
DISCLAIMER- owned by marval and antony horowitz. written by paeter

"I'm back", Clint called as he walked back into Stark Tower.

His eyes immediately scanning the room, with his gaze lingering on director Fury for a second before moving on. The other occupants in the room, Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, looked up from their respective places and each sent a questioning look toward Barton. They were very interested in why they were waken up at 4 am, by Fury saying that there was a new avenger coming. They each wanted to know how good this guy was and Natasha really wanted them to be a girl.

"Did you find him", The director asked getting right to the point as Thor and Bruce Banner walked into the room
"Oh yes and why may I ask did you forget to mention to me that he WAS JUST A BOY!" Clint said his voice gradually increasing in volume from barely a whisper to an all out shout, "A boy, Fury, should not have an old soldiers eyes, a spies stance, and the precision of an assassin!" He finished his short tirade and turned around facing the fall shaking his head.
"He's an interesting child Mr. Barton, you have to understand that his predicament is not my fault. I mean to help the boy. Now where is he?" The director asked slightly harsher than he could have been.

"How am I supposed to know," Clint said spinning around to face the director," he just left and frankly I'm kinda glad he did that kid was scary as hell. He said he'd come by in hour though so he should be here by 5:30."
"Good now will you please explain me how you let him out of your sight," The director said his voice increasing in volume.
"How am I supposed to know? He just jumped over the side of the building and was gone" Clint the other occupants of the room were still confused over what Clint meant when he said he was just a boy.
"Wait a second, how old is this 'boy' we're talking about" Natasha finally asked after a minute long staring contest between Clint and Fury. They both blinked and turned to look at her.
"He just turned fifteen" Fury answered. Natasha's stance shifted.
"Fifteen! The new avenger that you're so excited about is only fifteen. That's horrible." Steve exclaimed. Tony stopped tinkering in the background but before he could remark fury interrupted him.
"As I said before, Captain, the boy's predicament is not my fault and I hope that we will be able to help the boy." Fury said holding his hands out as a peaceful gesture, "Now I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself until he gets here. We need his help, whether you like it or not."

"So now what do we do?" asked Steve after yet another uncomfortable pause.
"We wait" said Fury in a matter of fact tone.
Unbeknownst to them the boy they were waiting for sat tucked in the corner above them, having already bypassed the security system he had observed them for a while. He to was waiting, waiting to see if he could trust these people or if he should just kill them instead.

He knew that it wouldn't be hard. All he had to do was what he had done on multiple other occasions, snap their fragile little necks with his bare hands. He could already feel the flesh between his fingers. Or perhaps he will grant them a slow painful death by poisoning. As Alex was deciding which method of decapitation to use, the conversation below had actually turned into something that didn't feel like history lessons at Brookland. He cursed himself harshly inside his head for bringing back memories such as those. That was behind him, what good would it do to remember what happened there. what good would it do to remember the screams he caused that day.

"a 15-year-old spy..." Natasha Romanov spoke quietly to herself, but still gaining attiontion from the rest of the Avengers. She turned sharply to Clint in recognition, something indescribable burned in her eyes. "Clint! What did this boy look like? Describe him to me!"

Clint reeled back at her intensity but answered anyway" umm, he was blond... brown eyes, he had the coldest eyes nat..." he shivered at the remembrance. The infamous black widow spun to director fury.

" I really hope you know what you're doing, everyone is looking for this kid. Whether it's government or terrorists. And quite frankly, I don't want to meet him... the things I hear about this boy... the things they say he's done. The only thing for a person like that is to either lose their reasons to live. " she gave him one last look "or to live without reason" she turned then left the room. The rest of the avengers looked shocked at her expression, the last time she had worn that face was when the hulk came out.

The shadows shifted from above.

Alex Rider chuckled a humorless laugh then turned and walked away from the scene in front of him.