Piggy normally wasn't the type to get too suspicious.

Actually, he wasn't the type to get suspicious at all. True, there was the other members of the tribe, but Piggy already knew they were destined for no good far before they broke away. An idea that the island would surely destruct was always there in Piggy's mind, but for the other boys, they didn't even think about it as quickly as he had, maybe with the exception of Simon, and for more than many reasons, the overweight boy was always...on top of everything.

However, nothing, absolutely nothing, could prepare him for this.

He was carrying firewood up to the mountain, not really having an inking that anything could happen, and out of spec that wasn't broken he could already tell the fire was going to give out, due to the lack of smoke. Piggy was grateful that he could get up there then, and since he was the only one that could really handle with creating the fire, he figured he might as well do it himself. Reaching up to the very top, right before he could see the stack of wood, he could actually hear noises from a while away, laughter of the sort, and the fat boy could tell that it was probably other boys playing around, pushing each other and doing immature, little boy play fighting. It was the littuns' sort of thing, he knew that as much, so he reached the fire finally and could only see the scene a little bit before dropping any amount of fire he was carrying.

It was different than what he had expected. Completely, utterly different.

It was Ralph and Jack, and they were the ones that were laughing. Or at least, that was what it seemed to Piggy. However, Ralph and Jack weren't really laughing now. Rather, one of the boys was crouched over the other one, close enough perimeter wise for the overweight boy to expect the worse. It could have easily passed as an assault more than anything, so Piggy was obviously worried. Was Ralph getting hurt?

Oh no, Ralph! Piggy thought to himself, running towards the scene and completely discarding all of the wood, not bothering to go back and retrieve it. He managed to get close enough up to see this for himself...and he honestly wished to himself that he hadn't.

What he saw before him was not only Jack was on top, but Jack was...

Kissing him?

Ralph looked up from where he was, noticing Piggy's piercing stare and instantly breaking it off. A blush covered his entire face, more so than it was before, and he quickly waved his hands, defensively.

"P-Piggy! Um, it wasn't what it looked like!"

Jack staggered up, also shocked but not nearly as embarrassed from it. All that Piggy could do was try to think as to why this could have possibly happened.

"Of all the things that I could think of..."

"I know, Piggy. I know this is...weird and everythnig, but trust me when I say that...Jack tripped me!" Ralph nervously laughed, placing his hands on his hips and pointing towards the other boy. "Jack tripped me and he fell down and..."

Does he really think I am going to believe that?

It seemed as though Jack felt exactly the same way, because he looked towards the blonde boy with a look that seemed to ask why even bother? However, Ralph wasn't though.

"Yeah and well, you see, it was because there was this HUGE stick on the ground, and um..."

"Ralph." Jack said, and the boy shut himself up. The redhead looked towards Piggy and sighed.

"If you tell anybody about this, fatass, consider yourself dead."

Piggy was pretty sure he already was.

Simon wasn't really up to anything in particular, just looking up at the trees and wondering how far up he could climb them. He noticed the crawling lizards and the beautiful flowers growing off of the stems, and he seemed rather in peace with everything around him. There was nothing that could possibly be wrong, and once he thought this to himself, he noticed a running boy coming through the trees. He looked red in the face, and due to the breathing, Simon didn't even have to guess who it was.

"Hello, Piggy." The boy smiled from ear to ear, watching the fatter boy stop and grab his knees.

"Simon," Piggy started, looking and straightening his glasses before standing back up. He had to wait a little bit before saying anything, and Simon comfortingly put his hand on his friend's back to help him control his asthma. "You will never believe...what I just saw."

"Huh?" Simon asked, and Piggy simply raised his hands.

"Ralph and Jack...they were, they were...well, you know, they were..."

Piggy made gestures with his fingertips touching each other, trying to get his point across. Unfortunately, he knew that Simon really wasn't the type to get things...the first time around. This time wasn't an exception, and Simon was just as confused as he was before.

"They were...fighting?"

"No, no, they weren't fighting, they were...erm.."

"They were...swimming? Arguing, what?"

"No! Simon, they were...they were..."

At this point, the fat boy's face was completely red. He couldn't even come to grips about the entire situation altogether.

"Kissing! Okay, they were kissing, smooching, whatever you want to call it!" Piggy yelled loudly, breathing loudly and watching as the silence soon overtook them. At first, Simon looked incredibly shocked, before simply smiling and laughing.

"Oh Piggy...you're awfully funny."

"What? I'm not kidding, though! I really did see them...and Jack was on top, and they looked like they were enjoying themselves and...come on Simon you've got to believe me!"

Simon could do nothing but laugh and clutch at his stomach. It was obvious that he didn't think of that being the truth, but Piggy was determined.


"...I'm sorry, Piggy...I really am," Simon muttered, wiping away from the tears coming from his eyes of the happiness. "I just can't picture Ralph and Jack..."

"The hell are you guys talking about..?"

Simon and Piggy turned to find another person hiding himself away, with black hair and threatening brown eyes. It was none other than Roger, and he seemed genuinely interested in this conversation, for once. He leaned against the side of a huge evergreen tree, his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl present on his face. Piggy sighed, turning to Simon and whispering.

"I don't think we should tell him. It might be too, well...uncomfortable."

"Piggy, I really don't think that you should be making such awkward jokes."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am being serious?"

Simon sighed, brushing his hand through his hair as Roger came up to them. He was now more impatient than curious, and he leaned down to where Piggy was.

"What are we whispering about?"

"Let's just say that maybe you should confront your chief about...well, certain things." Piggy responded, trying not to meet Roger in the eyes. Roger looked towards Simon, who just shrugged and whistled as though nothing was going on.


"Well, let's just say that maybe, in a weird and kind of odd sense, I took notice of two boys...er-."

"Piggy thinks that Ralph and Jack kissed." Simon instantly said, noticing that Roger was starting to give off his death stare. Piggy looked back towards his friend and stood, shocked at the outburst at itself. Roger could only laugh.

"Is this a joke or something? Pretty damn funny."

"That's...that's what I said!" Simon responded, and the fat boy watched as they both started laughing. Piggy rolled his eyes, not really caring to whether they believed it, knowing that he saw it perfectly. He walked away from the two and started moving towards the beach.

Sam and Eric were building sandcastles whenever Piggy came up to where they were. They looked like they were enjoying themselves, and once Piggy got their attention, Sam looked up and smiled.

"Hello, Piggy. Beautiful afternoon, isn't it?"

"Yes, isn't it?" Eric continued. Piggy smiled and nodded in response, laughing and looking back towards the mountain top.

"Yes I guess you can call it that. If anything else, it's moreover an...interesting day."

"Interesting?" The two twins questioned, looking at each other and smiling.

"Yes...Sam and Eric, I have a question. If you two saw something completely out of the ordinary...something you couldn't explain, that you didn't want to understand, but it was still there...what would you do?"

For a minute, the twins didn't say anything, but Eric couldn't help but have the question slip from his mouth.

"Does this have anything to do with Ralph and Jack?"

"Huh?" Piggy exclaimed. "How did you know?"

"Simon told us," Sam answered, placing some shells onto the castle. "He told us you were going around telling a brilliant joke."

"Of all people that I have told, I would have thought Simon would understand..." Piggy whispered, looking down and blushing. "Well, you guys believe me, don't you?"

"Welllll," Eric said, "We would but-"

"-but Ralph and Jack hate each other! They can't like each other like Mum and Dad do!"

The twins laughed, agreeing, and leaving Piggy be the odd man out once again. The boy with the spectacles simply sighed, not sure of where to turn now, since his friends seemed to all disagree with him. Sam looked up and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, Piggy. You were probably just dreaming."

"Yes, this island sure can bring some nasty hallucinations." Eric finished, and Piggy shook his head.

"I don't think so. It's fine, I just have to take a walk...get this off of my mind."

It was around sunset time whenever Piggy sat down by the fire. He had a look of sheer disbelief on his face, the fact that nobody else seemed to really understand him. He heard someone walking towards him, and as he turned to figure out who it was, he could see that it was none other than Maurice.

"Hullo, Piggy!"

"Hi, Maurice," the fat boy muttered back, not really giving much effort to look enthusiastic about it. The light-haired boy sat down right beside his friend, watching the ocean coming down on the shore before them, before bringing up the subject Piggy didn't really want brought up.

"So...Roger told me about the rumor and everything."

"What. You come here to tell me how batty I am?"

"No," Maurice replied, picking up a stick and throwing it into the water. "I believe you. I've been noticing Jack show much more, er, vulnerability towards Ralph than anybody else."

Piggy was relieved that Maurice believed him. At least it was somebody compared to nobody.

"But...why do you think that they-?"

"Who knows?" Maurice said. "People don't really find other people attractive on gender, but on that person in general. I guess Ralph and Jack have that spark."

"Maurice...Ralph and Jack hate each other, though! I cannot find any logical reason as to why they would be interested in each other that way if they cannot stand each other in the first place."

"Piggy, you might just have to accept it for what it is rather than what you want it to be." Maurice said, raising himself from the spot he was sitting in. Piggy watched as the other boy started to walk away, before looking towards the ocean and sighing once again. Maybe Maurice was right?

"You alright?"

Ralph looked like a wreck. He was sitting by the signal fire the following morning, feeling low and his face looking like he ignored the proper amount of sleep he needed. His blonde hair covered his eyes, and more than anything, he looked incredibly, extremely pissed.

"Nothing, just Jack went off to go hunt with the others and he left the fire. Again." Ralph threw a stick into the fire, and Piggy watched as the flames went upwards. Yes, that tinge of bitterness was evident in the blonde's voice more than anything, and the second in command just stood by the boy and shook his head.

"I have a feeling it's more than him simply leaving the fire, hm?"

Ralph blushed, turning away and ignoring Piggy's stare. The fat boy was sure that he was right.

"Piggy...you really don't think what you saw yesterday was true, right?"

I guess I will have to be honest now, huh?

"Let's just say that, regardless of what kind of relationship you and...him have, no matter how odd I think it is, someone told me I should just accept it and not question it. So, you have my support. But Ralph, don't be surprised if something terrible happens in the outcome."

Ralph looked up, surprised, and smiled lightly. He was pleased that Piggy seemed to allow the idea to bloom, but the four-eyed boy simply looked back and curiously brought up something else.

"Ralph...nobody else on the island feels this way...right?"

Ralph bit his lower lip, not really sure of where to go with that.

"You would be surprised."

Piggy sighed. "Of course I would."

"So...you and Ralph?"

Jack looked up and glared.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Roger?"

"Piggy told us something very interesting yesterday. Didn't know you had a thing for blondes."

Jack looked as though he could turn into a tomato at any second, but a smirk crept onto his face at remembering something.

"Well...what about you and Maur-."

"Shut up."

Just something I wrote. Sorry for the lack of updates, I promise that will change! I hope you guys liked this chapter, reviews and such are greatly appreciated.

I wrote this mainly because I have always pictured what Piggy would do if he caught some Jalph action...lol this is what he got.

Reviews, please? They make me so happy:)