Hi everyone :) i don't know if any of you can remember but I started this story about 4 months ago, I did 2 chapters but then couldn't log back on to complete it, so I have created a new account and I'm just going to carry it on from where I left off. I saw the comments that I few people had wrote so I thought you might like me to continue with it :) anyway, hope you enjoy it, sorry if it's a bit dragged out, but I do have some good ideas coming up! :)

Plot – Nick is engaged to Yvonne, they have a four year old daughter, Maisie and Yvonne is pregnant again.

This first chapter is basically just baby fluff but promise it'll get better: p

"Look at the size of you!" Sam gasped as Yvonne walked into the E.D

"I know, he obviously takes after his daddy" she winked at Nick who had come to join the two of them.

"He?" he questioned.

"I have a feeling" she smiled at him. Nick shook his head.

"No, I KNOW it's a girl!" He insisted. She shook her head before kissing him gently.

"Mothers intuition and all that Mr Jordan" Sam chuckled as she rushed back to her patients.

"Anyway what are you doing here, you're supposed to be at home resting" Nick asked, wrapping his arms round her the best he could.

"I'm sorry but you know what I'm like"

"Just can't keep out of trouble for more than one second can you superintendent Rippon"

"I'm just bored of waiting for this little one" she smiled, rubbing her hand across her belly.

"Just a few more days"

The two of them went into his office. He guided Yvonne over to his chair so she could sit down.

"mmmhm and speaking of just a few more days, we still haven't decided on a name!" She felt Nick nod.

"Well for a girl, which, I think she is" he said cockily "I like Ruby."

"Ruby Jordan," Yvonne found herself whisper, "yeah I actually like that, only shame we're having a boy!" she laughed, "Female intuition darling! I was right about Maisie" she winked.

"We'll see!" he replied grinning as she turned to face him. "I haven't really thought about boy names"

"What about Nick Junior?"

Nick had already started shaking his head before she had even finished. "No, Yvonne"

"Why not?"

"Just no, it's so cheesy and I don't like it"

"Well I kind of want our son to be named after you in some way"

"Hmm we'll see" he relented. Yvonne grinned kissing him on the lips.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you too" he replied softly stroking her hair.


2 days later.

"You're doing brilliant Yvonne" Nick said as he held his fiancé's hand as she brought their child into the world.

"Nick this is all your bloody fault!" She screamed. She'd been in labour for hours now and was absolutely exhausted.

"Right Yvonne, one more push and you get to meet your baby" The midwife urged her own.

Yvonne pushed, gripping Nick's hand tightly as she did so.

A high pitched cry suddenly filled the room.

"Congratulations, you have a son" The midwife handed Yvonne the bundle of blankets. Tears streamed down Yvonne's cheeks as she looked at the face of their baby boy. She looked up at Nick who's eyes also glistened with emotion.

"He's perfect" he said to her and pressed a kiss on her forehead, and he was, he was a perfect mixture of both of them.

Nick sat down on the bed next to Yvonne leaning in together as they watched their perfect newborn baby. "He needs a name you know"

"Well, how about Oliver?" Nick suggested.

"Oliver?" She questioned. "Oliver Jordan, I like that" She smiled, "Do you want to meet your daddy then Oliver?"

Yvonne gently handed their son to Nick placing him softly into his arms. Nick was speechless. He'd been dreaming of this day for so long, he'd always longed for a child, but a son, that was even more amazing, he could already picture all the things they would do together. Teaching him to play cricket, taking him to football, giving him tips for the girls; and he most certainly had a lot of those. He pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Hello Oliver." He felt like the luckiest man alive.

Little did Nick Jordang know that what was happening on the other side of the maternity ward was about to change his life forever...