Hello guys¡ I´m so sorry for the slow update D: you can kill me. My only excuse is that I´ve been so hooked with BBC´s Sherlock Holmes, oh those characters¡ My inner fangirl couldn´t help it and I am already considering on writing Johnlock or Mycroft/Moriarty (Not now because I´m not british enough for it so I´ll have to practice) but of course I will finish this story¡ I´m not that much of a bitch. Not...much.

DISCLAIMER: Is K project a Yaoi anime? No? Then I don´t own.

Chapter 8:

Mikoto Suoh hated Mondays. The beginning of another week of useless lectures and boring classmates.

The redhead was currently preparing for his physics class, picking up his books and notes that may come in handy if his professor, in one of his sour moods decided to make them do a 'surprise project'.
Mikoto wasn't looking forward to it; actually he wasn't looking forward to even attend school at the time. Not after the little incident involving certain bluenette, who curiously he hadn't seen yet.

"Jeez you just make me wanna commit suicide." Yata's odd lively mood wasn't helping relieve his gloominess. "Maybe I should join you in all your classes to make sure you don't die by the end of the day."

Suoh was about to reply harshly, but he stopped when he felt a single finger poking his middle back. Suoh wasn't a religious person, but at that moment he prayed to whoever gods were up there to not find Munakata when he turned to face the person.
To his surprise (and relief) he was received by a pair of honey orbs and kind smile.

"Hello, Totsuka." He greeted the brunette.
The shorter man blushed cutely as he always did every time Mikoto focused his amber eyes on him.

"Hello, Mikoto-San. How are you today?"

Suoh shrugged. "I told you to drop the 'San'. It makes me feel old."

Tatara nodded eagerly. "I-if that makes you u-uncomfortable then so b-be it Mikoto!" It was impressive how many times he stuttered at Mikoto's presence. It wasn't his fault though. Tatara had been in love with Suoh since their freshman year of high school and haven't changed ever since.

"I'm fine." It was Mikoto's simple answer. Tatara knew best than feel offended by the redhead's vagueness. "I'm late for class so..."

"Wait! Uh...before you go, do you remember what you said last week?" His sweet voice held a ting of hope. After receiving only silence from the redhead Tatara continued. "Y-you said we would go out...today." He finished shyly.

Soon, Mikoto found himself in a dilemma. He certainly didn't want to go out with Tatara, or anyone for that matter, but at the same time he would feel horrible if he rejected the handsome brunette. Poor boy had to be in love with him.

He turned to look at Yata in a silent plea for help.
He knew Yata was completely against him dating Tatara, so he was stunned when Yata nodded in silent agreement. What was wrong with him? He had always despised the mere idea of him and Totsuka sitting alone at lunch, so why was the ginger encouraging him to agree?

Tatara's big eyes were watery, already preparing for the imminent rejection.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00, be ready." With that, Suoh walked along with Yata to their next class.

The redhead and Yata sat side by side so it was easy for Suoh to ask for a few answers.
Mikoto passed him a folded sheet of paper, while their professor explained Newton's second law.

'Care to explain why the sudden change of mind?' Read the paper.

Yata took his pencil and started to write a reply. 'It's a lesson.' He handed it to his companion.

Mikoto frowned at his simple reply. He started writing. 'To get me laid?'

Suoh received a kick under the desk.

'No. It's to make you realize how madly in love you are with that princess.'

'By playing with someone else's feelings? How brave Yata.'

'You're not one to talk Suoh. It's just a date, a friends date, even if Tatara doesn't sees it that way, I trust you won't do anything stupid to make him fall in love even more'

Mikoto groaned in annoyance. These problems concerning feelings were ridiculous and uncalled for. This theory seemed truer with every passing day.

"Saru, I look horrible!"

Fushimi rolled his eyes at Munakata's hundredth moan...and they weren't the good kind of moans either.

The bluenette stood in front of his full length mirror. He was wearing the worst set of clothes he had ever seen, only because Fushimi said it could be a good start to prove himself as a humble human being.

That was the reason why Reisi was wearing a blue, simple sweater along with plain dark jeans and a pair of snickers of undetected brand. His hair was still perfect though, it was the only thing Fushimi (out of mercy) let him keep.

"I'm disgusting! How am I suppose to attract Suoh if I look like one of his friends?!" He complained in a childish voice.

Saruhiko face palmed. "You won't if you keep up with that attitude. Listen, it's not easy, but if you succeed then you'll be happy and I won't have to listen to your constant whines. Works for both."

Reisi though he was right. Mikoto wasn't the first one to be annoyed by his attitude or arrogant antics, so the bluenette assumed it had to change even if it was harder then he previously thought.

"You're right," He accepted. "I'm sorry about yesterday and for making you miss school today. I'll make it up to you."

One of the reasons Fushimi hadn't murdered the taller boy was obvious; the pale boy, in spite of his arrogance had a big heart. Fushimi hated that kind of people, but made an exception for his ex boyfriend. "It's okay. Just don't fuck things up; I put a lot of effort teaching you the basics of the humble life."

Munakata smiled. "No, no! Fushimi my handsome friend I insist! Let me buy you some dinner tonight." Munakata said with an overly exaggerated cheeky smile.

"Just don't overdo it. Idiot."

The pressure of keeping secrets is hard to bear. Mostly if you cherish the same person you have to keep your secrets from.

Awashima Seri was an expert on that matter and she wasn't proud.

The blonde woman was arranging some papers and looking for others, while her eyes set on the small screen in front of her.
She was alone inside a dark room filled with small televisions, all of them connected to cameras thoughtfully placed around HOMRA.

The one she was currently looking at showed the face of Mikoto Suoh. The young man look bored to no end after saying his goodbyes to his ginger friend and the other one named Tatara Totsuka.

"Tatara..." It was the perfect bait. Mikoto, if certainly distanced from Reisi, still wanted the pale teen.
If Seri was good at something it was to be able to read people.

She was glad, even if sometimes it came out as a nuisance instead of a respectable trait.

Her phone rang, showing a message from the youngest Munakata asking for her presence. The blonde sighed and walked to his bedroom after locking the security room.
Her heels were the only sounds echoing inside the big mansion and it made her feel a bit lonely. Sorrowful even. Without noticing she was in front of Munakata's bedroom.

After only two knocks Reisi opened the door.

It was incredible how alike Reisi was to his mother. The same beauty that enchanted and intrigued his father so many years ago, neatly represented in Reisi's features.
It was no wonder why Suoh Mikoto couldn't get the pale boy out of his mind.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" She asked.
Munakata nodded and gestured her to come inside.

"Yes, thank you for coming Seri. Please take a seat."

Awashima was a bit taken back by Munakata's manners. She was aware the boy wasn't respectful to those who he considered lesser than him, though, the teen had always respected her a bit more, and it was still shocking.

"What is the matter? Is there something bothering you? You know is my duty as-"

"I know, Seri," He interrupted. "I called you because I wanted to apologize."

Seri raised an eyebrow. Reisi? Apologizing?

"Sir, are you-"

"Please just...let me talk first." Munakata took a deep breath and made a silent prayer to no one in particular. "I know I've been very rude to you and I've made false accusations about my father and yourself. I'm very sorry for that and I want you to know that I appreciate the ten years you've dedicated your life to my family. I hope you can forgive me."

Seri Awashima was speechless.
Her blue orbs showed nothing more than pure shock and amazement.

"Sir I..." She began. "I just...yes. Yes I forgive you."

The surprise came when Munakata gave her a hug. It was so honest. Even his words had been so honest; Seri felt a pang of guilt inside her heart.

Kagutsu Munakata was planning to break this boy's happiness and Seri was taking part of that. She felt disgusted with herself.

Reisi broke the hug but offered her a sweet smile.

"Oh my, this feels rather...nice." He said proudly. "Isn't that right, Seri?"

"Y-yes, sir."

Munakata smiled for the last time and got out of his bedroom, leaving a dazzled Seri feeling guilty and ashamed for the first time in her life.

After informing Fushimi about his progress in redemption, Munakata felt strange. But not in a bad way, not at all. It was actually a feeling of freedom and change.
He felt the corner of his lips tug and there was nothing he could do to stop smiling.

He felt so different. Even the feel of his clothes against his flawless skin was changing; it was lighter, like soft feathers brushing against his flesh. Not the usual constricting sensation he felt when he wore his Channel jacket.

The pale boy stretched his arms carelessly behind his head and sighed in contentment. This was the real life.
His tranquil walk was perturbed by the sound of angered screams and desperate groans. His eyebrows quirked at the curiousness.

Reisi walked towards the source of those coarse sounds, surprisingly finding an angered (as per usual) Yata trying to bandage his own right arm. Too bad the ginger wasn't left handed and so he was doing a poor job at it.

"YOU FUCKER!" Screamed Yata once again.
On a different situation Reisi would've made fun of the struggling ginger, pointing out his stupidity and endless struggles but...strangely he just didn't feel like it. Not after his talk with Seri.

Deciding to put an end to his suffering, Munakata walked towards Yata and kneeled beside him.

The ginger's eye widened.

"What are you doing here?! Uh?! Trying to make fun of me punk! I'll show you how-"

"Please be quiet. I can't work properly if you keep talking." Munakata took the bandage from Yata's hand and looked for rubbing alcohol inside his own backpack.

The ginger watched in awe as Munakata's pale fingers finished to bandage him up nicely. The taller teen even put him on a Hello Kitty's band aid. It was a wonder what that boy kept inside his bag.

"It's done. Don't move a lot and they should be fine." He said softly. "How did you get those?"

Yata was about to spat and insult but he kept silent. Munakata already thought of him as an ex convict, telling him the truth would be horrible for his self stem and for Saru's view of him.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me," He said while picking up his belongings. "But be careful next time, okay?"

Yata was confused. Why was Munakata Reisi being so nice to him?

The ginger tugged at his sleeve. "Are you high?"

"No, I'm not. Why do you say that?" Munakata stood up from the ground but strangely didn't freak out for the mud tainting his jeans.

"Oh I don't know Mr. Congeniality, maybe because you're not making fun of me or insulting me or making me feel less for that matter." The shorter teen said after checking out his perfectly done bandages.

Reisi frowned. Did he actually do all of that? "Listen, con...I mean, Yata. I'm trying my best to change for good. You don't know how difficult this is for me, I've been used to this kind of attitude my whole life, but I'm willing to change." He said. There was more to it of course, but he wasn't about to have a heart-to-heart conversation in the middle of a dirty sidewalk.

Yata sent the paler boy a doubtful look. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Munakata blushed. "W-well...there is this person I..."

The ginger smirked. That was all he needed to know for realize what was going on through the sassy princess' head.
After all, Mikoto Suoh was the kind of person that made you want to change. It had worked for the kids and for himself. However...

"I got into a fight with some gang." He stated out of nowhere. "They threatened a woman and her baby daughter. I couldn't stand and watch! I had to do something."

Yata lowered his head in shame. "I promised Izumo and Mikoto-San to never engage in another gang fight. They give me so much and I only give them problems."

Yata looked like a scolded child. So small and fragile even if they were both nineteen years old.
Munakata placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You didn't. Sometimes we make stupid things for the right reasons and oddly enough those things are the ones that can change the world." He explained. "But I still think your hair is an ugly mullet."

Misaki froze in awe. Munakata's words were sincere and full of wisdom (except for the last comment), something he never expected from the rich brat he used to be.
From that moment Yata knew that Munakata Reisi was the only person Mikoto needed. If only the redhead could see how changed he was! But instead he was getting ready for his stupid date and...The date...the fucking date!

The ginger picked up his skateboard and ran back to the bar. "I-I gotta go! See ya' Munakata!" He had to stop Suoh from that stupid date. Stupid him for being the one suggesting it!

The short boy ran, forgetting his skateboard and instead running his heart out.

Munakata watched the injured boy run faster than any one he had ever seen.

'What is wrong with him?'

Izumo was cleaning the bar after a busy afternoon. Apparently people liked to drink when the weather was cold.
His eyes settled on Yata when he heard the principal door slam shut.

"Why the hurry, Yata-Chan?" Izumo asked in his characteristically joyful attitude.

Yata took a couple of breaths before answering. "W-where is M-Mikoto-San?"

"Oh! He is getting dressed for his date."

Yata nodded and ran to the taller boy's bedroom, opening the door without knocking.
Mikoto was buttoning up his shirt, taking extra care not to wrinkle the soft material.

"You can't go to that date, so don't bother."

Suoh didn't even look at him. "You're a bipolar little child." He lit a cigarette. "I thought about what you said and probably you're right."

"Hey thanks- I mean! No! You can't go anymore forget what I said...and I'm not a child." The pout adorning his face however, belied his previous words.

"No. I already called Totsuka, we're gonna meet at that fancy restaurant you and Fushimi brought Me."

"What?! The same place you had a date with Munakata?!"

Mikoto tensed at the mention of the bluenette's name. "Munakata? So, the 'bitch' has a name now?"

Yata blushed. "W-well...he was so nice to me today...Mikoto, he changed. Of course he is still a little bitchy but you need to see him he-"


Seriously, Yata couldn't cope with so much apathy.

"You don't even love him." And it was true. Mikoto didn't love Tatara in that way, he was the perfect man for everyone else but for him...

"I can try." Was his dishonest reply. "I have to go; it's almost 7:00."

Suoh picked up his wallet and grabbed his keys. When he was about to leave Yata stopped him.

"You're making a big fat ass mistake." He stated. "You accused Reisi of being afraid; I honestly think you are terrified to fall in love with him."

The ginger didn't leave time to fight back; he was already heading to his own room. His words still lingered inside his head. Mikoto sighed and took out another cigarette.

'That's why you smoke? Because you feel like if you die you have nothing to lose?'

Munakata's words hadn't left his head. Hell, his face hadn't left since the moment he met him. It was so familiar, so warm and heavy at the same time. Suoh didn't want to accept how much he wished to drive to the bluenette's home, kidnap him and have a movie's night followed by a session of passionate lovemaking.

He couldn´t accept it.

Kagutsu Munakata remembers.
The night when everything changed and his life gave a complete turn.
He watches his calloused hands, the wrinkles across his face and the bags under his eyes.

Every single characteristic of his body has changed. Though, his beautiful wife had seen under his physical flaws and her love made him feel like the greatest man of all.

He was nineteen when he met her. Her violet orbs had watched him intently through long lashes, her pale cheeks tinted a rosy hue when he watched back and she flashed him a warm smile when he invited her to dance.

Both were poor and Kagutsu wanted nothing more than to give her the life she deserved. He wanted to adorn her body with expensive dresses and lull her to sleep on silky sheets. He wasn't capable of any of that. Yuki didn't care, she got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful boy on October 1st. Kagutsu couldn't contain his happiness.

Having his baby in his arms, listening to the soft coos he emitted and the way his nose wrinkled when he was hungry. It was the cutest thing in the world.
It was another sign for him; he had to find a way out of poverty for his family.

And one day he met them.

The Mikoto family, with their mansions, jewels and cars. Everything Kagutsu looked up to, everything he wanted for his own family.
Mrs. Mikoto was a woman with a kind heart. She listened to him and gave him all her trust inviting Kagutsu and his family for dinner and watching the cute interactions between their children.

Mrs. Mikoto used to tell them how Suoh always seemed to calm down when he was near Reisi. It was a calm lullaby for the Mikoto child; watch the other composed baby and touching his face curiously.

'Those two complement each other like no other, won't you agree Mr. Munakata?'

Mrs. Mikoto used to say that frequently. Kagutsu was worried.

"What a pity"

And it was true. He wished he had known that family in another circumstances.
They weren't bad people, but Kagutsu was. He killed them quickly. Silently. Accurately.

Just a single bullet through their head and it was all over. Easy.

Though, he hadn't had the heart to kill a two year old Suoh. It made him think of his own child.
So he let him live.

Kagutsu remembers the day he took him to the other family, but without taking him far away from his golden crib and porcelain toys. It was safe. That way he wouldn't have to see him again. Unfortunately for the boy he had to meet the same fate ten years later, when a disastrous accident kills both of his adoptive parents. Kagutsu didn't even bother to show up at the funeral.

With his disappearance, Munakata changed the papers, he changed them all. The Mikoto fortune will be his no one else´s. Just for him and his family.

But oh! How cruel destiny was.

Now, his idiotic son was in love with the person he tried to avoid the most.

It was dangerous. If Reisi let that boy into his life, Kagutsu's little scheme could crumble. How cruel indeed.

"Sir, your son is waiting for you."

Seri's smooth voice brought his back to the present.
Now, he needed to find a way to make Reisi realize what a bastard Mikoto was. Even if that wasn't completely true.

The door opened and his son greeted him with a smile.
That warm smile was the perfect copy of his mother's. It was the reason why Kagutsu fell in love with her in the first place.

"You wanted to see me, father?" Reisi asked, taking a seat across the desk.
It was weird, last time he was here Reisi had been so angry at his father, now, he felt nothing but gratefulness.

"Son, let's get to the point." He adjusted his tie. "I'm well aware of you and that boy's...affair. I'm happy for you but I have a duty as a father."

"Oh no¡ dad, don't tell me you-"

"I spied him, yes."

Reisi rolled his eyes. His father had a sick tendency to know (spy) the persons he dated. It was annoying yes, but he couldn't voice his opinion.

"Son, are you sure you feel something for him?"

The question was simple and yet the answer was nothing sort of simple. Mikoto made him feel things he never had felt and compelled him to experiment even more of them. God he was head over hills for him and he FINALLY had the guts to accept it.
He nodded. "Yes father, I'm sure." Those words crushed Kagutsu's heart. It felt like betrayal from his own blood, even if Reisi wasn't aware of the situation.

"Is that way?" The older Munakata sighed. "Son, I've never expected you to be the third wheel in a relationship, I mean, you are refined. A gentleman. I'm startled about your current position."

Munakata tilted his head. What was his father talking about? Third wheel?

"Dad I-"

"I know it's a big shock for you, but maybe this will help you clear you mind,"

Reisi watched as his father turned on the flat TV screen and pressed the play button on the small DVD player under it.

"Do you perhaps know what is Mikoto Suoh doing at this precise moment?" Kagutsu asked.

Reisi shook his head. "N-no. I haven't seen him since..."

Munakata didn't want to remember that night. The night when Suoh left him for the second time giving only a few explanations that didn't make any sense to him.

"I saw what happened, that night." Kagutsu watched his son blush heavily. "You must me confused, I mean, making advances on you and then rejecting you? That's a little bit harsh."

The older man moved away from his view to the TV screen.
It was Suoh, talking to Yata. Nothing out of the ordinary. Yata was rambling about denying his feelings for Saruhiko, something fun to see but...

"Father what-"

"Shh...Keep going..."

"Do you really like the guy?" It was Yata asking Mikoto.
Reisi's heart was pounding in his chest uncontrollably; maybe this was the moment of truth, if Suoh felt something for him then...

"I hate him."

Scratch that, his heart was a horrible mess after those two simple words. He honestly wanted to cry. He knew Mikoto didn't completely like him but...Munakata was hoping to finally enamor the redhead once and for all by changing his attitude. Crying wouldn't do anything to mend his broken heart.

But the video didn't stop there.

"That boy could be our only hope to save the bar..."

"His father is the owner of 'Scepter4', that means he will be the heir so if he gets what he wants I can convince him to leave us alone."

"And he wants YOU"


"I'll give him a good time and then his father will leave us alone..."

Reisi was gripping his seat so tightly, that his already pale knuckles turned even paler by the pressure.

"There's more son..."

Munakata wanted to yell, he wanted to beg his father to stop and just let him go. He could've done it, but his throat was tight just like his chest, he wasn't aware of the pain anymore.

"He's currently in a date with his partner." Kagutsu began. "Tatara Totsuka; fine young man and good looks. Nothing Mikoto Suoh could resist."

Kagutsu noticed the tension flowing around the body of his son. The older man stood behind the teen, leaning forward just to whisper closely.

"He used you. Just like a rag doll he changed you and manipulated you to his will just to save his precious bar," He brushed a dark blue lock away from Reisi's face. "And you...my son, so in love with a complete fool. Crying for a scum of human being."

He hadn't realized he was crying until his father pointed it out. The hot tears rolled down his porcelain cheeks like a graceful river. For Kagutsu it was sight to see.

"He loves him, Reisi. Can't you see?"

Kagutsu had been careful enough to make Seri follow Suoh. The blonde convinced the waiter to install a tiny camera on the table where Tatara and Suoh were having dinner. Of course this was possible for the haughty millionaire. Nothing a couple thousands couldn't do.

The older man was a master in spying. He put a lot of effort in every single detail and it showed.

"I've loved you for a long time."

Tatara's voice was smooth. It was the kind of voice you could be lulled by.
You could hear Suoh's lazy reply. The soft groan he was used to hear from the impatient redhead.

"Suoh...Please kiss me."

No. oh no! If Suoh actually did it he...

The bluenette stood up from his chair. He was fed up. Tears still streamed down his face and his father only watched him with a blank expression.

Reisi stormed out of room.

After dialing Fushimi's number Reisi locked himself up in his room, ten minutes later the shorter teen arrived to the luxurious house.

"Munakata...What happened?"

The raven boy thought he knew Reisi's faces and expressions. They had been through a lot as friends and boyfriends, but Fushimi had never seen Munakata crying his heart out like he was at the moment.

"Reisi..." He tried again. "If this is because Katy Perry broke up with his boy-"

"T-that's not it¡...Besides I didn´t like him anyways-" He interrupted before he sobbed again.

Saruhiko padded his back slowly and comfortably. He wasn't the best at comforting people, because he usually was the reason for their crying. But Saru actually cared about his friend-even if he never mentioned it-.

"He lied to me." It was barely a whisper but Fushimi heard it clearly.
"What do you mean?"

Whipping some tears off his face Munakata proceeded to tell Saruhiko about his pain. The shorter boy listened patiently and carefully, not making sly remarks or interrupting.

"He used me, Saru. I was...I was changing f-for him and he only..." He sobbed again. The bluenette's usual superior and arrogant frame was turned into a quivering mess. His body was shaking with such powerful pain that Saru knew there's was nothing he could do to take it away. It was an emotional pain, the pain of being betrayed and used by someone you loved.

Fushimi smoldered with indignation. "He's an asshole. Please stop crying."

"I c-can't. Fushimi, I changed I-"

"Though...You acted like an asshole too." Saruhiko was mad yes, but that didn't mean he couldn't think reasonably. "You changed, but he didn't see you and that's because you pushed him away,"

Saru continued. "Like I said you are very irritable and annoying," He watched his friend frown between tears. "And Mikoto isn't dating you, so it's no big deal if he dates someone else. You knew this could happen."

Reisi sniffed weakly. "I know, Saru. But that doesn't mean he had the right to use me."

Fushimi sighed, patting his friend's back in a surprisingly soothing way. "You're right about that. Don't worry though, if he really likes you he'll clear everything out."

Munakata wiped his face hurriedly. "You only say that because Yata likes you back and you two have wild sex."

"We haven't had sex...yet. And don't be stupid, don't do anything stupid and please avoid listening to stupid people." Fushimi paused. "I'm talking about your father."

"He was trying to warn me, he's a great dad."

The shorter boy groaned and gagged intentionally, earning a few giggles from the other teen.

"Thank you, Saru. I feel a bit better. I´m still mad though."

"Don't let your father win. I mean, keep fighting for what you want, don't give up just yet."

Reisi hugged his once more. There were no ulterior motives behind the sweet gesture, only the feeling of appreciation and gratitude.

After Munakata cleaned his face-because above all he was still a super vain princess-the bluenette decided to go for a walk to clear up his mind. Fushimi remained silent inside his friend's room. Something didn't 'clicked'. He knew the money and power Kagutsu Munakata had, but, to waste it on spying his only son?
The older man wasn't known to be a caring type of father.

"We have something else here..."

Or maybe Saruhiko was just being paranoid. He wasn't the type of guy with the 'Listen to your heart' motto. But what option did he have?

His blue eyes followed a noise coming from the stairs. Saru stood up and peered through the key hole.

Awashima Seri ran hurriedly to his boss' office carrying a few papers and old notebooks. One worn out piece of paper slipped his hand but the blonde didn't seem to notice, she was busy arranging other paperwork and bills to present.

When Seri disappeared from eye sight Fushimi picked up the forgotten piece of paper. He scanned it quickly, folded it neatly and tucked it inside his pocket.

'This better be worth my time'...He hoped.

A bit confusing but I tried to make a long story short. Though, I´ll explain it in detail on the next few chapters so fear not¡ please review if you liked this or just enjoy¡ I´m happy anyways. Thanks for the support guys (even if I gave you a crappy short chapter). Until next time¡ :)