I forgot to put a disclaimer last chapter so yeah, here it is,


Chapter 2

"Haruhi! How have you been? Are you settling in comfortably?" The chairman asked Haruhi as she sat down.

"Uh… yes…" Haruhi muttered quietly, quite unnerved by the chairman's gaze. The chairman was staring at her as if he's very familiar with her.

"MmmMm." The chairman nodded,"Miss Fujioka, I called you here because a friend just called me."

Haruhi just stared at the chairman, not really sure how this is related to her.

"Well, he told me one of my students here in Ouran can go to his school just to test it out. All expenses paid and they are offering some advanced classes that are not offered here in Ouran. So I thought maybe someone who will benefit from all this will want to go there."

"So are you saying you want… me to go there?" Haruhi asked not really sure.

"I thought of Kyoya first. He is after all exceptional but… my son might need him. They're best friends after all. And I can't let my best student leave my sight" The chairman said, chuckling. Haruhi was a little miffed about that.

The chairman continued: "And then I thought of you, the only scholar here in Ouran. Exceptionally smart and dedicated to the academics, that you managed to pass and top Ouran's difficult entrance exams, you are the most suitable student to go to Cross Academy."

"Eh!" Haruhi exclaimed. "The Cross Academy?" Haruhi had dreamed of going there when she was a child but changed to Ouran because it's nearer and slightly cheaper compared to Cross Academy.

"Yes. You see the chairman there is my close friend and it was his plan to let Ouran's students to go to Cross Academy. There is no competition between us nor do the students but it would be a great opportunity for you to go there as an exchange student."

Haruhi could not believe it but going to Cross Academy would be a great experience but it would also mean leaving her dad alone. Haruhi weighed the pros and cons before answering the chairman.

"Can I think about this some more?" Haruhi asked the chairman. The chairman nodded.

"Think about it carefully, miss Fujioka. I can only give you three days to answer before I pick another student." The chairman said gazing at her intently before turning back to his paperwork. Haruhi exited the room knowing she was dismissed and went home to talk to her father.

Meanwhile, Tamaki saw Haruhi Fujioka exit his father's office. He went in after knocking, not waiting for his father to respond. His father was immersed in his work that he did not notice Tamaki standing in front of his desk.

"Father." Tamaki said loud enough for his father to hear him. The chairman looked up from his work then smiled quickly.

"Tamaki!" His father exclaimed before hugging Tamaki overenthusiastically. He put Tamaki down and asked seriously,

"What brought you here?"

"It's about the new student-" Tamkai was cut off by his father.

"Ah! Haruhi Fujioka? Lovely girl, very smart…" The chairman said while rubbing his chin.

"Girl? What do you mean girl?" Tamaki exclaimed. "But he-she-he-sh…. has short hair and wears men's clothes" He blushed slightly.

"Yes, girl. Just because she has short hair doesn't mean she's a boy." The chairman said amused and annoyed at the same time at his son's idiocy. At that moment, his secretary informed him that he has a meeting. The chairman turned to his son.

"Well, work calls. Tamaki, you don't need to worry about her. She's going to be at another school anyway… I hope she agrees. It's good for her…" He said before turning to go out of his office.

"What? But Haruhi-" Tamaki started to tell him about the incident concerning the vase but the chairman shushed him.

"Don't worry about her." Yuzuru said and closed the door behind him. Tamaki was left there in the middle of the office, staring at his father's back.

Haruhi arrived at her home fairly quickly. To her surprise, she saw her father in the kitchen cooking something.

"Dad?" she said.

"Haruhi!" Ranka replied and hugged her daughter. "How was school?"

"It was fine. But dad, you're early today. What's up?" Haruhi asked.

"Oh no. Nothing's up. I thought I'd just drop by and see how you're doing." Ranka said with a smile. Haruhi nodded and walked towards her room but Ranka stppped her.


Haruhi slowly turned. Ranka was smiling.

"I heard you were offered a slot in Cross academy, correct?" Ranka said still smiling.

"But how…I-I-I hav-haven't…" Haruhi stammered, quite surprised at how her father knew this.

"Oh. You're principal called me just before you arrived. He said you are still thinking about it. I don't want to interfere with your decisions but Haruhi… chose the one that you think you will be happy in." Ranka said in a very fatherly way."It will help me be at ease if you are happy and safe." Haruhi hugged her father.

"I will, dad."