Hi guys, wow it has been so very long since I have been on here and updated, and I just want to profusely apologise for that, because I know how much it sucks when you're reading something really good (not saying this is really good) and then the author just stops updating, and I am so so so sorry.
I've just had a lot of stuff going on, and my life has been pretty much upside down for awhile now, but I am about to have 4 months off from university, and I think I might have the motivation to continue this, because as I said initially, I did have all the chapters plotted out, it was just a matter of writing it down. I know where this is going and what needs to happen, but it has been over two years since I have updated this and I'm not sure many of you are still around, or are interested in me continuing? (or if you even remember this)
But, if I do continue I think I might do it over on AO3 – just because it's easier for me, but I can still post the chapters on here if you wanted? Just it would all be updated on AO3 first, my username on there is the same as mine on here, just without the space in between.
Anyway – let me know what you think, and if any of you would like me to continue this? Once again, I am terribly sorry for my lack of updates.