Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight.

Chapter 1

Monday, September 1 2012

Today was extremely… unexpected. Here's what happened:

I was standing on platform 9¾, hesitating to go in. I knew that people will be happy to see me and my twin brother, Harry, but that's not why I was scared to go in. I was scared because I'm taking my N.E.W.T.s this year and if I fail I won't get a good job and that would be awful. As soon as, I realized how bad this could really be, Harry pushes me past the brick wall and onto the platform.

Ugh, sometimes Harry could be so bloody annoying. While Harry dragged our trunks behind me across the platform, I looked for Luna and Ernie Macmillan so we could plan a prefect's meeting for tomorrow. We'll meet up with the other Slytherin later on. Since Dumbledore thought that we needed more incentive for House Unity he decided to have one Head from each house, instead of the usual Head Boy and Head Girl. I don't know who the Slytherin Head is, but I do know that he is a boy.

When Hermione found out I got Gryffindor Head, considering how I was in America for a year, she didn't speak to me for half the summer and it took Ron, Ginny, Harry, Fred [let's all just pretend like Fred didn't die, okay] , and George to convince her to start talking to me.

After a lot of searching, I found Ron, Ginny, and Mione standing on the platform looking for someone. "Hey guys!" I said, walking up to them, "How was your summer after we left the Burrow?"

Harry and I had went to Number 12 Grimmauld Place for the last week of summer after I came back from America to spend some time alone together, since we hadn't seen each other in a while. "It was okay, but it wasn't as fun after you left and…What are you doing, Harry?!"

I swiveled around to find a sweaty Harry dragging our trunks. "Harry" I said slowly, "You are something called a wizard. You can levitate the trunks using magic. Cool, huh."

I could hear Mione giggle behind me. "Oh, yeah," Harry said tiredly, "thanks, Bells. Wingardium Leviosa." I could see Ginny openly admiring him from out of the corner of my eye. I giggled and slid closer to Ginny. I jabbedsoftly in her ribs and looked between her and Harry suggestively. She blushed and looked down.

Of course, I knew she liked my brother, and I also knew that my brother liked her too, but was too scared of rejection to ask her out. Considering he defeated the Dark Lord less than a year ago, you'd think that he'd have the courage to ask out someone who obviously likes him back. Nope. Ugh, pansies.

"Anyway, Bells," said Mione, "have you gotten over them yet?" Great, now she's got me thinking about them again, "I was," I snapped, "but then you brought it up. Again."She was talking about my trip to America. I was sent there while Harry, Mione, and Ron went on the hunt for Horcruxes and for the final battle. Voldemort didn't know about me at all and The Order wanted it to stay that way, so they sent me to Forks, Washington, in America and taught me Legillimins and Occulmency so no one would be able to read my mind.

Then, on my 18th birthday the vampire I was in love with, Edward Cullen, told me he didn't love me and left me in the middle of the forest. I sat in my room crying for two weeks until I got a letter from Dumbledore [lets act like Dumbledore isn't dead either] saying I could come back if I wanted to. I respond enthusiastically that I would love to come back, so the next day Fred and George came and apparated me back to the Burrow. There, I surprised my brother and spent the rest of the summer at the Burrow with them.

Then, at the end of the summer Harry Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and I got letters from Dumbledore to return as 'eighth years'. Fred and George found some people to take over the joke shop until they graduate.

Then out of nowhere Parvati Patil ran up to us and said, "Bella, you're back! Did you hear? We're getting five new students in eighth year with us and two new teachers! That's not even the most exciting thing. They're all American vampires! Dumbledore said not to worry because they only drink animal blood, but it's still gonna be cool. See you 'round guys!" She said cheerily and flounced off with Padma Patil on her arm.

Everyone in our group knew everything I knew about the Cullens, and they knew that it sounded a lot like they were coming to Hogwarts. Oh, no. "It'll be okay Bells, now come on, let's go find Fred and George before they go start pranking first years." I nodded my head and followed Harry onto Hogwarts Express. Once we found a compartment, I let my mind drift off to sleep still thinking about the Cullens, and what this year might hold.

Six hours later:

We walked into the hall laughing, and I was the first to realize the Great Hall was deadly silent, and for once it wasn't because of something that had anything to do with us. There, sitting at the Gryffindor table, was Japer, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward. 'Oh, no.' I thought. All eyes were on them, and then as soon as everyone heard our laughter, all heads turned towards us, including the Cullens.

At first, I could see the Cullens were confused, until Alice whispered something and comprehension dawned on their faces. Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley clan's faces all turned toward me, with a questioning look on their faces. "Yes" I whispered, and that was all the confirmation they needed. Suddenly, all of the boys launched themselves at a vampire.

I could hear Ginny and Mione scream from either side of me and I saw fighting everyone. Suddenly I heard someone yell, "Stop!" Everyone's heads snapped from the scene before me to me. It took me a few moments to realize the person that yelled was me.

"Come on guys," I said, gesturing to my friends, "let's go." My friends and I walked out of the Great Hall with no emotions on our face. I led them into an empty classroom and examined the boys' injuries. "Boys." I said softly, "Let's get you to Madam Pomphrey."

Mione and Ginny nodded and softly muttered, "Yeah." Ginny went over and held Harry's hand, and Mione went over and held Ron's hand. I stepped in between Fred and George and held their hands and together we led the boys to the Hospital Wing.

As soon as we got there Madam Pomphrey started lecturing us all on how we should never 'fight with a vampire.' She told us that the boys would have to stay overnight and that we should go back to our dorms and get some sleep. As we walked out of the Hospital Wing I stopped them and said, "I'm not staying with you in your dorm. Because I have to stay in the Head's dorms but I will go help you unpack, okay.

They nodded their heads and we walked off to Gryffindor Tower, talking about nothing in particular. When we got to the fat lady portrait and walked in we saw it was empty except for five students and two teachers. The Cullens. They seemed to be waiting for someone, me.