Chapter 1
It was a regular day at the Davenport house Donald Davenport was working on a new gadget when Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo came down the elevator "hey big D what you working on"
"Well I just finished it it's called" everyone stared at him "well something to be named later"
"What does it do?"
"Well it enhances a person's age but if you put it in reverse it turns you younger"
"Hey big D mind if I use that I just need to gain some height"
"Leo it's not a toy it's a high tech machine"
"Oh c'mon big D I'll only enhance myself by a year" Leo grabbed the ray but Donald resist
"Leo let go"
"Never" they kept tugging then Leo's finger accidently hit the reverse switch then they both let go and it fell breaking the machine but then a laser shot out and hit all of the bionics "Adam, Bree, Chase" they started shrinking then smoke shot out when the smoke cleared their no more 3 bionic teens but 3 bionic kids "oh no"
"Leo look what you did"
"Hey you've had much to do with this as I did" he was about to speak then shut his mouth "can you fix it?"
"Of course but it will take days"
"Well I guess this is a good thing they can finally have a childhood" he then felt a tug on his leg it was lil Bree "What is it"
"What a chiwdhood"
Leo gave him a glare "really big D really"
"They didn't leave the lab until you came remember"
"Well I'm gonna take them upstairs c'mon"
"Who awe you"
"We onwy wisten to Mw. Davenpowt"
"Well Mr. Davenport is telling you to listen to Leo that guy right their" he said pointing at Leo
"c'mon let's go upstairs" Chase started raising his hand "Chase you don't have to raise your hand but what is it"
"What's an upstaiws?"
"Okay do you know what Up is" They all nodded except for adam "Okay Adam look" Leo pointed up and Adam looked "That's up"
"Wait so wewe going to fwy onwy biwds can go up"
'Oh boy I've got a lot to teach them' "No this contraption called an elevator is gonna take us to another room which is up"
"Dewes a fwoor on da sky" Leo slapped his face
"No it's not on the sky it's just a little high up understand" They nodded "good now get in the elevator" they nodded again they all got in the elevator and went upstairs
Once they got up they went down the stairs into the living room where they saw Tanya folding laundry Leo then started quietly walking back upstairs "not so fast" he stopped walking and turned back around "what did you do?"
"What nothing"
"Weo awe you in twouble" she heard the voices she stopped with the laundry and went to the stairs where she saw Leo 2 little boys and a little girl
"Leo the truth"
"Alright alright" she told her what happened in the lab "am I in trouble?"
"No but I will be having a talking with Donald" when she said that he was on the stairs coming down then he quietly went back up "Donald" he stopped walking "get down here" he stopped and walked downstairs "why did you make a machine that changes a person's age?"
"It was for when I got really old that's when I was gonna use it"
"So you were making a machine that makes you live for eternity" he nodded "that's awesome!"
"It is not awesome it's crazy" he looked down "that you wouldn't share with me Donald I'm starting to get gray hairs and wrinkles"
"Well Tanya I think you should take care of them"
"Donald you know I have yoga classes in the afternoons who would take care of them then" Leo started smiling and Davenport saw it
"No not in a million years"
"Oh c'mon big D what better person to take care of a kid then a kid"
"It be better to let a walnut to take care of them"
"Look this is a way to prove that I'm responsible"
"You couldn't be responsible if you were for your life"
"Wow when did you become the captain of mean"
"Look Leo a human being is one of the most fragile things in the world and no offense but you're the king of breaking things"
"Yet I'm still offended"
"I'm just not sure"
"You know Donald this could be a good life lesson for Leo"
"Yea please"
"Well it will only take 3 days to fix so alright"
"Yes thank you big D you won't regret this"
"Yet I'm already regretting it"
"You know it's getting late where are they gonna sleep"
"I'll get them their child capsules"
"You had child capsules for them"
"Yes they needed to know how to sleep in capsules"
"well get them out" they went back to the lab moved their big capsules with smaller capsules then placed one sleeping child in each capsule tomorrow was Monday so Leo would be at school so Tanya would get the first shift in the morning and noon and Leo would get the afternoon and evening shift
And they couldn't just wait what's in store for them
I promise future chapters will involve more of Adam, Bree and Chase okay don't worry