It should be obvious by now that I am in love with psychotic girls, so enjoy this story. It's partly inspired by SweetKagamineKiss's Vocaloid stories; minus the blatant incest of course. Also it's 12:30 at night and I'm on the verge of collapsing. Help.

"...alright, the paperwork is all done. Welcome to the Vocaloid family, Ms. Mayu." greeted MASTER. He stretched his hand out to Mayu, who sat on the other side of his desk; the gothic lolica shook his hand and clasped her hands together enthusiastically.

"I'm glad to finally be here, sir!" chirped Mayu. MASTER gathered up all the paperwork and put it in a folder labeled, 'POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS'; she immediately took notice of it. "What's that?"

"Oh, well I put every new Vocaloid in this folder." explained the MASTER. "At this point, practically everyone's gone crazy and/or yandere and killed everyone else. I fondly remember when Kaito murdered everyone else just so he can have me to himself." He paused. "They got better."

"You don't have anything to worry from me." Mayu said innocently. Her new boss responded by bringing her paperwork back out.

"Mayu, for your occupation, you've listed yourself as 'Assassin For Hire', 'Kidnapper For Hire', and 'School Counselor " He briskly looked over the papers. "According to this, you once convinced a boy to kill the boyfriend of a girl he liked, and you tried to attack the police for wanting to arrest him and 'separate him from his love'. ...Let's not even get started with your long list of violent and sexual offenses. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"...Why would you hire me if you knew my background?"

"...Okay, look, you've got a good singing voice, but you're a diagnosed psychopath. I'm just worried about you going yandere on your fellow Vocaloids; as cool as it is, I'm tired of having to revive people and clean up the mess."

"You don't have to worry about that; I love all of you equally!" Mayu said, smiling.

MASTER sighed with relief. "Okay, that's good. Just keep your violence to a low, and everything will be fine."

"Right! I'll do my best to impress all of you!" And so Mayu skipped out of the office; she couldn't wait to meet the others...

The Vocaloids all looked at MASTER, who gave all of them a sheepish look. They were all locked up in a concrete warehouse with a locked door, no windows, and was filled to the brim with toys. A ticked off Miku said, "What did you think she meant when she said she loved all of us equally?"

"I thought it was platonic love!"

"Uh-huh." answered everyone else. Everyone froze when they heard the noise of a sliding door; Mayu walked into the warehouse, holding an ax in her hand. She gave them a small smile as she locked the door behind her.

"...Welp." said an utterly terrified Len; everyone that wasn't angry at MASTER was terrified of Mayu.

"Hello friends! I'm happy to say that I've done grocery shopping; you guys don't have to worry about going outside to do that. I wouldn't want any of you to be messing with the wrong crowd~."

"...Wh-Where is the groceries?" asked Kaito.

"It's at my house. I'll bring it over as soon as we're done playing!" Mayu put a small, bloodied glass bottle on the floor. "Let's play, 'Spin the Bottle to Decide Who I Kiss'! I'm sure no one will object... right?" She waved the ax around threateningly. Everyone nervously sat down on the floor to start playing; the Vocaloids cursed MASTER for bringing this plague to them, and the MASTER cursed himself for ignoring Mayu's criminal record just because of her singing talent.

The End