Aww, you guys! Thank you for the incredible response to the return of this story, it really means a lot and definitely inspires me to continue.

fangs girl17: I will try to be updating this story at least once a week? As I've said, I have another Twilight Seth/OC story ongoing right now and so updating both is a little intimidating. Please check back into though! Updates will probably come faster on here once I get more in the swing of things and start stocking up of chapters, waiting to be published.

Khadejah1999: I fully intend to finally get back and finish this book. My problem before was that I had literally no idea where to go with the storyline, but I have since sat down and actually written out a whole path for the story to follow. Like I said above, updating will get better over time, so try to be understanding with me (I know it's hard!)

Anyway, thank you guys for commenting again and enjoy this next chapter! I don't own Twilight or any unoriginal characters.

Being heartbroken over a boy who didn't even know my name was mortifying. Even when I had vented to my own mother, with her look of complete understanding, my words sounded ridiculous in my own ears. Jared Cameron did not care about me! I was invisible to him, anonymous. So why did he have so much of my heart that he left me feeling broken and bruised after that day in the closet?

Laying in bed that night, I tried my best to not think of him. Alone, with only the Man in the Moon for company, nights were usually the times I allowed my mind to wonder to Jared the most. It was the midnight hours when I thought about how it would feel to have just a small piece of his attention, just a passing smile in the hall, or a wave across the parking lot ever now and then. If he could even be bother to learn my stupid name

Maybe that would be enough for me, maybe that would make seeing him with Dana easier.

No, Kim, the rational voice in my head reprimand, You have PSATs coming up and about a million other things to worry about that will actually affect your future. Stop wasting brain power.

That would be a lot easier if I could stop seeing his face every time I closed my eyes. He was etched into my lids, like he was clicked into my heart. I had to erase him, rip him off, cleanse myself of every little piece of Jared Cameron I had held onto for so long.

I remembered my mother's sad eyes and caring words earlier that night, us curled up together with hot chocolate on the couch. Kim Cam, she'd cringed at the nickname her and my brother had come up with just to tease me about Jared, if he doesn't see what's right in front of him, that's his wrong. You are so special, my love.

Just not as special as Dana Fuller. Jared wanted her; he needed her. And I would never be her…

Rolling over restlessly, I sighed and drew my knees up in an attempt to ease the aching in my chest. It didn't help. I almost screamed in frustration, feeling silent tears slip down my face. I hated crying over him; he didn't deserve my tears.

No, crying over him isn't really what I hate, That ration, angry voice came back, It's him. I hate him.

Oh please, you don't. Another, lighter, tone argued with the first. You wish you did, but you don't. Too busy still being in love with him.

The next morning rolled in with sickeningly feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Not only would I be forced to face both Jared and Dana again, but I had ignored Lassa's texts all night and was sure to be in for an ear full. But doctors didn't write school excuses for heartbreak…

The weather seemed about as confused about it's feelings as me. It was raining on my drive to school but the sun must have been shining somewhere behind the storm clouds, because it wasn't pitch black like some days. A chilly breeze sent a shiver down my spine as I shuffled towards the school, fiddling with the keys in my hands.

I was barely through the door when Lyssa fell on my like a wolf to prey. "Kimberly, I swear to god if you don't have a damn good explanation for blowing me off last night, we are no longer best friends."

We're best friends? I wondered absentmindedly. Friends? Sure, okay, but it I wouldn't even trust Lyssa with my locker combination. She only knew of my crush on Jared through her own observations… We weren't best friends.

Still, I sighed and slid my keys into my pocket with a shrug, "I was sick and my mom wanted a night with just the two of us…"

"God, how lame!" She scrunched up her nose in disgust.

"Not really," I grabbed the straps on my backpack and started towards my locker, Lyssa bouncing along next to me. "We talked and just hung out."

"Please, Kim, tell me you aren't one of those total freaks who actually likes their mom?" She whined, leaning on the locker beside mine with a roll of her eyes.

Annoyance flickered through me as I shrugged again and I bit my lip so as to hold my tongue. Honestly, my mother was my best friend, much more so than Lyssa. Since Nick had moved out and Dad had died before I was born, the only person who remained constantly there for me was Mom. She always knew and she always understood, like yesterday when she'd called me out with barely a question. Lyssa definitely did not understand.

Groaning, she narrowed her eyes at me, "You okay?" She pushed off the locker and stepped closer, "Have you been crying? Why?"

My cheeks flushed. God, how embarrassing that people could tell what a mess I was. And all because Jared Cameron hadn't known my name. So pathetic!

"I'm fine." I ducked my head down, shifting my Biology textbook uncomfortably in my arms.

"Is it Jared?" Lyssa asked, cocking her head to the side. My stomach dropped and my locker slammed shut loudly as my shoulder smacked into it painfully while I twirled to face her, eye wide. There was no way she could know about yesterday, her claws may be dug into all the gossip, but it just wasn't possible. Unless maybe Dana or Jared had said something…

Did that mean everyone would talk about that weird, stalker Kim Daniels who peeped on closet make-out sessions? I felt sick to my stomach, nearly gagging from the anxiety. Lyssa took my expression for confusion and clarified, "He's not here today. I figured you'd have already noticed."

Relief flooded through me. So no one knew about the supply closet and, even better, I wouldn't have to face Jared today after all. I chanced a peek down the hallway, nervously, to Dana Fuller's locker. She was chatting animatedly with one of her friends, an unconcerned smile on her face and no Jared in sight. Flipping her hair, she looked down the hall, meeting my gaze for half a second.

Maybe I was expecting a glare or maybe she'd even have the decency to look embarrassed. Nope, her eyebrows drew together before she shrugged and continued her conversation. So, she didn't even remember me. Was I so faceless and unmemorable that girls like Dana forgot what I looked liked, even after I had walked in on her in the closet with her boyfriend?

Licking my lips, I shook my head and told Lyssa that I would see her at lunch before fleeing for my homeroom.

I don't care whether Dana Fuller remembers me.

And tomorrow, when Jared came back to school, I would not care about him either.

I would not care, I would not care, I would not care.

Because chanting it will totally make it true… The annoying second voice in my head teased as I hugged my textbook suffocatingly close to my chest.

So, Dana is kind of horrible and Lyssa is kind of inconsiderate and Jared is out of school… Poor Kim having to deal with all these asshats, even if she's too nice to call them that, I'm not!