A/N: Thank you 'Milady Doll' for your review to my last post!

It really means so much to me when I get a review like yours! It really made me so happy that I finished this chapter sooner than I thought I could. ^^

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King!

I was down, my dreams were wearing thin
When you're lost, where do you begin?

"He's such a disappointment. I pity his father." Hearing those words was nothing new to him, but it still hurt. They were like daggers to the heart. He knew that it wasn't true, because they knew nothing about the truth, yet they still cause him pain.

"Young Master." He heard his butler approach him, "There you are." He tried to pull the child close, but he only moved away in response.

Everyone looked at him like he was some failure, if they only knew the truth about his father…

My heart always seemed to drift from day to day
Looking for the love that never came my way

"It's okay, child." It was an insult. It was obviously not okay. She didn't know why she even hoped it would be in the first place. She wanted to say 'It's not okay! This is your fault!' but she didn't. She only nodded in response and walked inside, away from the nun.

This was how it usually ends with couples meeting her. At first they like her, telling her how they want to adopt her, but they never do.

Then you smiled and I reached out to you
I could tell you were lonely too

"Young Master!" A man called. "Young Master, where are you?"

The boy's eyes widened and in a split second he was in front of her holding her hand.

"Let's go!" He pulled her and started running.

"Where are we going?" She asked, struggling to keep up.

He didn't answer and just dragged her along as he hid in a nearby bush.

"What are you-" he closed their distance and pressed his finger on her lips, stopping her.

Her eyes widened in surprise, her heart beating loud in her chest.

"Be quiet or he'll see us." He whispered, staring into her eyes.

The man looking for the boy walked towards the bush, still calling out to him. It will only take a few steps now for him to find them when he stopped walking and decided to leave.

She finally release the breath that she didn't realize she was holding in, after seeing the man retreat. Only then did the boy released her hand and moved back a bit.

She looked at him curiously, hugging her arms close. The boy looked back at her and noticed that she was shivering.

"Here." He took off his jacket and draped it on her shoulder as he gave her a small smile.

One look and then it all began for you and me

Their eyes met for a moment and both of them felt something they've never felt before. Something lighted, making them feel warm inside. It was comforting.

The moment that we touched I knew that there would be

He was about to retracted his hand to his side but at the same time, she reached her hands to hold the jacket on her shoulders and accidentally touched his hands instead.


He carefully removed her arms from his chest and placed it on her side, not wanting to wake her. He got up and stood still beside the bed, staring at her sleeping form for a while before deciding to give her a kiss on the forehead.

She stirred and shifted slightly to his direction, giving him a closer view of her face. Looking at her angelic face made him enter somewhat of a trance and he reached out to touch her cheek.

"Looking at you like this makes me want to…" he abruptly retracted his hand and turned around sighing.

"Makes you want to what?" she whispered, fluttering her eyes open to look at him.

He turned in surprise and met her curious eyes. Damn it.

"What's wrong?" she sat up, waiting for him to say something.

He closed the distance between them, "Nothing…" he blushed and placed his hand on her head, "…just, don't ever show that face to me again." He pulled her close.

She nodded and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Time seemed to stop for them making this moment last longer. There was only comfortable silence in the room, only their even breaths could be heard. It was too good to be true though, because a voice broke the spell that stopped time.

"Jeanne, honey! Come down for breakfast!"

Jeanne released him from her arms and flinched away towards her bedroom door. She gave him a stern look and took it as a sign for him to leave. He gave her one last look before walking towards her bedroom window without another word and left.

"Me too, Ren." She whispered as if to answer the silent message he passed to her with the look he gave her before he left.


"Come honey, and eat your breakfast." the woman lined up different kinds of dishes on the table, "I made all of your favorites, since I didn't know what you'd like for today."

Jeanne looked down at the food on the table in front of her and made an annoyed face. The woman flinched at her reaction but quickly regained composure, and grabbed a spoonful of her apple sauce.

"Here, honey." She held out the spoon to her, "It's your favorite, don't you want to-"

Jeanne interrupted her with a scowl, "Why are you even here, Mother?" her words dripped in sarcasm.

Kanae winced, her words stung her heart. "I'm here…" she hesitated, "…for you, Jeanne." She looked her in the eye.

That look! It almost made Jeanne want to take back her words and hug her…but she didn't. People use each other. They throw you away when they're done with you. You're all the same.

When she didn't answer, Kanae took it as a sign to say more. "Me and your dad, we'll always be here for you honey." She slowly approached her, "I know you may not believe it now, but nothing's changed. You're still our daughter, Jeanne."

In a way you served your purpose well didn't you? You clothed me, fed me and educated me, so no hard feeling right?

"Jeanne…" Kanae reached out to her.

She moved away from her touch, "I'm not hungry." She turned around, her back facing her, "Just close the door when you leave."

Kanae watched her daughter disappear from her sight with a tearful face. She may not be her blood but she loves Jeanne with all her heart and seeing her like that breaks her.

"It's okay hun." Shigure walked to his wife, and hugged her. "We'll reach her. She's still there."

"I hope so…." She sighed, "…we're slowly losing her to her hate and resentment." She hugged him back, "I'm not sure how I can do this."

"You won't…" he answered, "…but WE will, both of us, with Kazuto and Rei." He assured her.


He jumped out of the 2nd floor window hastily and landed gracefully on his feet. It was easier for him now, after days of doing it again and again. She would always call him to come over and he would come running.

They were an unlikely pair, the two of them. The Angel and the Devil, complete opposites of each other; or so what everyone thinks. It was only them who knew of the truth and how much alike they were and what brought them together.

He couldn't help but think about Yoh and Anna, those two were complete opposites too and they're hitting off quite fine. There must be something drawing them to each other too, like him and Jeanne. Ren took out his phone to dial Manta's number, but a message popped up on the screen and made him stop.

"Please come home, Young Master. –B." the message stated.

He locked his phone and shoved it inside the pocket of his jeans in irritation. I'm never going back there. I can't.

A/n: Sooooo…? What did you guys think of that?

I know it's not about Anna, Yoh or Hao but I felt like shedding some light onto Jeanne and Ren since they'll also be playing big roles in the story.

R&R! :3