Hi guys, its Emily (PPP4Eva) this is my new story, I know I shouldn't be starting another one with my others going on but I couldn't help it this idea was stuck with me!

But there is something very special about this story, because I am co-writing it with one of my best friends Liz! ( 4Eva) We will be taking turns in writing chapters and may write some together because we live around the corner from each other!

I hope you enjoy this story we are looking forward to writing it!


The first time I met him, we were fourteen and the only people under the age of 35 at Mr Castellan's party. I remember his eyes standing while I was talking to him, they were green as the sea. As I looked into them, I felt as though I was drowning.

We were quick in becoming friends, I felt as if I had known him forever. Perseus Jackson was his name, son of Sally Jackson and stepson of Paul Blofis. At the end of the night we exchanged phone numbers and kept in touch. Until it all changed.


Every time I was with Annabeth my heart would race, my palms would sweat. I would stutter and I felt like anything stupid that I did would result in losing her forever. I didn't understand these feelings, but I was excited when she gave me her phone number.

We kept in touch for six months, I felt as if I could tell her everything and anything. She was reserved when I asked her about her family but it was clear that she didn't get on with her stepmom but other than that we were close friends. Then it stopped. I didn't get another text from Annabeth Chase.

She didn't answer my calls, texts or emails. When I asked her family they knew nothing of her whereabouts'. I was upset for a year, I didn't date until I was 16, even though the hole my heart isn't healed I had accepted that my best friend was goneā€¦

PPP4Eva: How was that? I hoped you like it! It is very short but that is the epilogue. We will try update soon! Love you guys more than anything and don't forget that reviews make me smile! (No jokes they actually do!)

: hey guys, this is my first PJ story so be nice. Hope you enjoy it and review also if you like Vampire Academy please check out my account with my stories.