotten to do something that I love and accel at my computer work, but I stipulated that I did this by myself. I was in no mood to be around others, so this allowed me the time to work through my loneliness from missing you. Yes, le di una patada mi propio culo, but through all my "angst" as mi novio likes to call it he was my constant. He came to check up on me, he was the one that stood strong when the anger at myself got the better of me. He is the one who held me when the missing you got to me too much, he let me work through all of my feelings while in the safety of his arms. This caballero grande slowly worked at the shield around my heart and when he finally asked me on a date, I couldn't help but say yes to him. We've been together for about two years now, no one but the core team know, I'm not a shame but the details of our relationship isn't any of their business. He knows he is my love as I know I am his." The reached across the table to hold hands.

Tank spoke next while maintaining eye contact with Hec, I was swooning at the love that past between these two. "I was surprised that you are my Hector's Fie. I have to tell you I had no idea when I interviewed you until just a bit ago when he filled me in. I can tell you are already have an impact on the men in my life, my boyfriend and my best friend. You little girl and I are going to have to spend some time together to get to know one another outside of work. I'd like to be friends with you, but please let me know now if it this will be a problem with the boss/employee relationship."

"No Tank, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." I told him sincerely.

"Good now that is settled, we did come up here for a reason beyond crashing your date." He grinned at me a broke out into a bigger smile towards Carlos.

"Report" Carlos said.

"I've brought a new file with me to see about getting Steph's help on. When Hector saw it he knew that she'd want in on it. What do you say little girl, feeling like getting a one Joseph Morelli back into state custody?"

A/N: The characters in this story are not mine; I make no money out of this adventure. The only thing I get is the satisfaction of writing it and hopefully providing entertainment to you the reader! For the one who makes the money of these characters please see Janet Evanovich.


un daño a mi hombría - a hurting on my manhood

Le di una patada mi propio culo - I kicked my own ass.

mi novi - my boyfriend

mi roca - my rock

Caballero grande - gentle giant