Jinora and Ikki decide that General Iroh needs a princess. Asami fits the bill. Hilarity ensues.

(Note: Obviously, this is not very canon. Everybody's back on Air Temple Island in Republic City after Korra's bending was restored. Also, I use the name Honora for Zuko's daughter, who is the current Fire Lord.)

"What, a General? Coming here? Like the one in my book who blew up all the sea monsters?" Jinora asked, clutching the book to her chest and staring up at Tenzin with wide eyes.

"Bam! Bam! Sea monsters!" Ikki yelled, punching gusts of air at her father. She paused, thought a moment, then looked up. "He sounds scary!"

Tenzin sighed, and knelt down to calm his daughters. "General Iroh is a good man, girls. He helped defend this city. And I expect you to be very respectful. He is the son of the Fire Lord-"

"He's a PRINCE!?" Ikki squealed, leaping into the air. Jinora dropped her book to clasp her hands together and stare wistfully into space. Pema smiled at her as she walked though the room carrying baby Rohan. Her husband reached out a hand to get her attention, but she was already gone.

Tenzin sighed again, rubbing his head. "Yes, he is a prince. And that's why you must..."

But the two girls had already run off, leaving their father to wonder what sort of chaos this was going to turn into.

Jinora and Ikki's feet barely touched the ground as they half-ran half-flew around the courtyard. The pair spun past Asami Sato's makeshift workshop, where she was dissecting a piece of an Equalist mecha, and waved at her. Asami put down her screwdriver and waved back. Out closer to the pen where the sky bison lived, Mako and Bolin practiced bending techniques Korra had shown them, once Tenzin had convinced her there was some worth to the styles that weren't used in pro-bending.

The Avatar herself had left to greet the General when his ship had been spotted on the horizon, returning from the meeting with the rest of the United Forces leaders. This had been a conference lasting many weeks; Korra had been surprised to learn that even the Fire Lord and current Earth King had been present to discuss counterterrorism measures when she'd returned to Republic City with her bending restored.

The girls circled the courtyard a few more times, leaping over baby sky bison and making funny faces at the meditating Air Acolytes, before running back through the building and tumbling into the library.

"What are we doing?" Ikki asked loudly. An acolyte shushed her from behind a copy of Postcolonial Life in Yu Dao.

"Sorry!" Ikki said, and jumped down from the table. She floated over to where Jinora was pulling book after book from the shelves.

"I'm looking for a book on princesses!" Jinora answered. Ikki jumped back to avoid being hit by a green-bound volume titled The Tales of Ba Sing Se. "Here!"

She blew the dust off a thick book and waved it in Ikki's face. The cover had a picture of an elegant woman with pale hair surrounded by flowing ribbons alongside the title Princesses through the Ages.

"Why do we need that? Are we trying to find a princess? A pretty princess who lives in a cloud castle in the sky and drinks moonlight every day? Do you think she'll let us live there?" Her sister cut her off, saying, "Not like that, you silly-head! If General Iroh is a prince, he needs-"

"A princess!" Ikki repeated, "But don't we already know a princess? Korra!"

"No, silly," Jinora laughed, "Korra is the Avatar! That's totally different. A princess is a pretty girl who marries a prince! Or another princess, I guess." She flipped through the book, Ikki leaning over her shoulder. "We need to find one for him. He doesn't have one already, right? We better make sure."

"I know a pretty girl! I know a pretty girl!" Ikki squealed, jumping up and down.

"Who's that, Ikki?"

"That inventor lady! Asami!"

Jinora gasped, her eyes going wide. "That might just work!" She jumped up. "Come on, we've got work to do."

"I've got to warn you, things are a bit crazy here," Korra said as she and Iroh approached the Air complex. "We've got Tenzin's family and the Acolytes, but Asami, Bolin, and Mako are also living here. There's not really anywhere else for them to stay right now, not with half the city destroyed and the police still investigating the Sato estate." She looked off into the distance a moment, pushing away other thoughts of the Equalist attack from her mind. Meditation exercises were good for something, at least.

"I understand," Iroh replied, surveying what he could see of the buildings. "Don't worry, I won't get in your way. I just need somewhere to organize security plans and meet with officials."

"No, no, we're glad to help," Korra clarified, waving her hands to emphasize her point. At that moment, Tenzin walked into sight, so the conversation stopped.

"General Iroh, welcome. The meeting was successful, I trust?"

"Very successful, yes. We're making good headway on a functional defense plan."

Tenzin led them inside the main building and into the family's wing of the complex.

"I hear Fire Lord Honora has approved your request to move the United Forces strategy team to Republic City?"

"Yes. She agrees that the Equalists will likely not attack here again, not after their first failure."

They had barely entered the main room when Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo swooped in. The two girls crowded around Korra and Iroh while Meelo hopped up on a globe of air to get a better view. Pema followed behind them, in the rare state of having her hands free after putting Rohan down for a nap.

"Children, please, give him some space," Tenzin said, to no effect.

"Gran-Gran never told me, what happened to your great-grandmother?" Jinora asked the General, giving what she hoped was an endearing smile.

"That's a very interesting story," Iroh began. "Eventually, Fire Lord Zuko..." Jinora grinned wider. Finally, she was going to get answers! But he didn't get any further in the tale before Ikki jumped in.

"Have you ever met pirates? Have you ever fought a sea monster? Do you have a princess? How many ships do you have? Are they made of stardust?"

Jinora scowled and decided it was no use pressing the issue.

"No sea monsters, no pirates," Iroh laughed, good-natured at the girl's interruption. "And no princess, yet," he added.

Jinora and Ikki glanced at each other, eyes lit up with excitement.

"Now then, " Tenzin said, cutting into the chatter. "We have things to do. You can go practice your meditation until we eat." He turned back to Iroh. "You'll be welcome to eat with us, of course." The General nodded politely and thanked him.

Pema took charge. "Meelo, come on, bathtime." She gathered the boy in her arms and carried him out of the room. The two girls fluttered off, a picture of innocence, already hatching romantic plots. Sitting around quietly was the last thing on their minds.