School, Love, and Mafia Things

Rated: T

Pairings: R27, 5927, 8027, 3327(slight), 1827, fem!27

Genres: Romance/Friendship

Disclaimer: I don't own the mighty KHR!

Warnings: I don't know... Maybe a few things you won't like, Incredible time-skip

A/N: Gomenasaaai, minnaa! I haven't update for more than 2 months! I'm so sorry! This has never happened before! I don't know why, I have a HUGE writer block yesterdays, and I don't have any idea what to write anymore! Please don't be mad. Before this update, my passion in writing has decreased drastically, and my style has changed too. I don't know if it's better or not, but I hope you will forgive me and continuously follow my story! Enjoy your staying here, and let's begin the new arc!

Oh! Happy (Late) Birthday to Mukuro-samaaa! And... Happy (Early) Birthday to Iemitsu-san! I haven't done this chapter yet when it was Mukuro-sama's birthday, so I decided to update it 3 days after his birthday and 3 days before Iemitsu-san's birthday. Gomen for both of you XD

Thanks to:

Rikkai and hyotei lover: Yup, I feel sorry for him too. Thanks for reviewing, BTW.

CuteDork: *pats you on the back* Don't cry... I will make Hibari happy again!

Miyuki Nuvola Ame: no comment ._.

ezcap1st: no comment ._.

Unknown Being: Thanks!

xDarkxKurokox: Hahaa thank you for giving such a supporting review! I actually enjoy writing 18Fem!27 actually, because I love that pairing too!

xXnazaraXx: Thanks!

xXstarmiXx: Awww... I update, okay?

ReiOokami: Anything for you, my friend!

belladu57: Thanks!

For the reviews! I appreciate your critics and your compliments!

Chapter 8: The loveable school, Namimori High School

A lot time had passed. But there wasn't any sign of the said Rokudo Mukuro. He didn't come. But the news of his escapes spread all over the world of mafia. Many famiglia searched for him and aimed for his murder. They even sent people to look for him even if the truth said that he was in Japan. From entire world, people were flooded by the news of Rokudo Mukuro's objective. It was obvious for them, that the criminal purpose to come to Japan was to capture the Vongola Decimo. They didn't know who exactly the blessed person was, unfortunately. Only sixteen people knew about the person and had seen the person physically, such as, Vongola Nono and his guardians, Sawada Iemitsu and the rest of the CEDEF, Reborn, Gokudera Hayato, and the last, the Vongola Decimo herself, Sawada Tsunayoshi. To her displeasure, sometimes, the famiglia sent an assassin to catch her too. But the fate said otherwise that she couldn't be recognize as long as there was Reborn by her side, and also the CEDEF's protection.

Not to thank her luck, she wished that all her first school days will be better than middle school. Being the bullied one for almost 4 years made her a bit traumatized by it greatness of affection in her whole life. She tried hard to forget it, but sometimes it didn't work. All her head spinning violently just to imagine how her life would be in her new high school. Even if she wanted to just stay at her home forever, writing diaries like all the girls do, writing a random love-comedy novel that would never be published, playing video games that she had never played before, or even better, studying. Her routines were never changed after that, and that leaves her with an uncared skin, long brunette hair that reached her toes, and her broken eyes. All of them were just because of her phobia of going outside, being mocked, scolded, gossiped, and punched, for being a girl that took away their idol.

The reason why it never happened was all thanks to the man that now lived in her room, never tired watching her wherever she was going. His fedora was always there, on his head, with his beloved pet or maybe partner, Leon, transforming chameleon with long tail, long tongue and fierce eyes that matched with his master. That man's name is Reborn. He had tall, well-built body, thin legs, and also pale skin that showed everyone that he was definitely not a Japanese. His amber eyes was blazing orange, accompanied by his spiky raven-black hair that formed one sideburn on each of his left and right. He was handsome, that wasn't a lie, note that. He even could make all the girls (and boys) that surrounded him melted just to see his face. Just to imagine he laid next to you, with soft eyes and velvety low voice of his was clearly making you fainted with a nosebleed. Well, that worked to the brunette too, for just the first time, until it was revealed that he was some kind of sadistic jerk of a home tutor (or a ladykiller?).

The brunette, considered that they were living in the same roof, or maybe in the same room, tried to ask the raven haired man about a bit sensitive conversation:

"Hey, Reborn, do you have a lover?" she asked as a blush spread across her exposed cheeks. Reborn raised an eyebrow and titled his fedora upwards so the caramel-eyed girl could see his cold icy gaze.

"Yes, I have about... Maybe eight or nine or something. I don't particularly remember." he turned his eyes to the mafia newspaper he usually read, didn't care about her presence afterwards.

"E-Eight?! That's so many! How do you take care of them?" the girl spluttered with a tint of rage in her soprano voice, couldn't believe the fact. The fedora man sighed in annoyance, glanced at her with only a move of his eyes.

"They could take care of themselves. They are also in other families. I don't really care about them, and neither they do, well except for one woman." he explained literally, felt strange why he answered the 16 year-old girl's questions.

"One? Who?"

"Her name is Bianchi. She is my forth lover, she's 18." the young man huffed, looking over to the newspaper idly.

The girl could only ignore his cold attitude and thought how the heck that he managed to do that.

Yup, he was a total jerk and a two-timer, wait, eight-timer that didn't care about girls' feeling. He was too prideful that she thought maybe he would never have a child. That was impossible, she noted. But despite his attitude, he cared for her. He was unexpectedly kind and sometimes generous, although it was only for the brunette and she would never know it.

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed. It was April, and the school was about to start. Reborn's sadistic trainings kept going as usual, never went generous. Tsuna could barely follow her training, but being a good girl she was, she didn't complain anything and did her job, sometimes well sometimes half-heartedly.

She didn't tell her secret to her friends, except Gokudera that had already known for so long. She didn't want her friends to worry about her. She bet that if she told them, they would not want to be with her again. Really, if she were her friends and then knew that one of her friend was a mafia boss, she wouldn't want to befriend with the person, considering how dangerous it was. So, she kept her secret, even with her mother, and got her mouth completely shut.

Until the day before her school started, the brunette and the tutor never mentioned anything about the escaped criminal, and constantly forgot about it. They could barely notice how uncaring they were if the escapees' target was the girl. Nonetheless, the hitman always watching from the edge of his eyes and never stopped his vigilance. After all, the Vongola Decimo was in his care from the Ninth's will.

The fedora man huffed as he took a daily mafia newspaper from Leon and opened it. He reached out his espresso that was on the desk in his and the girl's bedroom before sliding the hot liquid into his cavern. Bitterness spread, but the hitman clearly loved the sour-sweet taste that was hidden beneath it. After a few gulps, he placed down the cup again and began to examine the loads of paper that in his held.

Peaceful day indeed. No one disturbed him from the raging silent across the warm wind. He liked it when the weather wasn't either cold or hot. The blow of air was comforting and relaxing his mind, making him forgot about everything that gave him a headache.

He was alone in the house. The lovebirds were taking a date as usual. The brunette was out with her friends, he guessed that maybe she wanted to eat a cake with the girlfriends she had. And so, no one was in his sight.

The raven haired man turned over the pages with only small noises. He looked over from an article to another in a split minute because of his fast reading, and stopped when he found the interesting one once more.

The news about Rokudo Mukuro.

It was a rare case this lately, so the raven only raised an eyebrow and looked closer to the small article on the edge of the paper. He cursed to the person that made the print-out. It was hard to see after all.

Reborn read the article as he tipped up his fedora to clear his limited sight.






The man unconsciously crushed the paper and dig his fingers into his flesh. Anger, worries and rage building in his chest. The feeling he hated the most. He felt his heart boiled, taking his lungs to sea of fire. His breath stopped and continued uncontrollably as he threw away the newspaper to his side with a small tud. It landed on the floor, already crumpled and broken by the touch of the hitman's hand.

The amber-eyed man pulled off his hat when his head became as hot as his chest. Putting the hat on the table, his other hand clenched his forehead. Uninviting headache approaching the space in his minds. He tried to keep it away from him, but being a stubborn illness, the ache soon came harshly, crushing Reborn's head with a huge invisible rock.

Reborn breathed big amount of air and huffed it to the empty air, glaring to the hollow space around him and sighed. He made his head fall back so it stared at the ceiling above him. Pain changed into thoughts. As he remembered the news that were written on the piece of paper, he searched for some solutions that could solve the problem that had long forgotten.

Thinking was what he always did. He never stopped doing it even though problems or complications weren't come any soon. Being a thoughtful person he was, he sightly hoped that he wouldn't be old for these times. He looked around the house for a while, glancing at the clock. It was noon, but his stomach didn't want any food. He raised his eyebrow to himself. Maybe thinking made his appetite decrease drastically.

He closed his eyes. Sleepiness that he held down a long time ago began to take a chance to strike. His uneasy feelings that had roamed around his chest soon faded with the complicated thoughts. Reborn huffed his breath. The coffee he just drank earlier didn't work at all. It brought him to sleep instead of awake. Should he sleep? He thought. But if he slept, the problem wouldn't be solved. So what would he do?

But yet, his mind went blank as he drown into a deep sleep...

Tsuna bend down as she took the door key below the rug. Didn't know why, when she pushed the bell, no one answered. At first, she thought that her mother and father were going somewhere with Reborn, but being an independent man he was, Reborn wouldn't want to be with the young couple. So, she concluded that he maybe was looking for the great coffee he usually bought in the shop district or searching for food because Nana wouldn't be cooking anything for lunch, since she left the house.

But strangely, Tsuna felt the man's presence. Even if the wind that stroke her cheeks said that no sound was heard, she believed her strong intuition. Reborn had told her that her intuition is invincible and never would be wrong. She never felt Reborn told any lies to her. She trusted him, even though he was the culprit of the loads of hell trainings she daily got. She sighed at the thoughts. She wanted her freedom sometimes, but she just couldn't refuse the raven haired man's greediness in training. And considering that he went to Japan only to tutor her, she always became the selfish one, didn't care any of her tutor's feeling.

Tsuna gripped the door knob that had been unlocked by the keys. The feelings of caring the fedora man came back to her chest like flowing water. Guilty, she thought. She disliked the man very much, she usually said to herself, but deep in her small heart, she cared for him, like he cared for her.

Thinking, she turned the knob and straightly went inside. She pulled her shoes that attached to her feet, making it fell to the wooden floor. Then, she stepped inside with a faster pace than her usual. She needed to check whether or not the hitman's here. She had to, or she would be haunted by her own intuition. The girl carefully dragged her legs to the kitchen, to where the hitman usually was, just to find it empty. Then, to upstairs, the result, nil. Backyard, nothing. Bathroom, none. So? The last place was the living room. She unconsciously raised eyebrow. The hitman was seldom to be in the living room. He didn't like how it was too homey for a person that related to the dark world. But looking everywhere except the living room and found it empty, she didn't have any choice but to try searching in the living room. So, the living room was her next destination.

She walked silently to the only closed room as she opened the door. Observing the biggest room in her house, she was surprised by the sight in front of her. The hitman, sat on the couch with his legs spread wide and his knees touched the edge of the table. His hands rested on the backrest as his head fell back to the hollow space behind the couch, certainly without his signature fedora. The fedora was on the table, with Leon shifted on it, sleeping like no tomorrow.

Tsuna quietly approached the individual, hoping the other wouldn't notice her aura and glanced at the man's face. Unnoticeable by herself, she instantly had a faint blush on her pale colored cheeks. The man had his eyes closed, his mouth parted slightly to breath the air and the usual covered hair was now could be seen clearly. It was spiky raven, looking rather silky than rough. The raven looked so peaceful... Making Tsuna thought that he was cuter and more... handsome than his usual appearance. She smiled to herself. It was rare to see the hitman like this. Wait, correct that. It was one in million chance to see the hitman like this, she noted. She never saw the hitman sleeps so slumber, because usually, she was the one that slept first, and she woke up with him had already opened his eyes. And napping? The hitman never took a nap. Well, not in her sight. This was the very first time she spotted the tutor of her sleeping in the afternoon.

With her fingers numb and moving hard, she reached her phone and secretly took a picture. The moment was too precious to be forgotten. She had to save it. And so, she did. After taking two pictures, she rose up and went to her bedroom, pulling out a newly-washed orange blanket from the closet. In less than 2 minutes, she had come back to the living room. She messed the folded sheet in her held as she spread it out to cover the hitman's body. It wasn't cold, but if a person slept without any blanket, the person could catch a cold.

Tsuna smiled warmly to the sleeping figure in front of her. Looking at him, she couldn't help but feel peaceful also. She wanted him to be like this sometimes. He always got on his own nerves after all. He made all the pressure inside his brain without flowing it to another person. She thought that maybe, he could fall into a deep distress any time, if he didn't give any of it to her or her father. He acted like he was strong, powerful, iron-hearted, but that was the outside. Inside, he may felt like screaming and kicking everything in his sight. She frowned at that thought. Maybe, she didn't know his stress at all. Or, she didn't want to know? She couldn't guess her feelings anymore.

Yawning, she started to feel sleepy. The warmth yet coldness of the blowing wind making eyelids fell down. She carefully approached the couch and sat down. She rested her back against the backrest as she closed her eyes to follow the man drift into the land of dreams.

After 2 minutes, she left the realistic world, with her body unconsciously leaned to the man next to her.

Nana opened the front door with a tint of confuse. Her eyes trailed over to what in front of her. No one was there. She could not hear any sound and the house was filled with the intimidating silence. She titled her head, wondering.

'Ara? No sound could be hear? Isn't Reborn here? And Tsuna isn't coming home yet? Are they asleep?'

Nana decided to check. She looked at the kitchen, empty. 'Are they upstairs?' She glanced to the living room, only to widen her eyes. Reborn and Tsuna was sleeping next to each other with Tsuna leaned to Reborn's shoulder. Both of the faces were peaceful, didn't care about their surroundings.

'They're asleep.' Nana approached them. She stared at the two figure in front of her as she warmly smiled. 'They are so cute together... I wonder why Iemitsu-kun didn't want them dating... They certainly are perfect for each other.' Her smile faded, replaced by a simple frown. 'But...'

'... Tsu-chan's male friends... They love her so much too, don't they? Yamamoto-kun, Gokudera-kun, Ryohei-kun, and Hibari-kun... Will they... try to get Tsu-chan's heart?' Nana thought as she left the room, after covering Tsuna's body, slightly hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

'Iemitsu-kun's gone to Italy once again. Does he really care about his daughter?'


Namimori High School, a place for a teenager between 15-18 years old to earn a truthful studies. The buildings were normal, not luxurious or looked like a slum. Bricks formed a tall wall that encircle the construction, protected the people inside it. Sakura trees were placed in each angle. They were blooming beautifully as the Spring air blew the petals down to the cold cement. One of the petal landed on a palm that opened to feel the wind.

Tsuna caught a petal in her hand and pinched the soft flesh between her fingers. It was pink with a shade of gray and white. Beautiful, she thought as she stared at it. She never observed a sakura petal before and now, she was amazed by its prettiness. The color, the texture, the figure, it was nearly perfect. She smiled and looked at the other petals above her that dancing gently with the air. Her new school's sakura trees were lovely. She loved it. She could feel too that this new period of her school life would be much better. With her friends by her side, she could face anything, even the bullies.

She glanced over to the spiky haired, the gray haired, the silver haired, and the raven haired teens that arguing about something (well actually, the spiky haired was composing and the raven haired was ignoring all of them), while the honey haired tried to calm her brother. She walked towards them, her feet touching the ground with happiness. Her friends were certainly her main cheeriness. They were the one that made her smile, never feeling alone anymore.

Tsuna felt blessed.

"Okay, from now on, you are all a student of class 1-A. My name is Ikukiga Yuuha, your homeroom teacher for one year." the young female teacher introduced herself in front of the class as she wrote her name. The freshmen gazed at her, hoping they could manage to remember her name as soon as possible. "Today, we will have some introductions from your classmates. Now, the one that I call, would you please introduce yourself, Shuyoku Teri."

A girl with long ebony hair stood from her chair, facing the numerous student behind her. "My name is Shuyoku Teri, from Herikou-chuu. Pleased to meet you."

Teri bowed before she sat on her chair once more.

The normal introductions went on continuously, until it was Gokudera's turn. He tch-ed in annoyance as he put his hands in his pocket. "Gokudera Hayato, Studied junior-high in Italy." he said with a harsh tone, making him looked like a bad-ass teen. The girls in the classroom instantly whispered about his sexiness in appearance and admired him, even after Gokudera had sat back. Tsuna looked around. The girls had a weird blushes on their face. She raised her eyebrow before looking to the silveret that was on the chair in front of her. She smiled. The guy sure was popular. She already had the feeling that he was going to be even before they hadn't gotten to school yet. In the streets, she always saw women squeal when the teen passed them. She thought it was strange somehow at that time, but she immediately understood them, because she was a lot like that too when she first met the Italian. But no squeal, mind you.

Not long after that, it was Yamamoto's turn. Yamamoto flashed a broad grin to every person in the class and Tsuna rolled her eyes for various kind of squeal. "Hi, everyone! My name's Yamamoto Takeshi! I'm from Rikou-chuu, and I hope we all get along together!" Yamamoto sat back, feeling like as happy as he first get a 100 in Math test. Tsuna glanced at the person behind her. She frowned. She guessed that the baseball player was popular among girls too.

"Good morning. My name is Sasagawa Kyoko. I'm from Hakugen-chuu. Nice to meet you." Kyoko's turn was a concert. Boys cheered her with whistles, compliments and other things. Tsuna flashed an annoyed expressions as she put her chin on her palm. The boys sure were noisy. She knew that Kyoko is cute, beautiful and angelic, but the sounds that the other teens made disturbed her, especially because it was for her dear friend.

Finally, Tsuna had a turn, and it was the last. Tsuna stood up after huffing, and gazed to everyone in the class. The eyes that locked on her made her feel nervous. Especially the girls. Their fierce glance crushed her confidence like a brick. The look of their faces showed some dislikes to Tsuna's appearance that made her fidgeted. Tsuna opened her mouth, but no voice came out. Stutters even hard to make. She closed her eyes, hoping she would faint somehow, until she felt a pat on her back. She instantly looked behind and saw Yamamoto beamed an encouraging smile. He moved his mouth to form a small whispers 'Don't be afraid.' he said.

With that, half of Tsuna's bravery came back. She gazed at Gokudera and Kyoko, and got another encouragement. Her bravery had become complete once more. She clenched her fist and looked straight up, slightly hope she didn't stammer. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. I am from Hakugen-chuu. Please take care of me from now on." she bowed. Other students only stared at her, no whisper or compliment or mock, until her body touched the chair again. She heaved a relief sigh, and drowned her head in her arms. She muttered a small thank you to her friends.

At least, the first impression she gave wasn't all that bad...

"Sawada-chan, can I call you Tsuna-chan?" a girl with a ponytail exclaimed as she struggled not to be thrown out of the circle. Tsuna gave a small smile as she urged not to raging between the hold of the students in her classroom. After the bell rang, showed that it was lunch break, there were tons of her classmates surrounded her, asking her questions. She didn't know what was making her this popular, but instead, she felt she was being interrogated. Maybe the classmates thought that it was strange for a girl like her to befriend with Kyoko, Yamamoto and Gokudera? She couldn't tell.

"O-Okay..." she answered, feeling more nervous than the introduction she did earlier. She looked around for a sec and sweat-dropped when she spotted Kyoko, Gokudera and Yamamoto have been like her also. But the difference was only in the way they respond. Kyoko smiled angelically to every person that surrounded her, Yamamoto laughed (a bit idiotically), and Gokudera scowled like no tomorrow to make the classmates get away from him, but his effort was a futile because after that, the girls squealed to how hot he was. Tsuna could only feel sorry for him.

"Sawada, do you have a boyfriend?" a boy with long bangs asked, making Tsuna's attention back to the questions that were asked to her. Hearing the question, she blushed and looked down. She didn't have any boyfriend, but thinking about boyfriends, her minds were full of the pictures of Gokudera, Yamamoto, Hibari, Ryohei and Reborn. She shook her head to make the blush fade away before answered the boy, stuttering of course. "N-No"

Tsuna was in her own minds when the boys cheered for her answer. She didn't know anymore. Who was she supposed to like? Did they like her? She only knew Hibari's feeling about that, since the boy had confessed to her, but... she wasn't sure if the prefect liked her now. They had been lost contact for 2 years, and maybe... just maybe, the prefect had someone else in his heart. So, she didn't want to think that the prefect like her.

But... Talking about boyfriends, when will she fall in love? Feel that someone is special? She never knew about love before. She didn't know about her own feelings too. All she knew was she like all her friends. No one had made her feel like butterfly fluttered in her chest. No one.. So.. Who would be the one that made her like that?

"Tsuna-chan, you're so popular!" Kyoko said enthusiastically. They were on the rooftop, having lunch after an exhausting question corner. They decided to lock the rooftop, so the fangirl and fanboy wouldn't disturb their peace. They too invited Ryohei to lunch, even though they couldn't find Hibari. So here they were, sat in circle with a box in their hands. Tsuna was sitting beside Kyoko, which sat beside Ryohei, which sat beside Yamamoto, which sat beside a growling Gokudera, which tried to protect Tsuna from a laughing Yamamoto. Tsuna wanted to face-palm because of Gokudera's over-protectiveness, Yamamoto's density, and Ryohei's extremeness, but she just let that go and chatted with Kyoko.

"I'm not popular like you, Kyoko-chan. They were just asking question, which I don't know why they asked that." Tsuna waved her hands, obviously denied a rare compliment.

"You are, Tsuna-chan. Look how boys tried not to stare at you all the time!" Kyoko tried to add some confidence. "Don't you think so too, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto-kun?"

Yamamoto looked up with a mouth full of sushi and smiled. "Yup! I caught Shou stare at you!"

"That's right, Juudaime! You are popular!" Gokudera exclaimed, made Tsuna sigh. She didn't expect that they would say that. She only nodded to them, before tooking a small bite of her mother's cook. It was delicious, but she could feel that there was a bitter taste in it, pointed that her mother was sad. She knew, that after her parent's date, her father departed back to Italy. Her mother said that with a sour tone. Tsuna actually could feel rage in her chest when she knew about it. Her father only last 2 months in Japan and went back without saying a goodbye to his daughter. Didn't her father care for her? She wondered continuously in her thoughts. She wanted her father to just leave his job and stay at home instead. But the Ninth's order was absolute, so she let it go. And considering that Rokudo Mukuro had arrived in Namimori based on the mafia newspaper, Tsuna thought that maybe the Ninth wanted to discuss it with her father.

"Hey, Sawada, did you see Hibari? I couldn't find him to the EXTREME!" Ryohei suddenly asked, making all of the company tried not to jump. Gokudera instantly snarled. "You are too loud, Turf Top!"

"What do you say, Octopus Head?!"

Tsuna huffed an effortless sigh as she gazed at Ryohei, titled her head. "No, why do you want to see him, Onii-san?"

"He was EXTREMELY absent in the class earlier!"

"How do you know about that, senpai?" Yamamoto asked as he took another salmon sushi from his lunch box. He savored the taste for a moment, thinking about how delicious his father's sushi before looking back to Ryohei. Ryohei frowned uncharacteristically and crossed his arms.

"I have to make him want to be in the boxing club!"

"And why's that?" Tsuna wondered.

"Because Hibari is my friend to the EXTREME!"

"No, I am not, loud herbivore."

Unexpectedly, Hibari's voice was heard by everybody's ear and they instantly glanced to the source of the voice, only to find the prefect standing on the higher rooftop. "And I won't be in the boxing club where only herbivores are there." He stood tall above them, his coat flew through the wind as an expressionless face came to the sight. His ebony black hair was tidy and fell down behind his head, looked like it was combed earlier before he went to school. His steel-blue eyes stared down with annoyance. Seeing the ebony haired, Tsuna blushed at the thought of their last weird encounter, when she was fainted by the power of Rokudo Mukuro's overwhelming pressure and the prefect saved her and even cried for her. She looked away from the person and decided to ignore the man. The man jumped down to the same level as the herbivores as he caught Hibird onto his index finger and put the little yellow bird on his shoulder. He locked his eyes on Tsuna, slightly on Ryohei to convince that the boxer wouldn't argue with him.

"Tsunayoshi." Hibari spoke first, covered the intimidating silence. Tsuna hesitantly moved her orbs at him, but didn't even face the senpai. Her mouth couldn't form any sound, like there was a zipper that lock her lips together.

"Tsunayoshi." Hibari said again, but no answer, instead, he got it from the snarling silveret that sat beside the brunette and a laugh from the ravenet.

"Tsunayoshi." Hibari repeated, getting irritated as the time went on. He walked closer to the brunette and about to swing his tonfa to make the girl notice him, but was stopped by a whip that was going to encircle his torso and his shoulder. His reflexes saved him and he dodged the attack with his body along his tonfa. He growled, and the others only widened their eyes.

A handsome young man with blond hair and a pair of brown eyes stood on the higher roof, where Hibari had just stood, a middle-age man was behind him. He was wearing a green jacket with a simple shirt and trousers. But his gentle yet sharp eyes stared at the company beneath him with his fierce gaze. He withdraw his whip, and jumped to the lower level, a bit like Hibari.

"Don't you dare hurt my Junior." the man spoke harshly to the prefect.

The young teen with steel-blue eyes twitched at the cold tone the man used and took a defensive stance. The man was a carnivore. He knew, and he was sure. The aura that surrounded the guy was different than the herbivores behind him. He narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you, carnivore?"

The blond looked at him, before turning his head to the brunette, noticing that the girl wasn't considering the ebony haired as an enemy. He thought for a sec, thinking if he should take back his weapon or not, but he did so. He was here not to fight.

Hibari grown to be more aware of the older man's movement as he tried to look for a perfect time to attack. But before he was going to swing his tonfa, he had to convince about the person's identity.

"I said, 'Who are you?'" he stricken his tone.

The brown-eyed wasn't moving. He opened his mouth.

"Rather than asking me about that, why don't you ask the silveret behind you?"

Every eyes turned to Gokudera which was still frozen due to his shock. He came back to reality after the amount of stare and quickly exclaimed.

"Y-You! You are the Bucking Bronco!"

The man's expressions softened to the calling and scratched the back of his head, a tint of pink spread across his cheeks. "Hey, Hayato. Didn't I tell you not to call me with that name?"

Tsuna immediately understood who the man was, considering that Gokudera knew the man. "You are from the mafia?! How do you know about Gokudera-kun?!"

"Wow, Vongola Decimo sure is a cute girl, huh?" he mumbled. "Yeah, you are my Junior after all."

"Eeh? Your Junior?"

"Ciao, Tsuna. My name is Dino, from the Cavallone family. I'm here based from the order of the Vongola Nono. Also, I am... Reborn's previous student."

A/N: Dino made his first appearance! Finally new character! I supposed to make this chapter Mukuro-sama's debut, but I think I want an extra power from the other character as well. Lambo and Bianchi will make their debut after this. Well, we have to gather some source of power first, don't we?

Announcement: I'm currently searching for a beta, because this fic is the the most popular fic among my other fic. If someone may like to be my beta, please let me know in the review, or PM me.

Review, everyone! I will overcome my laziness if I get many reviews!