Chapter 16

Brennan recognized the landscape where he was. the haze was clearing and the view was coming back into focus when he heard a voice come from behind him.

"Welcome back Brennan"

"BJ?" he asked, his mind still foggy from the moments of pain and agony he no longer felt but still remember. "Hey kid, I guess I screwed up somewhere huh," he announced.

"Naw "OLD MAN" I am thinking this is just a small part of a much bigger plan."

"Whose plan? …God's?"

"I can't say. Belief and choice is often what others make for us… Here it has to be you that makes this decision. This is as it should be back there, but we chose to follow he who is the loudest and let the truth fall on deaf ears." BJ grumbled.

"I suppose your right."

"It helps to be on the outside looking in" the kid shrugged. "So tell me have you made up your mind?"

"About what?"

"About God, Life, anything in general?"

"God? " Brennan looked around him and sat quietly on the ground thinking on the question this young child just brought up. "I like the feeling of security I got when I believed, still, why would such a omnipotent being leave his children to suffer the way man does if we are in fact the children of God, why must we know this pain."

"Brennan, if Adam had his way he would have left you in the POD till your body had completely healed. It might have taken a day it might have been… never. It was the others who insisted that survival had to be your decision."

"We are not talking about Adam we are talking about, God Omnificent, Holy, "

"We are talking about fathers, Omnificent or other wise. BJ countered. "If God had chosen to make us perfect, there would be no need for choices. Your world would be quite the different place. Oh, there would be no war, famine, illnesses or doubt. There would also be no need for all those things that make life special such as uniqueness, freedom of thought, … even color would be a useless concept. why should color exist if you have no concept of its beauty. No need for beauty at all. Everything would be pretty much the same."

"Doesn't that counter the book of Genesis?'

Not really, If you choose to believe in God, then you believe that he knew what he was doing all along.. The moment he produced a second being he knew that options would become part of the world he had made. Decisions would become a part of mans life. That is why he gave them rules. If the Holy Father did not believe that those rules could be broken, then he would have never made them. Father hood is no easier on him as it is on any man. Some of his children have chosen to be real disappointing. It does not mean we are loved any less. Such is the wonders and glory of the parent."

BJ watched the man listen to his words not sure they were not falling on deaf ears. Then continued, "Your surrogate fatherAdam is in the same boat. He considers himself ina a round about way father to all of the Children of Genomex. and because of this he also considers himself responsible for everything that happens to you all and because of you all. It was not for the glory he chose to "play god" as you so aptly put it, so often. He only wanted to help, he could have surked his responsibility the moment he left Genomex but instead he has chosen to use his knowledge and his children to help those who are in need of help. Still children don't always do what you want, or what is good for them. Think about it, After you finally awoke Adam begged you to stay in bed and if you had to move around to use the wheelchair, but it was you who chose to wander and you who refused to be confined by the chair or the bed."

BJ sat down across from the baffled mutant and continued his summation. " So all this is my fault.

"I don't think there is any "fault" it was just a matter of choice. "Fathers can only do and encourage the child to do what they think is best. But in the end the choice has to be yours. For instance, a child yearns for a bike; his father gets him one and proceeds to teach him to ride it. The child falls from a bike and skins his knees he goes to his father for comfort and tells him he never wants to ride a bike again. At that point, He has an obligation and a choice. He is obligated to protect that child and must choose how to do that. Choice one, take the source of danger away from the child and allow the child to live in fear, or choice two; teach him to defeat his fear and master his obstacles and do what his heart desires.

"And what of the child that is born ill or those who live with Cancer or Aids."

"Sometimes the trial is not that of the child or ill but of those around him. In your case had it not been for Adam you may have never seen your first sunrise, and yet there are those who have always chose to chastise him for his work, including yourself, when all he wanted to do was take away the pain, to give you life to give you a chance more importantly a choice. He chose to over come the negative.

You know a lot for being a little more than a kid.

Yea?" the kid smiled "…and you know a lot for being a little more than a mutated ameba."


"The point is maybe we are all more than what we choose to see." BJ smiled as he started to fade from sight. 'I guess it time to go. I truly hope we meet again.

"Hey, don't go."

"I don't have any control over this. It is time for you to make a decision. From this point out it is up to you.

"But who are you really how do you know me so well."

"I suppose it will not really hurt you to know as you wont remember me, after I fade, either way. My Name is Brennan Jesse Mulray, BJ, for short. If all goes as I would like you would be my father. But, right now, that is not my choice.