A/N: - Sooooo sorry! I haven't updated in, like, 2 days! That might not be much for you, but I feel like I've betrayed you guys! I was just a bit sidetracked with the whole end of the world Armageddon and all. What? IT'S A JUSTIFIED REASON! Sorry, but I'm one of those doofuses who believe anything they see on the 'net. Another apology, I had writers block, so I couldn't get myself to sit on front of the computer and WRITE. Y'know, it takes me 'bout an hour to write, check and recheck a chapter. It's a major time-taker! I have a life!
BTW, I got some absolutely AMAZING reviews which warmed my heart and gave me inspiration to write another chapter. So, I think all of you owe a round of applause to… Miss Dogluver! Since you are not a registered member, I can't PM you, so here is my reaction:
Your review for Ch. 6 was:
This is really, really good! I really like that you kept the original characters! :-)
My happy reaction:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, OMG! *bites her palm like Daphne* I'm not sure what you mean about the characters, but I sense you were really enthusiastic! Please review again in more detail, my favored fan!
Your review for Ch. 13 was:
You are a super good writer!
My speechless response:
I am speechless. You have honored me with your beautiful words, my friend.
Your review for Ch. 15:
Weird dream :-) you write really well! :-) I'm sooooo gonna write on FanFiction! :-) You inspired me! :-)
My shocked statement:
Ya! I know, no? Do I really write well? I'm honored, honored. You… you got i-insp-p-p-pired? B-b-by me? You have absolutely NO idea what you said and how much it means to me!
Your review for Ch. 19:
This is a really good chapter! Squee! :) :) I'm getting addicted 2 this little book! :)
The reason I fainted out o' shock:
Thanks! What can I do about your addiction? Maybe you can read my other story, A Hundred Words. Maybe that'll cure you. I enjoy your use of the word 'book' here.
I'm gonna pause the thing now, my hand is hurting. Enjoy your chapter.
Puck's POV:
I followed Mustardseed out the door. I followed him for a good while, until we reached a window. He stopped walking after that, he just leaned on the windowsill and looked out the window wistfully.
"What's the problem, little brother?" I asked.
He sighed. "You wouldn't understand."
"You're wrong. I would understand. I had a difficult love life too, Mustardseed. You forget who I'm married to."
"Ah. The difficult one. Sabrina Grimm. The one I once loved, but no more."
"YOU loved MY wife? How disrespectful. Just kidding. We're brothers. We have a similar taste in girls."
"Don't you find it strange that I loved all the women in your direct family?" he asked, smiling a little, cheering up.
"Hmm. Maybe you just enjoy my family's company."
"My daughter told me to tell you something supremely confusing which I can't remember and wasn't even able to figure out."
"How will I know what she wanted to say, then?"
"You'll go and ask her."
"No. She does not respect me."
"Aww, c'mon. Don't be like that. You're acting like a moody baby, bro. she's a thirteen year old girl. You can't expect her to 'respect' you."
"I guess not."
"Believe me; you can't force a teenage girl to do anything unless she wants to herself."
"How do you know?" Mustardseed asked rudely.
"I have a teenage daughter, stupid." I said, leaning on the windowsill with him.
"Ah. Yes. Sorry. Information temporarily forgotten."
"Why do you talk like that anyway?"
"To be honest, I have no idea why I talk like this and you do not."
"Maybe it's in the blood. Try saying once; I don't wanna play ball with you guys."
"I do not want to play any ball games with you and your acquaintances."
"No! Repeat after me; I don't wanna play ball with you guys."
"I just said it! I do not want to play ball games with you and your acquaintances." He said, annoyed.
"Okay, I think you have a disease or a mental problem."
"Anyway, I better go see what Allie is doing. I told her not to try flying herself, and I bet that's exactly what she's doing right now."
I turned to leave.
"And Puck?"
"Thank you."
"Why does everyone say thank you to me? What did I do for them?"
Mustardseed just shook his head and laughed.