Hello, my readers…
It's sslamajama97.
Yeah...thought you heard the last of me, huh? Thought I was done writing this fic and that I abandoned it? I honestly thought so, too...
Well...we'll see.
A lot's happened since I published the last chapter of A Skyward Sword Adventure. I graduated from high school. I started college three weeks afterward and, as of now, am three weeks out of my freshman year. I met my first girlfriend...and lost my first girlfriend. I got a job. Two, in fact. I've gone to cons, had awesome times and not-awesome times at them. I discovered one of the best hobbies on Earth, Dungeons and Dragons. I've been preparing to go LARPing and take the hobby to another level. I've met and made so many new and awesome friends…without them, I don't think I would be here right now...
Because, I've also had some bad experiences. In short, anxiety and depression. Bad depression. Thoughts of suicide that have (thankfully) gone away. But I don't wanna talk about that right now...
I've also come to terms with some things...as they say, time heals all wounds. But first, a history lesson and an explanation:
I was fifteen years old, a student in the tenth grade. I was way more innocent than I was now, more naive. Things were going well...but then, my parents started fighting. I tried to ignore it, thinking it would all pass and it couldn't possibly happen to me...but it got to the point where they eventually separated. They still have yet to legally divorce to this day, but it's getting closer, and is as good as done now. My mother's met someone new, my dad's tried and failed to do the same (as far as I know). There was bitterness, an anxious teenager caught in the middle and given info he probably shouldn't have been given, which only caused more hurtful feelings...but now, for the most part, it's all good. Relationships have formed again, and I've started hanging out with my father again a little more often, although some awkwardness is still there in my mind…
But enough about that. What does this have to do with the fic? Well, this fic, the entirety of A Skyward Sword Adventure, was basically the result of fifteen-year-old me wanting to ignore my parents' divorce and escape into the only thing that kept me sane at the time: The Legend of Zelda. Skyward Sword was the only game I owned at the time, and I could only think about getting further and further into it, into the rabbit hole, and escaping the divorce.
But now the tension's pretty much gone...and you might even see where I'm going with this, because I've written about similar things in the fic, about a divorce. Because not only was this fic an escape for me to write...it was a complete and blatant self-insert.
The main character, Samuel Garfello, is my self insert. I couldn't even come up with a different name for him when I was fifteen; my name in real life is Samuel. I won't say how I "made up" the last name, but people who know me will quickly deduce how I got it. Jack Jensen was originally just a corrupted name of one of my friends and amalgamation of all of my friends' personalities, although he eventually evolved into more of an original character in my mind.
...and, so, that brings everyone up to speed. So now, the reason I'm making this. One: because I've had several people tell me to write down things recently, and this is my shoddy way of doing that.
And for two: here's the deal. I still occasionally get requests from people that want me to continue this fic. And, I feel bad for leaving the way I did, pretty much lying to you all...so, I'll say the following things: I currently have part of Chapter Forty-Eight written from long ago, but not much. I also have details and other notes and stuff saved on Google Drive from over a year ago that I can use to complete this story, and even that sequel I promised; there are a few full chapters of that sequel written as well.
However...I just reread Chapter Forty-Seven, and I got a giant vibe of "what the fuck was I thinking?! Even I can barely follow what's going on!" from it...and I wrote the thing…
So, first off, I am not going to rewrite any more of this fic than I already have. Period. There's too much of it, I'm too lazy, and I have other stuff I could do. But...I will ask you all: do you want me to attempt to continue this? Be warned, there will most likely be some changes in writing style and the level of description (I probably won't describe every little detail like I did before, like copying text straight from the game (at least, the unimportant bits)… I might get through the story faster if so), and possibly even slight changes in plot and such...and who knows? I might even go inactive again eventually, although I promise now that if you want me to continue, I will at least try to make an effort, and maybe I'll get back into the swing of things eventually…but I'm not promising it'll be good.
So, yeah. It's up to you. I also have other, tinier things (in different fandoms) that I could post on here, and might even think up a new, somewhat original plot one day...or heck, when Zelda U/NX comes out, maybe I can even do something with that...but that will be then; this is now. Leave a review or PM me if you want me to keep writing this. And if it's not too much trouble, also give a reason why I should or shouldn't continue, in your opinion.
And lastly...simply, I want to say thank you to everyone. Everyone who has been here during these years, who loved reading the fic, who kept messaging me and leaving reviews and asking me to continue...you guys all rock. :)
Until I get this all sorted out...this is sslamajama97. See you all later. :D