David POV
I hurry into the cave after arriving outside it, carefully carrying Phoebe in my arms as close as possible, I don't think I can let her out of my arms without falling apart, I have never felt this vulnerable, like I am slowly dying.
"David! What happened?" asks Max who I see hurrying over to me with the boys following, all their eyes on Phoebe's body,
"Dwayne, take Laddie out of here, I don't want him to see her like this" I say, without stopping as I go towards the bedrooms and lay Phoebe down gently on one of them.
"Michael killed her" I say, without taking my eyes off her, she looks like she's sleeping, if I pretend then that's really what she could be doing.
"Max" I say, slowly turning around to face him, he looks at me fully from this,
"I…I can't – I can't lose her" I say, feeling tears run down my cheeks, he sees this and looks to Phoebe,
"You know what your asking David, if you choose to do this, then you will not be able to un-do it, if she becomes another Star, it cannot be undone" he says, looking at me seriously,
"She could never be like Star, she is nothing like her and never could be, p-please Max, I wont live on this wretched earth without her – I cant, I feel like I'm dying inside" I say, begging him while saying this, If I cant have her back in this life, then I will die to be with her in the next.
He looks at me for a few minutes, looking at my eyes hopefully seeing the true need and desperation I have to have her back, he finally nods and I exhale a breath, thankful beyond measure that he is agreeing to this.
"She is already binded to you by blood. Now you must take her blood, as soon as she is awake, she needs to bite you as soon as possible for the transaction to start, you must take as much blood as possible and she must do the same" he says, from this I nod, then see him and all the boys minus Laddie surround us in a circle, I pull Phoebe onto my lap, her head rested against my neck with my arms around her waist, I look to Max and see him extend his arms out and see him indicate to the others to do the same,
"I will recite the words, all you boys must do is keep the circle together, you must not lower your arms until it is complete, I will let you know when it is" says Max, they each nod in agreement, then Max looks to me and nods for me to start, I nod at this then look down at Phoebe, looking so beautiful and peaceful, I turn her head slightly for her neck to be in view, then lower my head to her neck, kissing it gently then force my fangs out and immediately drink her blood, after a minute I feel her body jolting and suddenly without warning she screams, but I carry on,
"Phoebe drink from him! Do it now!" shouts Max, as soon as he says this I feel her fangs in my neck, making me gasp at first but I go back to drinking from her, I feel like I'm on a bloody high, my blood leaving me but with her blood going inside me.
"Just a while longer you two, until there is only a bit of your own blood left within you" he says, as we both continue to drink, I can feel my own blood reaching its limits, then I feel like I'm about to pass out, I let go of her neck, and feel her do the exact same.
The both of us gasping for breath, blood on my lips, but I look to Phoebe and see her looking right at me, I never thought I would see those gorgeous eyes again.
I bring her against my chest as she comes towards me more then willing, feeling her shake from starting to cry,
"I thought I was never going to see you again," I say, feeling my tears stream,
"I didn't think I would see you again, I felt so alone, and I couldn't do anything, all there was were darkness, and I couldn't find you" she says, then looks up at me with fear in her eyes, but I pull her to me, her head in the crook of my neck.
"The binding is complete," says Max, I look to him and nod in thanks,
"Binding?" asks Phoebe, looking to us in confusion, though I notice thankfully that she is holding onto me with her fists turning white,
"We brought you back from the dead Phoebe, but the only way that can happen particularly in yours and David's case would be for him to bind himself to you. You cannot die whilst he is alive, and the same goes for him, you are binded together for the rest of eternity," explains Max, from this she nods and looks to me,
"You did that to bring me back?" she says, looking at me in wonder and with love in her eyes, such emotion I thought I would never see from her again.
"I would go to hell and break down the door to Satan to get you back" I say, after saying this she launches at me, wrapping her arms around my neck,
"It's good to have you back sis" says Marko, after hearing him, both me and Phoebe come apart but I keep my arms around her, not ready to let her go yet and then see all the boys and Marko smiling at us, now gathered in front of us, Dwayne and Paul sat on either our sides.
"Good to be back" she says, smiling at them all and then begins to hug them after I let go of her, but I know that it will only be for a brief amount of time, and its true as she comes straight back into my arms.
"I suggest we all get an early rest, you two especially" says Max, both me and Phoebe nod in agreement and we all set off towards the caves.
"Mum!" shouts Laddie, I look towards him in shock at not remembering him, damn I am a shit guardian!
"Laddie!" shouts Phoebe as she runs to him and picks him up in her arms, bringing him into a hug, which he returns with his own,
"I thought you were dead, when I saw David carry you in…" he says, looking at her worriedly, she smiles at him gently,
"Its ok, I'm fine. Just had an accident but I'm all healed up now" she says, at this Laddie nods in understanding and hugs her again which she responds to.
Laddie goes to sleep in the cave entrance though Max brings Thorn to protect him and us while Max joins us in the deeper caves.
Holding Phoebe to me now, I could never regret binding myself to her, I could not have carried on with this life if she was not here with me, and I will protect her with my life for as long as we both live on this earth.