Disclaimer: I do not own anything from World of Warcraft.

Warning: Contains Femslash, Don't like it? Don't read it.

So yeah, this is the re-written version of Valkyrie Love! I found it in my files and thought I'd have a stab at making more readable.


Valkyries only have two types of stance towards allies, dominant and submissive.

The dominant pose is the one you're most likely to see, wings flapping and keeping them hovering a foot or so in the air, head held high with a superior, haughty expression.

Now the submissive pose is the opposite, wings folded flat against their backs, head bowed, on their knees with their claws tucked under their butts. This pose is used when they feel week compared to who they are encountering, or when they are acknowledging a mistake.

This submissive pose Kakara finds herself in almost constantly when speaking with Sylvanas Windrunner.

The Banshee Queen was currently towering over the smaller-than-average Valkyrie, her expression thunderous.

"You. Pathetic. Welp." The former ranger-general hissed

"It really wasn't my fault" Kakara stuttered weakly, flinching at the scowl the Queen shot at her

"I am down over fifty undead because you couldn't keep a fucking lookout properly!" Sylvanas shrieked

Several sniggers and chortles sounded from the surrounding guard, the undead enjoyed seeing the small Valkyrie being scolded. In their eye's her size and frequent mishaps made her a liability to the undead.

"I'm sorry your Highness" Kakara sniffled

"Sorry?! SORRY FIXES NOTHING! You could have stopped them all dying even if you did let the worgan mutts ambush them" The Queen snarled

"There was too many of them, I would have died trying and the outcome would have been the same except you'd be down one Valkyrie" The Valkyrie cried unhappily

"Better you die brave than to come crawling back here a coward"

"I'm sorry your highness, It won't happen again"

"Shackle and take the scum down to the dungeons" Sylvanas growled at two nearby guards.

"What will happen to me my Queen?" Kakara asked timidly

"You will stay in the dungeons chained and without any other company apart from the rats" She replied in a hiss

"How long for your highness?"

"Until I say otherwise"

"How long will that be?" Kakara asked, stepping over the boundaries, the Queen drew back her hand and slapped her in the side of the face, hard. The Valkyrie fell over backwards, stunned; she hadn't expected that, Sylvanas had never laid a hand on her before, for any reason.

The guards advanced forward, shackling the sobbing Valkyrie and dragging her limp, reluctant form to the dungeons.

Had Kakara looked up at the queen as she was taken she would have been surprised at what she saw. Sylvanas was staring down at her hand with a tortured expression, as if Arthas himself had risen from the grave and shoved his fist up her ass.

Sorry its shorter than my normal length :(

Reviews are much appreciated and will bring more SylKak interactions!