AN: Thank you to all of the people that have been reading, and Especially Coming and Going by Bubble, Hidden Poet, Johnny Cage, and Maddie Fae for the Awesome reviews. This chapter marks the end of Part One. Part Two will be up shortly, and takes place in *dum dum duuum* Oz! :) There's also a poll, just because we were curious. With that said, enjoy!
CK and MIM
Jessie woke up, sliding out of bed carefully. After the romantic dinner and dancing on the pier, she knew Elphie was exhausted. She got her notebook out, and poured a cup of coffee. Unable to resist, she looked at the pictures she had posted to her Facebook page yesterday. The one of her, Elphie, Josey, Mike, Rick, and Marcus in front of the course to be exact. She smiled brightly, seeing how happy they all looked. It looked like one big happy family. Given the nature of her own, it was the first time she really realized how different her life had become. Even her fans commented on how happy they all looked, even if Jessie did look a little pale. A knock on the door brought a raised eyebrow. Jessie wasn't expecting anyone, but she didn't want the knocking to wake up Elphaba. She answered the door, and the sight on the other side made her jaw drop.
"Patty?" Jessie said, her voice cracking.
"My number one fan." Patty said, smiling brightly.
Jessie didn't hesitate, pulling her into a tight hug. "Oh, God, Patty." Jessie said, excitedly.
"It's been a long time, hasn't it, Jess? Can I come in?" She asked, looking around inside.
"Too long, Patty. Come on in." Jessie said, closing the door behind her, "Have you had breakfast yet?"
"Not yet, but I'll get some with Gary later." Patty said shyly.
Hearing his name, Jessie's fists clinched involuntarily. "You're not still with that scuz, are you?" Jessie asked, disappointed.
"Please, don't start." Patty pleaded.
The look in her eyes was one Jessie could never refuse. "It's dropped. At least have some coffee with me, Cuz."
"Well, let me tell you why I'm here first. Then you can tell me if you still want me to have coffee." Patty said, sitting down.
Ignoring the comment Jessie went to the kitchen, and poured two cups of coffee. "I don't care what you're here for, I'm just happy you're here." Jessie said, hugging her again.
Patty wrung her hands together nervously, "Well, Gary wanted me to talk some sense into you about dating another woman."
"I love her, Cuz. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Jessie said, please let Patty not agree with that dirtbag this time.
"I know. I saw you two at Karaoke last night. She's a funny lady." Patty said, laughing.
"Yeah, she is, isn't she?" Jessie said, sipping the coffee.
"He's a minister now. His personal crusade to rid the world of Evil." Patty said, rolling her eyes.
"Then he should commit suicide," Jessie said, getting a frown from Patty, "Is he still beating you?"
"It's not like it used to be, Jess. He's toned it down, and he's getting better." Patty tugged on the edge of her sweater.
"Patty, if it's still going on after almost a decade, it's not getting better." Jessie said, worriedly.
"Jessie, it's OK. It's only sometimes, when I step out of line." Patty said.
Jessie frowned up even more at that. "There shouldn't be a line, cuz. I should've killed him the first time he did it in front of me." Jessie said, matter of factly, and trying not to cry.
"I asked you not to, Jessie. He's expecting me back soon. I don't want to waste the little time we have fighting. How did you two meet?" Patty asked.
"In Vegas, at a diner before the fight." Jessie knew she was fighting a loosing battle, and they hadn't seen each other since she was eighteen, "What about you, cousin. Any little ones or anything running around?" Jessie asked.
"I miscarried four times. No such luck, but I would love one." She said, truthfully.
"Shit, Cuz, I didn't know. I'm sorry." Jessie said, hugging her tightly.
"You couldn't have, don't worry about it. I made my peace with it. Besides, and keep this under your hat, I'm leaving him soon. I met a wonderful guy in the Navy." She said with a small smile.
"Cousin, I'll help you. I'll pay your way out to wherever you want. I'll buy you a house, cash. Please, please don't go back with him." Jessie said, holding her even tighter.
"That's sweet, Jessie, but you can't afford that. I love you for the offer, though." Patty said, hugging her back.
"Actually, she can." Elphaba said, walking out from behind them.
"You're Elphaba, right?" Patty asked, getting a nod.
"Right now, I'm sleepy. Would you like another cup of coffee?" Elphaba asked.
"Yes, I would. Thank you." She said, getting a nod from Elphaba, as she collected both cups.
"She's right. What I paid for everyone's vacation I could've easily set you up. Thanks to Elphie I still can." Jessie said, matter of factly.
"I can't use you like that, Jess. I'll find my own way." Patty said.
"Like hell you will." Elphaba said, appearing with three cups of coffee.
"Ma'am, you don't understand. People have been using Jessie her whole life. I don't want to be one of them." She said, flatly.
"You're not, though. Do you know what Jessie does with her fighting money?" Elphaba asked, curiously.
"I would hope keeps it." She said, looking at Jessie.
"No. It all goes into a fund I set up a few months ago for the benefit of abused women's shelters all over the country, among other charities. I can take from that fund, and set you up in whatever city you'd like." Elphaba said.
"Jessie, she's serious?" Patty asked.
"As a heart attack. I'll even pay all of your utilities, cable, car, car insurance. Everything until you get on your feet. Please, Cuz, he's going to kill you one day." Jessie said, worriedly.
"I thought he had. You're the only real friend I had, Jess. I didn't know if you'd invite me in or slap the taste out of my mouth. I just knew I had lost you." She said, getting pulled into a tight hug.
"You'll never loose me, Patty. I love you too much to let you go like that. So, what do you say?" Jessie asked.
"I say when do I leave?" Patty said, crying a little. Jessie smiled brightly, a few tears of her own falling.
Jessie had a huge smile on her face on the limo ride back to the hotel. It had taken Elphaba all of two hours to work everything out with the attorney. The pictures of Patty's numerous bruises were more than enough to convince him to get her off the island and into hiding as quickly as possible. She had a hotel room in the lawyer's name on the main island, and it would take a few days to get all of the final details worked out, but she would have her own house outside of Nashville, like she always wanted.
"Baby, you are brilliant." Jessie said, kissing Elphie softly, as they walked into the resort. To no one's surprise, Gary was waiting for them.
"Where is she?" He said, grabbing Jessie by the shirt.
"Where's who?" Jessie asked, a smirk on her face. He backed Jessie against the wall. Seeing Elphie about to do something, Jessie shook her head. Instead of intervening, she went to the front desk and called attention to the scene.
"Where's my wife, you freak." He demanded, inches from Jessie's face.
"Don't know. Haven't seen her since this morning." Jessie said, not at all apologetically.
"You know. No one else would dare to try to pull something like this. She's mine." He growled.
"Not anymore, huh?" Jessie whispered, so only Gary could hear, "Let me go, please!" Jessie screamed at the top of her lungs, seeing security coming over his shoulder. She saw him raise his fist, and braced for the impact. He managed to land one punch before security pulled him off. Jessie took it with no reaction at all, as the security team took him down.
"Are you OK?" Elphaba asked, seeing Jessie staring down at him.
"I'm fine." Jessie said, as security handcuffed him, and pulled him up. The manager ran over.
"Miss Reynolds, I am so sorry." The manager said.
"Don't worry about it." Jessie said, dismissively.
"Violence isn't tolerated on resort grounds. He'll be removed immediately." The manager said, as Lucas walked over.
"What's going on here?" Lucas asked.
"Miss Reynolds was assaulted." The manager said.
"We want to press full charges on him." Elphaba said, as Gary glared at both of them like he wanted to kill them.
"You can't do that. He's family, Jessie." Lucas said.
"Maybe to you. He's a shitbag to me." Jessie said, shaking off the powerful urge to beat him into a pulp.
"What about poor Patty? What's she going to do if you put him in jail?" Lucas asked.
"God willing, move on with her life." Jessie said.
"You're cold blooded. Let him go!" Lucas demanded, being ignored, as Sandy walked over.
"Jessie, what did you do?" She said, accusingly.
"I didn't do anything. Gary assaulted me." Jessie said.
"It's just like you to ruin the last day of our celebration." Sandy said, scoffing. Elphaba bristled at that, but held her tongue for now.
"Miss Reynolds, would you prefer to wait in the office?" The Manager asked.
"Thank you, Miguel. I think I will." Jessie said, getting ready to walk off, when her mother grabbed her.
"I want her gone!" Sandy demanded, getting an odd look from the manager.
"Ma'am, your daughter was minding her own buisness when this man came from nowhere and assaulted her." The manager explained.
"He has more buisness here than she does. My son wants him to stay and her to go. He's paying for this vacation." Sandy said angrily.
"Ma'am, I'm afraid you've been misinformed. All expenses for you and your family, including all activities and meals, were paid by Jessica Reynolds some four months ago." Sandy looked at Jessie in shocked silence, "Frankly, we've had reports of loud noise and crying from his room for several days now, and have had to intervene on behalf of other guests. In fact, Jessie, if you'd like, I can give the police the reports and security footage."
"I would appreciate that. If you've had reports, why didn't you eject him long before now?" Jessie asked, getting a shy shrug, as he led her and Elphaba off.
"I didn't want to loose your business, Miss Reynolds. I was trying to handle it discreetly and internally." He said.
"I understand, but if you ever have a problem with a guest of mine again, don't hesitate to call the police. You'll be doing me a huge favor." Jessie said, getting a nod, as the manager shut the door to the office. Elphaba was already on the phone to the lawyer.
Jessie made it back to the room after four hours of being questioned and verified by the police, to find Elphaba waiting. Jessie smiled, holding her close.
"What took so long?" Elphaba asked, worriedly.
"Nothing. I just refused to tell the police where Patty was. The lawyer got it all resolved, and the officer is making sure that Gary is being held without bail." Jessie said with a grin.
"That's a relief." Elphaba said, sitting on the couch with Jessie.
"You still want to do the family dinner? I'm warning you, I'm not going to be very popular for this." Jessie said.
"Well, Jessie, you really weren't all that popular with them before." Elphaba said, chuckling a little.
"This is true." Jessie said, pulling Elphie into her arms.
"If it matters, I'm very proud of you." Elphaba said.
Just hearing those words had Jessie in tears. "My love, that's all that matters."
Jessie knew this was a bad idea. A black tie dinner with her entire family. Elphaba was dressed to the nines for the occasion, with Jessie wearing her tux. They could both hear the whispers and comments when they walked in, but it wasn't like they didn't hear it at the first dinner, too. Once that sat down, and the first course was brought out, it seemed there was little anyone had to say. Jessie could feel the tension in the room.
"Baby, I'm going back to the room." Jessie said, finishing the last bite of her salad.
"No, you aren't." Elphaba said, standing up, and tapping her wine glass.
The room fell absolutely silent at the sound of metal hitting a glass. Elphaba took a deep breath before smiling at the room. "Good evening. I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few things. First I would like to thank Paul Reynolds for being so kind to me ever since I arrived on this island. I can see where Jessie gets her caring heart from. I wish both you and your wife have a long and loving marriage."
She raised her glass in respect before continuing, "To the rest of you...people who claim to be a 'family'. I pity you for being so full of yourselves that you have to gossip about the details of other people's lives. I also feel sorry that you all consider yourselves family when most of you would rather throw your own relatives under the bus than face the consequences of your own actions."
Elphaba turns to look at Jan and Lucas, "As for you two. I know that lawyers are supposed to be absolute leeches and disgusting people to deal with. However, you make the rest of them look like bars of gold with your behavior Lucas. Jan, I sincerely hope that the parents of the students at your school quickly discover your true nature and prevent you from teaching their children morals. Especially since you don't seem to have any yourself."
Elphaba then focuses her gaze on Sandy, "You need to learn how to open your eyes and see the truth about your children. Jessie paid for this vacation, Jessie is caring and loving, and Jessie has stood quietly by as you walk all over her and blame her for everything. I have had enough of this. You should be ashamed of yourself as a mother. You are cold and cruel to her and shouldn't deserve the honor of being called her mother. I sincerely hope that you will finally open your heart to your daughter."
Elphaba downs the rest of her champagne in one gulp. She then focuses on talking to the rest of the group once more. "Jessie and I had a wonderful time at this little get together. I truly hope you all enjoyed the rooms, food, and activities that my fiance bought for you."
Before anyone could react, Elphaba pulled Jessie up and kissed her deeply in front of the entire family. Every jaw was hanging after that. Before any of them snapped out of their shock, Elphaba had led Jessie out of the dining room and towards their room.
No one in the family moved for five minutes after Elphaba's speech and quick exit. Jan and Lucas just stared at each other, not sure what to say at the moment. Sandy looked absolutely flustered at the whole thing. Paul had a smirk on his face, he was the only one in the room truly happy after that toast.
Jessie hadn't said much since they had gotten back to the room, prefering instead to hold Elphaba close. Elphaba was almost worried, Jessie wasn't usually this quiet.
"Are you OK?" Elphaba asked.
"I'm wonderful, my protector. Isn't it supposed to be my job to defend you?" Jessie asked, getting a shrug.
"I didn't need protection this time. Jessie, you aren't mad about this, are you?"
"Mad? Why would I be mad? I've never had anyone stick up for me before. It was nice." Jessie said, getting a relieved smile.
"Oh, I almost forgot." Elphaba said, jumping up. She went to the bedroom, getting a necklace box. Coming back, she handed it to Jessie, "It's for you." Elphaba explained. With a raised eyebrow, Jessie opened it, to reveal a shell necklace. Jessie ran her fingers over it, looking up at Elphaba with tears in her eyes.
"It's beautiful. When did you get it?" Jessie asked, curiously.
"I made it. Those shells are from the bottom of the waterfall we dove off of. You always do so much to make me feel special, I wanted to do something for you." Elphaba said, watching Jessie clasp it on her neck.
"I feel special every time I wake up to your smile. In fact, let me show my appreciation." Jessie said, scooping Elphie in her arms. Elphaba giggled, as Jessie carried her to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind them.
It had taken him well over three years, but he had found that sniveling lapdog. When he returned to the island, he planned on insuring she suffered a death so vile even Sonya would willingly surrender to avoid it. Jessie would pay for what she had done. He teleported silently into the hotel room. He could sense strong magic, but it didn't concern him. No amount of magic could save her from her fate. With a quiet turn of the nob, he entered the bedroom shocked to find it empty.
"Chasing phantoms again, Shang?" A voice spoke from behind him.
Shang Tsung turned quickly, to see Raiden. "Merely coming to collect what is mine."
"She belongs to no one. She is not even of our world." Raiden said.
"Which makes her all the more valuable. I don't know what realm you transferred her to, Raiden, but I will find her. And I will kill her." Shang said.
"After three years of everything you could do to her, she lives. Tell me, Shang, how does it feel not to be able to kill a mere mortal?" Raiden said with a smirk.
"You can't protect her forever, Raiden. I will have my revenge." Shang said, before vanishing.
Josey was in a state of panic. She had heard about what happened yesterday with Gary. She just wanted to check on Jessie, make sure her sister was safe. She didn't know what to do. Jessie's room was empty. She walked over to Mike's room, banging on the door, until he answered.
"Josey? It's two in the morning." Mike said groggily.
"Jessie's gone. Elphie's gone, too." Josey said, in a complete panic.
"OK, calm down, sweetie. I'm sure she's fine." Mike said.
"No, no she isn't. She said she was going to stay in her room tonight." Josey said, pacing back and forth, as Marcus poked his head out.
Seeing Josey in that state, he walked over, hugging her tightly. "Calm down. What's wrong?" He whispered.
"Jessie, she's gone." Josey choked out.
"Yes, Josey, she is." Raiden's voice entered the room before he did in a flash of electricity.
"What the..." Mike said, looking him over. He looked like Christopher Lambert.
"Jessie was in mortal danger here. I've sent her someplace safe." Raiden stated.
"Mortal danger from who?" Marcus asked, angrily.
"A sorcerer named Shang Tsung." Raiden said, as though it were obvious.
"That means you''re Raiden." Josey said.
"That is correct. I see why Jessie loves you so much." Raiden said.
"Where did you take her?" Marcus asked, when the shock wore off.
"I can't tell you that. To do so would put you in harm's way. I can tell you that you will see her soon, and the danger will be eliminated." Raiden was truly impressed with these men's ability to accept the situation.
"Can we help?" Josey asked.
"Yes, you can continue the work that Jessie and Elphaba had started until their return. It means a lot to Jessie that it continue." Raiden said, before vanishing himself.
"It was real. She wasn't hallucenating, it was all real." Mike said, in absolute shock.