Quinn Fabray has a past, did she choose to run away or was fate just on her side? Well either way everything changes for her when she moves to Lima Ohio and meets a girl named Rachel Berry.

Hey everybody, I'm back… Yay! So this story is AU but also based in the timeline of Glee… It actually came to me in a dream over a year ago and I decided to make it into a story. The only similarities to the show will be the competition song lists… The results may change if I think they need to be… But other than that I haven't chosen to add anything else in… Though that may change in the future if I think it fits with my story, but I highly doubt it… I'm just not ruling it out.

I hope you all enjoy the first chapter.

Thank you to my Beta Comegetit.

I do not own any Glee

Chapter 1:

An advance height, skinny girl with light blonde hair makes her way through the doors of her new school, William McKinley High. She had just arrived over a month ago to Ohio from Sydney Australia, so things were definitely nerve racking for the girl.

They're already a month into the new school year, so she has a lot to catch up on. However Quinn Fabray is quite excited to be here, she needed a new start and was more than happy to have that start in America. She always thought she belonged there when she grew up, so when her step father was told from his boss that they wanted him to move, Quinn was more than thrilled. She didn't mind that the place they were moving too was a small town called Lima, she was just happy she was going to live in America.

So the skinny blonde haired girl got out of her car and made her way through the doors of her new school that she will be stationed in for the next three years. She had already got all her books and class schedules the week before, so she made her way to her locker to grab her books for the first two periods. The girl received quite a lot of looks from the other students, although she knew that was going to happen. She grabbed her books and made her way to her first two periods.

Once the two periods were over Quinn made her way over to see the cheerleading coach... Now Australian schools are quite different than American schools as they don't usual have cheerleading teams, but the girl has always wanted to be a part of a cheerleading team so she thought hey let's give it a go. She knocked lightly on the coach's door and waited to be called in...

"Come in," called a tall skinny lady with short blonde hair, it was like man hair.

"Hi, Ms. Sylvester, my names Quinn Fabray and I just transferred here and was wondering if I could try out for your Cheerio team... I know you might not have a spot because the year has already started but I believe I'm good enough to be on the team," Quinn said confidently.

"Is that right, Skippy?" the angry tall lady smirked back... Gosh I've already got a nickname, Quinn thought.

"Yes Coach... I won't be wasting your time."

"What about the other girls who are on my team... I've already got my numbers."

"Well I believe if I'm better than any of those girls I should be able to be on the team."

"So you're saying to replace a girl on my team?" Sue stared at the girl with no emotion in her face.

"Well if you put it like that then yes."

Sue gave Quinn a smirk, "Well I like the way you think Skippy, meet me at lunch time in the hall... You better not be wasting my time."

"Thank you Coach... I can assure you I won't be wasting your time," and with that the blonde made her way to her next class.

When lunch commenced Quinn made her way to the hall to wait for Ms. Sylvester, she didn't want to keep the coach waiting, so she arrived there first. After she did her routine in front of the coach, Sue asked her to clean herself up and then to make her way to her office to decide what was going to happen.

Once she got cleaned up and changed Quinn made her way to the office and was surprised to see a brunette cheerleader sitting in front of Ms. Sylvester's desk. Quinn knocked and made her way in.

"Take a seat Skippy," the mean coach replied.

Quinn didn't know what to say so she took a seat next to the brunette and waited.

"So Hay this is Skippy and she's a new member on the squad. Set her all up with what she needs."

"Yes Coach," the brunette replied.

"Now both of you out of my office… See you at practice."

Both girls left and started walking down the hall, the brunette chose to speak up first, "Hi I'm Hayley... Hayley Anderson... I'm the Cheerios' captain."

"Thought you might be, and I'm Quinn... Quinn Fabray. Nice to meet you."

"So you're Australian, that's where Coach got your nickname."

The blonde girl laughed, "Yeah. Does she do that a lot?"

"Give nicknames? Yeah... She's actually a real bitch."

"I could see that," Quinn replied and they both began to laugh.

They walked into the girl's sports locker room, Hayley walking over to a cabinet. "So here are the uniforms... They only come in one size because Coach wants us all to be one size... So put it on and then we will head out for the rest of lunch."

"Sweet, thanks," Quinn replied and went to change her clothes. Once she was done Hayley showed her to her new sports locker so Quinn put her other things in that.

"Okay are you ready, you know you're about to be stared at... Everyone is going to want to know you and want to be your best friend."

The blonde haired girl nodded, "So it kinda is like the movies?"

"With all the cliques and popularity polls? Kind of is."

"All right well let's do this," Quinn threw her shoulders back, stepped next to Hayley and walked out of the locker room.

Both cheerleaders walked through the halls making their way to the cafeteria, while on the way everybody was staring at the girls; it was like the other students moved out of the way for them. Everybody was staring and whispering, it was a lot worse than this morning. "You weren't kidding were you?" Quinn spoke up.

Hayley just laughed and continued to walk, "Told you."

The cheerleaders entered the cafeteria and headed over to the Cheerios table, "Hey girls this is Quinn she's new and also now a Cheerio."

Hayley brought Quinn to the right side of the table; they took their seats on the opposite side to where a brunette and a blonde were sitting. "Hey girls," Quinn replied to the table.

"So Aussie when you move here?" the brunette asked.

"Moved here a month ago actually... For my dad's job."

"She talk's funny," The blonde spoke up.

Hayley leaned over to Quinn, "This is Santana and Brittany by the way."

Quinn nodded and replied, "Hey Brittany, Hi Santana."

The Latina just stared at the new cheerleader. She sure reminds me of someone I thought I wouldn't see again, Quinn thought. Then Quinn turned to Brittany, "And Brittany I'm from another country that's why I talk funny."

"You're an alien," the blonde said with worry on her face.

Quinn went wide eyed with shock, Santana looked at her, "I gotz this," and whispered into the blondes ear.

Lunch was over pretty quickly, Quinn made her way to her locker and grabbed her things for her last two classes of the day, and surprisingly she had both classes with Santana and Brittany so she was happy to not be alone. After class they had Cheerio practice for an hour and a half.

To everyone's surprise Quinn kept up with the team, they walked into the locker room to get showered and changed.

"You did really well today Quinn, I thought you wouldn't have kept up with us... Coach drills us hard," Hayley said.

"Thanks Hayley, I use to train and play softball six days a week and I go for runs with my step dad to keep up my fitness."

"Well you gotz stamina," Santana replied.

They all said their goodbyes for the day; Quinn excused herself so she could go back into school to grab some books as she had a lot of homework to catch up on. After grabbing her books she started to walk down the hall to head to the carpark. On the way down the hallway she stopped near a room hearing a gorgeous sound coming from within. The new cheerleader slowly made her way to the entrance of the room, making sure not to disturb the person making the astonishing sound.

Once she got to the door she stepped in quietly so she could see the face of the girl singing. The brunettes head was looking down at the piano while she played and sang.

I've been out on the ocean
Sailing alone, travelling nowhere
You've been running on hard ground
With just you around, your heartbeat's the only sound.

But I know, once in a while we will find
The sound of your heart beats with mine
And when it's time I'll leave the ocean behind

So I'll look out for a lighthouse
See through the fog,
Search the horizon
You'll be like in a movie
Where everything stops
You can see clearly now

But I know, once in a while we will find
The sound of your heart beats with mine
And when it's time I'll leave the ocean behind
I'll leave the ocean behind

'Cause I know, once in a while we will find
The sound of your heart beats with mine
And someday, the crash of the waves will be far away
And I will sail in your arms
'Cause when it's time I'll leave the ocean behind.

Quinn waited for the girl to finish her song until she would show herself.

Once the brunette finished her song Quinn went to walk over to the piano, the girl looked up and gave a sly smile also showing a hint of fear on her face. Quinn rested her hands on the top of the piano and leaned over to look in the girls brown eyes, "That was beautiful," was the only thing the new cheerleader could express.

The brunette gave a massive smile that almost reached her ears, "Thank you."

Quinn started to walk around the piano to take a seat next to the brunette, "I'm Quinn by the way."

"I know who you are... I'm Rachel Berry."

"How did you...oh, it's because I'm a cheerleader isn't it?" It clicked to Quinn why the brunette knew who see was.

"Yes, you were quite the talk today."

"Well it's nice to meet you Rachel Berry, where did you learn to sing like that, you're really good."

"My dad's have been paying for me to get singing lessons since I was a toddler," Rachel said with confidence.

"Wow... Crap that's early, no wonder why you're good," Quinn said with a wink at Rachel... What? Did I just wink at this girl I hardly know... Oh well, hey I've done it many times before.

"Thank you again for the compliment Quinn, however I need to ask, why you are initiating a conversation with me?" the brunette asked nervously.

"Ummm, why can't I initiate a conversation with you? Don't you want to talk to me?" the new cheerleader asked confused.

"Hasn't anyone told you who I am?"

Quinn laughed at that, "I just found out your name was Rachel Berry like a minute ago so I'm a little confused right now," the blonde answered.

"What about Man-hands, Rupaul, Dwarf or Treasure Trail?" Rachel looked down.

"That's you?" Quinn was surprised, she did remember those names, she heard Hayley and Santana bagging that person out but she chose to ignore it and speak with Brittany.

"Yes that's some of the names I've been called, you can leave now if you like," Rachel looked down again at her hands in her lap.

Quinn felt sorry for the girl so she leant over and lifted the girls chin up to look her in the eyes, "Look I don't know why people call you that, but when I moved over here from Australia I told myself I wanted to change and not be a part of all this bullying crap, so Rachel if you're willing I would like to continue talking to you," Quinn said looking deep into the brown orbs.

Rachel returned with a massive smile, "I would like to continue talking to you too."

"Well that's good, but how about we get out of school because I have been here too long for one day, I never use to hang around my school after class finished... Did you want a ride home?"

"You can drive... Aren't you a sophomore too?"

"Yeah I am," Quinn smiled at the fact that Rachel knew that… People really must have been talking about her today.

"So how is that possible, most sophomores don't have their license because their too young and you have just moved to America?"

"Well schooling was different in Australia so I'm sixteen now, and the first thing I really did when I got to Lima was get my license... So Yeah… Anyways do you want a lift?" Quinn asked, continuing to smile.

"That would be lovely," Rachel returned the smile.

Both the girls made their way to Quinn's car and headed to Rachel's place. They got into comfortable small talk the whole way there. Once Quinn got into Rachel's driveway she turned to see the girl, "Well I'm glad I had to go collect my books after practice because I got to meet you." Was I just flirting again? "Anyways I'll see you tomorrow, okay."

"Yes I'll see you tomorrow Quinn, but you don't need to be around me if you don't want too."

Rachel looked down to her lap again, and Quinn grabbed her chin again to lightly lift up her head to look into her eyes, "Hey... What did I say before? I don't care what people think, you seem like a really nice person and I would like to be your friend, so I'll hang out with you at school because that's what friends do," Quinn smiled.

"Well okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Rachel returned Quinn's smile and made her way into her house. And Quinn made her way home.

Song: Different Worlds, by Brittany Cairns

So that was it… Hope you all liked it and are keen to read some more, I loaded up Chapter 2 already so I hope you click next to read on.

For those of you who have decided to check out this story because of my first story I Feel Pretty When You're Around, first off I want to say thank you and secondly I want to let you know I'm currently working on some one-shots for it… But I also have come up with a name for a sequel so depending on how things go you may be getting alerts for a sequel down the line… However, for the time being, I'm concentrating on this story and on another one that I plan to be loading up in a few weeks.