hihihi. So i was going to wait to post this but i got excited because i'm weird like that...

i did post my tumblr in the last chapter but apparently FF doesn't want you to know it... anyway.

I also forgot to mention in the last part HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARREN, you don't look a day over 12.

yeah, so this is it i guess... cheers for staying the journey, i look forward to seeing you again soon, i hope?

and for the last time... i own nothing.

July 14th 2011.

The plane ride was long, very long. Being stuck in between an old man who doesn't understand the concept of personal space and a young girl who, by the time her 20th birthday came around, probably wouldn't have any hearing, judging by how loud her music was. But it was worth it, or so Blaine thought anyway. He finally had the courage to do something he should have done a very long time ago...

"Here's to you graduating top of your class!" Kurt beamed at his boyfriend, Nick, who had just finished his final year in NYADA. Kurt handed the older boy a glass of champagne. They clinked the glasses together before Nick placed a soft kiss to Kurt's lips. "I'm so proud of you." Kurt smiled again.

After his unexpected break up with Blaine, Kurt took his advice and went looking for love, it didn't take him long to find Nick since they both went to NYADA and had a few classes together. Nick was 22 and very much smitten with Kurt, they had been together for around 6 months now and planned on staying together much longer. They weren't living together, although they seemed to be around each other's apartments all the time. When Blaine decided to change his mind about plans, Kurt decided to start looking for a roommate, it wasn't till there was a party held by some NYU students, that Kurt found out Santana was in New York and needed a place to stay since her roommate had turned their apartment into a brothel.

Kurt had told Santana all about Blaine and she was now happy that he had finally found someone else, since the first few weeks of Santana living with him, she had to listen to him cry himself to sleep.

Blaine didn't even cross Kurt's mind anymore, he was just another chapter in the horrible tale of his life and he didn't plan on re-reading it anytime soon.

"I'm proud of you too hunny." Nicked smiled back at him as Santana pretended to make gagging noises behind them.

"Can it San, one day, you'll find someone to be soppy with and I'll do exactly the same to you!" Kurt laughed as Nick's arm draped around his waist and Kurt's head fell onto his shoulder. Santana just rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Don't you two have like some romantic dinner reservations or something?" She asked, looking up from her magazine.

"We do, we should get going actually." Nick smiled down to Kurt and handed him his jacket before leaving the apartment. Just as they got outside the door, Kurt turned his boyfriend round and placed a passionate kiss to his lips.

"I'm so happy I found you." Kurt smiled before they made their way to the elevator.

Once Blaine had finally arrived in New York, he was a mix of emotions, what if Kurt still hated him? What if Kurt didn't want anything to do with him? Blaine tried to shake those questions away but he couldn't. There was no way Kurt could have possibly waited around for him. This was a stupid idea, he thought as he called for a cab. Blaine had asked Burt for directions to Kurt's apartment, a couple of months ago, hoping that he hadn't moved out of where he and Kurt were planning on living, luckily he hadn't. He hadn't just come to New York to see Kurt, that was the main reason but it was also for himself. He was sick of just moping around the house, thinking of Kurt all the time.

Blaine had managed to get a job at the Lima bean but managed to get himself fired when Karofsky came back to Lima for the weekend to visit his parents. He came into the Lima bean and started an argument with Blaine about how he was nothing. Of course Blaine and his short temper were having none of it and he started a fight with him. That was when Blaine realised he had to sort himself out, he wasn't 18 anymore, he needed to sort out his anger. After a very long conversation with Cooper about how amazing Columbia was, Blaine decided he was going to give up his crappy life in Lima and try to win back Kurt in the process. Although he didn't have a plan, he was just going to go and beg Kurt to forgive him. Blaine and his brother had arranged to live together since Cooper had 2 rooms in his apartment and didn't really use the other.

Blaine's cab pulled up outside Kurt's building, he took extra long to take his money out as he needed a few moments before he did this. Eventually, he paid the man and entered the building. He didn't really take in much of the scenery as his mind and stomach were doing back flips. Blaine decided to take the stairs, for more thinking time. Just as Blaine reached the top of the stairs, he looked out of the glass pain in the door that was facing Kurt's door. He noticed 2 boys stood there, one was very tall, probably about twice Blaine's height, even though he had had a growth spurt over the last year, he had messy blonde hair and a smile that could just about light up any town. Blaine sighed as he realised who the other boy was, it was Kurt. His hair still coiffed perfectly. Everything else about him was just about the same, he noticed Kurt was now kissing the taller boy and he felt his heart drop.

Blaine knew that Kurt was more than capable of finding love in New York but he had tried his very best to convince himself that Kurt would be waiting for him, although deep down he knew he wouldn't be. Blaine felt tears falling down his face as he pulled out his phone and dialled his brother's number.

"Hey Coop, could you come pick me up?"