Slowly walking up the stairs to McKinley high, at seven in the morning, Rachel dragged her feet, and opened up the front door. She was used to waking up early, doing her work out then getting to school and being in the school's theatre for some extra singing practice but she's been up late talking to the blonde soccer player, named Quinn.

The brunette clearly remembers last night at ten pm, wanting to tell the blonde and she'd have to go to sleep to wake up early, but she never wanted to stop talking to her, Quinn just made her so…happy, when Finn had crushed her heart so badly.

Getting her books from her locker, and placing it in her bag, she jumped slightly when she felt her bag slip from her arm, as someone pulled it away from her. She turned ready to yell at who was trying to take her things at this time in the morning but could only smile when met with the hazel, tired eyes of Quinn Fabray.

"Good morning" the blonde mumbled, leaning against the locker next to Rachel's, raising Rachel's bag to slide the strap onto her shoulder.

"Good morning to you, you know you don't have to do that" Rachel nodded to her back as she closed her locker, the blonde only shrugged.

"It's 7 am, you looked tired, didn't think you should be carrying something so heavy" Quinn smirked as Rachel turned a light shade of pink. Finn had never offered to carry her bag for her, not even when Rachel struggled to kept it on her, that one school day when she had three text books and two filled notebooks in her bag. He let her fall, instead of help. Jerk.

"What are you doing here so early?" Rachel asked, as she began walking down the hallway, Quinn following beside her.

"Had soccer practice at 6 am, it just finished so I just usually walk around the halls…or go to the theatre" Rachel's eyebrow rose as she glanced at Quinn. She bit her lip as Quinn gazed back with a smirk. "That's right; I know you're in there every morning singing"

And Quinn's heart swelled as soon as her eyes landed upon Rachel ducking her head as she blushed. She's never seen the girl more adorable than she did now. That is until the brunette looked up at her and gave her the famous Rachel berry smile. That just melted Quinn's heart.

Without really thinking Quinn placed her arm around the diva's shoulder and pulled her against her side, making their hips rub softly together as they walked side by side. Quinn bit her lip, as soon as the brunette leaned her head onto Quinn's shoulder.

They walked in silence until Quinn tightened her grip on Rachel's shoulder stopping the girl from reaching in front to open the door to the theatre; she took a small step forward sliding her arm off of the brunette, and opened the door, and stepping back, holding it open as the brunette just smiled, walking into the theatre with a soft "Thank you, Quinn" as she passed by her.

Quinn felt on top of the world, she was successfully wooing Rachel, at seven am in the morning. Way to go Quinn. Closing the door as soon as she walked into the theatre, Rachel took Quinn's hand and led her to the stage.

"Are you going to sing me something?" Quinn asked, a smile clearly heard in her voice.

"Hm, Maybe" Rachel bit her lip, leading Quinn up the stairs onto the stage. She let her fingers slip from Quinn's hand as she sat at the piano, Quinn stood until meeting the eyes of the brunette. "Sit" the Brunette said in almost a whisper

And Quinn did. She slid on the small bench barley leaving an inch of space between each other.

Rachel could feel her heart start to pump faster as soon as her bare leg brushed against Quinn's pants. She placed her shaky fingers on the piano keys, took in a deep breath before starting to play.

"Love, soft as an easy chair
Love, fresh as the morning air
One love that is shared by two
I have found with you
Like a rose under the April snow
I was always certain love would grow
Love, ageless and evergreen
Seldom seen by two
You and I will
make each night the first
Everyday a beginning
Spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed
They warm and excite us
'Cause we have the brightest love
Two lights that shine as one Morning glory and midnight sun
Time, we've learned to sail above
Time, won't change the meaning of one love
Ageless and ever evergreen"

"Barbra Streisand" Quinn mumbled with a smile as soon as Rachel finished her song. Rachel's hands froze on the piano keys, before slowly looking up at the blonde, her eyes bright and sparkling as she stared at her, Quinn feeling Rachel's stare, looked over for a second and her heart melted upon meeting the sparkling brown eyes, of the brunette. She let her eyes drop down to gaze at the brunette's half opened mouth, only for it to shut, open, and shut once more.

"Y-you know this song?" Rachel asked amassment dripping in her voice. She could feel her heart swell, now with the glee club, there was barley a handful of students who knew half as much of Barbra Streisand, and Rachel was certain no one would remember this song…until now.

Quinn had a secret of her own. Quinn wasn't much of a fan of Streisand, but as soon as she laid her eyes upon Rachel Berry, and heard her rant on and on about Streisand, once Quinn had got home that day she went straight to work to memorize every lyric from every song.

She never knew why she was so driven to find out so much of what the tiny brunette was interested in, until she took another look at the brunette and felt her heart beat faster.

"Um…I may have…heard, it…once, or twice" Quinn bit her lip while Rachel's smile just grew, the pounding of her heart speeding as she watched the blushing blond beside her.

"Quinn you-"


Both girls sat there staring at each other, registering in their minds that the school bell had just rung and it was time for the two to separate…if they moved that is. But they just sat. Inches from each other. Eyes locked unless one or the other drops their gaze to the other's lips. Rachel moved an half a centimeter away, her brain barley telling her "it's time to go! You have class with Finn"

"Please don't" Quinn bit her lip as soon as her words left her mouth. "I-I don't want you to go"

"I um…" Rachel trailed off, she had no words for once, she couldn't think when her mind was telling her go see Finn, and her heart wanting to stay right here with Quinn.

She had her life planned out since she was 10. She made power points and mini projects for everything. But Rachel Berry, the once so organized, Rachel Berry, and no idea what to do, next.