"Maka!" I call from behind my blond haired, clover green eyed partner.

"So" she grumbles with a dull look on her face "you finally got off your lazy but and out of the house"

"God Maka, the way you say that, it makes it sound like you think I'm a lazy, useless partner." I say jokingly, allowing my most charming smile creep on my face.

"It's because you are"

My face stiffens "not cool, Maka."

The cool way I said that must have let her know I wasn't amused because she grins somewhat sweetly.

"Sorry Soul" she says, scratching her head uncomfortably.

"It's fine." I say and shrug it off "I know I'm too cool to be useless!" I grin.

"Soul! My man!" I turn and grin even bigger at my over confident best friend; Black Star.

"Where's Tsubaki?" Maka asks.

"Already at school" Black Star says and points to himself "SO YOU'LL JEST HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME FOR NOW!"

Maka and I exchange the same look of 'this sucks' and continue walking to the DWMA, leaving Black Star behind.

"Hey guys!" Black Star yells, running to my side "especially you, Soul."

Maka looks at me, clearly trying not to laugh and we move farther away from him.

He laughs and his smug grin, shifts to a look that seems a bit hurt. "You two are not fun!"

"Maka Albarn" the teacher calls "Soul Eater Evans."

"Yes?" We say together.

"Your last assignment was an utter fail, so you have been given a special assignment with another new pair."

We nod, somewhat ashamed and embraced, and walk out of the classroom's door.