Author Update:

Hello readers, it is me prowerboy. First, I want to thank all who have read, watched, reviewed and favorited this story. I should have already thanked you via PM before but I might have missed you. I wanted to offer an update to my readers who visit my story as I know for a fact it has been a long time. Well I want you guys to know that I am not currently quitting this story or anything. But rather I am trying to develop my writing and I hopefully plan to update this story soon. So keep your eyes peeled! I promise that if I cancel this (which I try not to because I myself don't like it when works are not finished) then I will let you know and not have you guessing.

Thanks a lot!


P.S. I am doing some data collection where I am asking people to make quotes for Sonic characters. If you would like to participate for this please send inquiries via PM and I will tell you more details!