Last chapter! Omg I know, right? Since you guys have been totally awesome, I might even post a side story to this one. Only it will be about Vladimir's background ;) Well, I don't own Twilight and all that jazz. This chappie might be a little on the short side.
Warnings: None
Present day, December 2006
"So that's your story? That was really sad."
The two Romanians looked down at Renesmee, who was looking at Stefan with sad eyes. Stefan just shook his head. "It was a long time ago, child. It doesn't even bother me anymore. It is almost like reading a book."
Renesmee looked doubtful. "But that was your past. Why wouldn't it bother you?"
Stefan sighed. "Because it was a long time ago. I have no need to look back. The only thing that bothers me is when the Volturi killed my real family. That is what bothers me."
Renesmee shifted to another position. "But what happened to the twins?"
Stefan leaned back. "They died eventually, I was there. But they weren't upset about it, they were at a point in their human life where it was okay. Anica was devestated, she really did love them in a way.
"Isn't Anica dead now?" Renesmee asked.
Vladimir rolled his eyes. "We just tolled you the Volturi killed our family. Of course she's dead. She was not spared."
Renesmee looked at the ground. "I still find your story sad," she turned to Vladimir. "And your mother, she's dead too."
Vladimir nodded. "Yes, she's dead. Now do you see why we want to avenge them?
Renesmee nodded and stood up, heading towards the door where Bella and Edward were waiting for her. She turned to the Romanians one last time. "I still think revenge is wrong, but I guess I can understand."
She left, leaving Vladimir and Stefan alone. Stefan leaned his head on Vladimir's shoulder. "To think, she actually listened to my story."
Vladimir smirked. "She seemed interested enough, but I don't think her mother would like her to listen to something like that. It's a pretty gruesome tale. You even included sex."
Stefan let out a deep chuckle. "Oh, it wasn't too explicit," he paused. "Next thing we'll know, she'll be wanting to know your story."
Vladimir shook his head. "It's not very interesting."
"Well I found it interesting."
Vladimir didn't reply, but he moved. Adjusting their bodies so that Stefan was beneath him. He grinned down at him. "I still remember drugging you."
"I hated that drug. It gave me a headache."
Vladimir snorted and pressed a kiss to the place where he had bit Stefan. "To think," he began. "Only a couple hundred years later, the Volturi took everything from us."
Stefan placed a hand up to Vladimir. "We'll get it back."
Vladimir grinned evily. "We will."
Not very long, but hey. I wonder if anyone would want to hear Vladimir's story? Hmmmmm well, I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you guys!