Hello~ everyone! My name is Hope. Please point out my mistakes and I'll fix it!
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR. I hope I do TAT
Edited: 04/05/13
Beta'ed by saphire644! It was so crappy! But now, it's all neat! Thanks saphire-san ;D
Tsuna's POV
My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. I'm a female college student who dominated the first rank every year ever since middle school; since I only started in middle school. I live alone. My dad died in a murder case when I was 4 and my mom died of exhaustion when she worked too hard for me and my brother; I was 7 at the time. Since she died, my older brother also started to work hard for our living. I was so happy that I still had my brother. But, in the end, he was crushed by the pressure. He sold me to scientists as a guinea pig. I cried my eyes out that day. How could he? I thought he loved me; I was too naïve.
Every day felt like hell since then. They tried something on me; I didn't know what it was but my whole body stung with pain and I cried every time. The other kids that were also present quivered in fear. Some of them died after the first try. Maybe I can count myself as lucky in a way. After a month my tears ran out. I couldn't cry anymore after that. A week after my tears ran out, the thing that they tried on me, worked. An orange flame appeared on my forehead. My body felt like burning. I want to scream but my voice was too hoarse and it hurt to even speak. I also couldn't cry then. Suddenly, power flowed through me. I didn't know where it came from but I used it to beat all those scientists to bloody pulp then afterwards running away. I also released the other kids in the process. I decided that no one was going to help me. I swore that day, that I wouldn't ask for help from others anymore. I had to do things on my own.
I stole food to keep me alive. When I was 10, I worked part-time in different places every 3 hours. I managed money on my own. I used some to buy food while I saved the rest. I always slept in an abandoned alley. I didn't really mind it; after all I only slept for 3 hours at most, since I need to do my part-time jobs. After working for a while, my money was enough to buy a cheap apartment, daily needs and some new clothes. I bought it all. After that, I continued to save my money, because I knew how important it was.
When I had enough, I enrolled as a freshman in Namimori Middle. It was hard to pay for, but I also need to study. They accepted me because of my high scores, despite the fact that I didn't go to elementary school. I always got perfect scores and thanks to that I got scholarship; so, I didn't need to worry about the payment anymore. The teachers praised me, but the other students bullied me. Why? I only did what I should. Maybe that's just how the world is.
Now, I'm still like that. The number one student and bullied by other students. The a hole in my heart that kept growing. Just what could help me from this emptiness I felt? My solution is studying. I could pour all my feelings into it. But, that day…
When I checked the score board, I expected my name on the top, but a guy named Reborn was number one. I felt like my heart had stopped; in the past I just studied to stop that feeling but now?
I wasn't number one anymore. I lost. No way. I had nothing to hold onto anymore . . . I was useless without my intelligence. I was going to be thrown again! No! Please don't! It's enough!
I ran away to the library. I spent almost all day studying. But I needed to work. So I left for my part-time jobs. Also, in the library I felt that someone was watching me but I ignored it. The next day when I was on my way to library, a guy approached me.
"So you're that Tsuna, huh?" he said, he tipped his fedora down and shadowed his eyes.
My face remained expressionless. Who is this cocky guy? I ignored him and continued my way. I noticed him smirking but I ignored it. When I arrived at the library, I felt relaxed. I sat down and picked a book from the shelf. I read it almost eagerly.
My wallet suddenly fell. I blinked and picked it up. A picture fell down from it. I picked that up too. It was a picture of me, my older brother, my mom and my dad. I stared at it blankly. I stared at my older brother specifically. Sawada Ieyasu. He smiled brightly in the picture. I am-was a burden to him. I sighed. I put it back in the wallet and continued to read. Then, I went to my part-time jobs again and went home.
Reborn's POV
My code name is Reborn. I don't feel the need to tell my real name. I'm the greatest Hitman in the world. I work under the Vongola Nono as his most trusted Hitman. One day, he ordered me to tutor his heir in Japan. I obeyed and went to Japan. His name is Sawada Ieyasu. He's Sawada Iemitsu's, the head CEDEF, son, who had been killed by an enemy family.
When I arrived, the brat I found had broke. He smoked and gambled. He even had sex with anyone he found interesting, whether it was male or female. I scowled. This guy needs to be fixed. And fix him I did. He slowly got his morale and sanity back.
Once he got all his sanity back, he regretted all his doing. I heard the thing he regretted the most is something about his sister. I've heard about her. But I don't know much, since Nono hid her existence, maybe it's Iemitsu's request, he was a doting father after all. Oh, well. I'll just focus with work. So, I trained him, you can say it was torture, but it worked nonetheless. I also gave him a new Italian name, Giotto.
After my torture-er training, he grew a backbone. He inherited the Vongola once he graduated from high school. He had chosen his guardians beforehand. The storm, G, the rain, AsariUgetsu, the lightning, Lampo, the sun, Knuckle, the cloud, Alaude, and the mist, Daemon Spade.
It had been seven years since Giotto inherited the family. He became a perfect boss. One day, he called me to his office. When I arrived, he greeted me with his usual blinding angelic smile.
"What do you want?" I asked, quite rudely. His smile was still in place.
"Relax Reborn," he said. I scoffed.
"Just get to the point." I said, rolling my eyes. He chuckled.
"Okay," after the word left his mouth, his eyes becomes serious, "Reborn, I want you to go to this college and search for my sister" I raised an eyebrow. He, understanding the gesture smiled sheepishly.
"I just really want to meet and apologize to her. I really did something outrageous to her in the past. When I asked Alaude, he only told me that she's still alive and in college now. I was so happy and surprised to hear that" He said smiling, a hint of nostalgia in his tone. Then I asked.
"What the hell have you done that it's surprising for her to stay alive and attending college?" He flinched at my question. He clenched his fists, eyes shut tight.
"I . . . sold her to the Estraneo family." He admitted. My eyes widened by a millimeter. We kept silence for a few good minutes. Then I sighed.
"When I find her, you had better apologize," I said coolly and went out. He smiled, grateful.
"Thank you."
So, I went to Japan again. The university she attended was one of the top universities. I smirked. It looked like his sister was better than him. Then I enrolled there. I hacked the university's computer and searched for her information. I was surprised to know that she was actually a genius. There was no photo of her there but I searched for her. I wanted to meet her directly but I didn't know her appearance. Hence, I asked Giotto to send me her descriptions and if there was any, like her photo. I hummed when I read the description he sent me a few minutes later. It looked like Giotto inherited his father's doting nature. There written down was,
She's so cute! Her button nose, innocent big doe eyes, pouty pink lips, petite body, long silky brown hair, white skin, short, and the flower background! Oh! She must be so cute now! She was not really that smart back then! She always ran to me and -... (it's too long that Reborn skipped it) here her picture when she was 6.
I sighed. He really is doting. I don't really understand about the flower background thing but the rest was enough. I analyzed her photo. She was cute, I admitted. The description matched her appearance in the picture. I put the picture in my pocket and sent back big bold words of 'Doting Idiota'. I sighed, that should teach him a lesson. Then I went to the apartment I live in for my stay here, a 5 Star apartment if I may add.
It looked like I entered at the wrong time, since the next day, there were tests. I choose the law faculty, by the way. Since it has something to do with my work as a hitman, in a bad way, mind you. I shrugged. I just need to answer it anyway. I finished it easily and searched around for her. But for some reason I couldn't find her. She's supposed to be in her first year and in the same floor as me. But there's no girl that match with the description Giotto gave me there. Maybe the one he gave me is the beautified version? I shook my head. He needs to learn again.
Then I saw a crowd. Curiosity overtook me. I slipped in the crowd. When I saw what the crowd saw. I sighed in defeat; it was just the score board. I saw my name on the top and smirked, that was easy. And I read the second name, it was Sawada Tsunayoshi. My eyes widened by a millimeter. There! I asked the woman beside me that I just realized drooling at me. Well, that was to be expected. I asked her if she knows about Tsunayoshi. She nodded and said that she was the lone wolf. I raised my eyebrow. She had a title? I asked her again why she is called that. She answered that she is the genius who always did things on her own; she preferred to be alone in the library, and was a geek. She rolled her eyes when she talked about her. It looked like this Tsunayoshi had social problems, almost all she said were bad things about her. I thanked her while smiling a business smile. She fainted. I shrugged. She would wake on her own. Then I left. The crowd around me stared in disbelief at me but I shrugged it off.
I went to the library to search for her. There was only one person there, a girl. I couldn't see her face properly since she ducked her head down to read. I analyzed her. She had some similarities with the description Giotto sent and she was quite like him, except the hair. So, I concluded that she was Tsunayoshi. She stayed in the library for 2 hours then she headed to her part-time job. She switched jobs every three hours. She's the hard-working type huh? She only got home at 2 am. She really is the lone wolf. I smirked and went home myself. She was really interesting.
The next day, I approached her to have a better look at her face.
"So, you're that Tsuna, huh?" I analyzed her, her eyes are a bit narrowed and I didn't see any innocence in it. Well, that was to be expected. She stared blankly at me and left without uttering a single word. I smirked. She was strong. I could feel it. But it's still a hidden potential. I also left, smirking all the way.
The next day was the same, she went to the library. She read a book quietly. Then her wallet suddenly fell. I watched quietly as she picked it up and a picture fell down from it. It was her family picture. She stared blankly at it. Then she sighed. She put it back and continued reading her book. Why did she sigh? Well, she was an interesting one. I'd fool around with her for a while. Then I'd go back to Italy to report it to Giotto later.
So~ what do you think? please review to point out my mistakes. It's also for the sake of a better story for you, you know?