Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. Sad face.
Note: So a friend of mine (who doesn't read fics at all), read this story and convinced me that it needed an epilogue. I was very hesitant to agree, but after sharing a discussion of such sorts with someone who doesn't even read fics insists…well then I have to try. Because I imagine you the readers, are probably feeling the same way. If not…I apologize…if so…here ya go! Enjoy!
Queen Mary
Long Beach, CA
December 31, 2012
"This is so not my scene!" Bruce shouted over the music at Betty, who was smiling from ear to ear.
"Loosen up, Bruce. How often do you get to enjoy the company of your team, on a ship, with some music, and some drinks?" She looped her arm with his and looked out at the crowd of people gathered on the dance floor.
"Not often. And I wouldn't mind if it stayed that way. You can't even hold a conversation in here. It's so loud!" He squinted his eyes as he too looked for his friends.
"What?" She teased and Bruce rolled his eyes playfully. "There…" she pointed out to her right. "There's Tony and Pepper." Betty smiled before she tried her best to lead them through the crowded dance space.
It was refreshing for Betty to see a couple like Tony and Pepper. They were, she imagined, how her and Bruce should have been all along. Unafraid of the world and its demons. Only happy to face them together. She looked back at Bruce who followed directly behind her and smiled at him. Thankfully he had experienced a moment of rational thinking when he had called her after the events in New York. Of course she did not hesitate to take full advantage of making her point, again. They belonged together, and she knew he knew, he was only too stubborn to see it immediately.
She squeezed his hand as they got closer to the pair.
Pepper laughed softly and tried not to spill her martini as Tony kissed behind her ear. They sat on a plush sectional in the corner of the room, away from the immense sea of bodies that currently jumped up and down to the beat of the music. "Tony…behave." She laughed again and pushed at his chest.
"How can I when you're wearing that dress. You give me chills." He grinned his playboy smile at her. Her dress did possess such power, and he tried every second not to stare and lose track of time altogether.
"Are they multiplying?" She rolled her eyes teasingly while he pouted. Normally she would have left him to himself to get over it, but she felt especially compassionate so she leaned in for a quick peck on the lips.
The duo smiled at each other for some time when they pulled away. He could feel the vibrations of the music, but he heard nothing around him. Saw nothing. Except for her. The images from the last few months flooded his memory and he shook his head in disbelief. "What a year."
Pepper sighed contentedly. "Never a dull moment."
"Not one." Tony chuckled and lifted his glass of scotch towards her. "To another year. Just like this one, but better."
"Here here." She replied and clinked her glass with his before they both drank to his toast.
He was the one to lean in this time. Not a peck, yet not a passionate fighting of lips. He was sweet and tender, but lingered there with their lips against each other for a moment longer. Until an prominent clearing of a throat caused him to jump and pull away reluctantly.
Betty batted Bruce lightly on the stomach. "Sorry for the interruption." She proceeded with a smile. "Bruce is a genius, but lacks romanticism." The small group shared a laugh while Bruce rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"And self-control…" Tony added and received a similar smack on the shoulder from Pepper. "Kidding. Kidding." He winked at her and turned his head again. "Betty?" He stood along with Pepper to shake her hand.
"Nice to finally meet you, Tony. Bruce has told me so much about you."
"Don't tell him about the terrible stuff I've told you. He doesn't need to hear that." Bruce quipped.
"Your work fascinates him…and me." She continued after eyeing Bruce.
"That's alright big guy, have I got the horror stories for her about you." He grinned. "Maybe we can all sit down and have a deep conversation about your work some time." He paused to slap Bruce on the shoulder before looking back to Betty. "Betty, this is Pepper." Tony stood back and motioned to her with his hand.
The redhead smiled broadly before stepping forward to shake her hand. "Nice to finally meetyou, Betty. I've been very anxious to meet the woman intellectual that keeps Bruce grounded." They all chuckled.
"Oh likewise. I've heard quite the tale about you two."
"Touché." Pepper smiled.
After sharing another light-hearted laugh, the group sat and drank together. Discussing the fundamentals of a good party to ring in the New Year. It took all of thirty seconds for Tony to stand and yell over the music to the crowd gathered on the dance floor. They all cheered when they heard him shout something about the best New Year's party ever.
"Where's the rest of the group, Tony?" Bruce asked with a drink of his beer.
"They're all enjoying themselves on the Chill level." Tony answered casually as he sat down.
Betty knitted her eyebrows and smiled. "I'm sorry, what's the Chill level? Is that code for something?"
Pepper chuckled. "No. It's a level where they have an exhibit of ice sculptures, an ice skating rink, and some ice inner tubing. It's very cold, but can be very fun."
As soon as Pepper finished explaining the Chill experience to Betty, her eyes lit up. "That does sound like fun. What are we doing here then?" Betty questioned Bruce and the pair with wide eyes.
Immediately Bruce shook his head. "No thank you."
"Oh come on, Bruce." Betty ran her palm up and down his arm in an attempt to cajole him into saying yes.
"Tony…Pepper?" Betty eyed them.
Tony and Pepper smiled at her before looking at each other. Tony would say yes to any kind of fun, despite their current wardrobe. They contemplated their options. Pepper shrugged at Tony. With a grin in place he turned to the couple before them and stood. "We're in! Come on Green Giant. It'll be fun." He turned to offer his hand to Pepper. "Ms. Potts…I do believe you are overdressed, but let's see what we can do about that ."
Betty stood immediately and wrapped an arm around Bruce's waist. "Shall we?" She asked them.
"We'll meet you there." Tony smiled and Betty nodded happily. Bruce had no other option but to follow forcefully.
"How do I always manage to get sucked into some holiday charade?" He shook his head.
Pepper's hand was laced with Tony's as they watched the couple walk out onto the deck. She took a second to smile before she turned to Tony with knitted brows. "What plans do you have?" She asked nervously.
A small grin broke out on his face. "Wouldn't you like to know." He winked and retrieved his Stark Phone from his pocket. He dialed the familiar number while squeezing Pepper's hand lightly. "Yo, Hap. You still in the area?"
"You sure about this, boss?" Happy asked with a grin. "This isn't something you can undo. And if you ever did try, I would probably knock you on your six."
Tony looked down from where he watched the stars to find Happy eyeing him. "Have I fired you today, yet?"
"Yes." He shook his head and handed him the object in his hand.
Tony accepted it with such caution. Fearing that if he squeezed to hard, or held it too loosely, he would break it or lose it forever. "Damn. Oh well, there's always tomorrow." He teased. "Thanks, Hogan." He slapped his friend's shoulder and turned to walk away.
"Boss…" Happy called out.
"Yeah?" Tony turned in place.
"Pepper's clothes…" He pointed at the Dooney and Bourke bag he still held in one hand.
The billionaire smiled shyly for maybe the third time in his life. He wanted to laugh, but he held back and shook his head instead. He moved quickly towards Happy and took the bag before he walked away and flashed him a peace sign.
The group sat huddled at a table near the ice rink while they each laced up their skates. Nervous looks came from some of them that had never skated before. Others looked excited and giddy like little kids. One in particular, looked utterly confused at the contraptions on his feet.
"I do not understand, Jane. Tis a complicated way of celebrating a joyful time." Thor shook his head.
Jane smiled while the rest of them laughed at him. "You'll be fine. I'll help you." She rubbed his back reassuringly.
"No offense, Jane, but if the god of thunder and lightning himself falls, you won't be able to help much." Clint grinned. "He'll probably take you down with him."
"I would never endangers Jane is such a way. I wish not to harm her." He smiled at her.
Audible sighs that followed a rolling of eyes could be heard around the table. "Never mind, Thor." Clint shook his head.
They all shared a small laugh before Tony spoke. "Alright kids, my lovely lady and I are heading out there. Last one to the rink gets the next round of drinks." He smiled and took Pepper's hand in his. Bruce let out a small laugh as he watched both of them walk awkwardly on the rubber floor that led to the ice.
A few minutes after everyone had readied themselves, they all skated around the rink with their partners. The place wasn't crowded, but enough people were skating to make it an interesting and potential hazard zone.
Thor had yet to let go of the low wall, even after Jane's attempts at pacifying him. She would caress his arm and gently pull it away from the wall before she laced her fingers with his. Any small movements from behind him or beside him, and Thor would instantly break his hand away from hers to grip the wall. She tried not to laugh at his lack of ease and poise, but it really was an amusing sight to her. Such a strong and sturdy man turned into a fragile and unbalanced mess.
"Thor you have to try it once or you'll never get the confidence to take off on your own." She laughed softly.
"Tis a perilous and daunting task." He slipped a bit and gripped the wall until his knuckles turned white. "Marching into combat with bilgesnipe would appear to be a more peaceful way to perish."
This time Jane could not help the laugh that escaped her. He spoke often about the bilgesnipe, and she got a sense that they were his least favorite things on his world. Yet now she clearly realized he'd rather fight them to the death than attempt to skate. "Would you like to go sit down?" She offered him a way out of his misery.
"I do not desire to resign my efforts." Thor straightened himself up and spoke assertively, but soon found himself on his way down towards the icy surface. The toerake on his skate caught the ice when he clumsily skate-walked, sending him to his crash landing. Jane watched in slow motion as he leaned involuntarily forward. She stiffened her muscles in an attempt to grab hold of him, but failed as he slipped from her slender arms.
"Thor!" She kneeled beside him when he finally landed on his stomach. "Are you alright?"
He lay still as he tried to catch his breath, and then suddenly he was laughing out loud. His reaction surprised Jane, who now smiled at him. "It's quite cold." He rolled over to look up at her. "Perhaps skating is not my forte." Thor continued to laugh as Jane watched in amazement. She rubbed the ice off his stomach while he looked past her and towards the sky. "Tis a beautiful night." He finally stopped laughing and looked back at her eyes.
"It is." She smiled. "Here, let's get you up and out of those things."
"Jane…" Thor lifted part of his upper body up onto his elbows. "You are beautiful. And quite pleasing to the eyes." He grinned. She smiled bashfully.
"Thank you, Thor." She made a move to stand when he swiftly lifted his palm to cup her cheek. Jane did rise, but instead leaned towards him as he guided her lips to his. "Darcy is going to have a good laugh at this." She spoke in between their kiss.
On the opposite side of the rink Bruce and Betty skated slowly with Clint and Natasha close behind them. Hand in hand Betty and Bruce talked over their shoulders at them. "So this is fun." Bruce commented.
"I don't believe for a second that you've enjoyed yourself." Clint teased.
"This holiday season was not my favorite, no." He shrugged.
"You know, Bruce, you're turning into quite the scrooge." Betty kissed his cheek, mindful of their path to avoid an unwanted collision.
"I wouldn't give him too much a hard time, Betty. This one had a lot to do with Bruce's attitude about the past few weeks." Natasha smiled and shook her head at Clint. Who only winked back at her and continued to skate.
The four of them skated around for a while as they conversed. Bruce would never have labeled Clint as an interesting guy, but he was. And he was rather captivated by the fact that Clint liked to rock climb on his spare time. He insisted Bruce try it sometime as a meditative exercise. Even suggested they do it together. Bruce didn't dismiss the idea at all. The spy was just as surprised at the exchange as Bruce was.
While the men shared their ideas with each other, the two ladies laughed and shared small talk about life in New York. Needless to say, they seemed to be having a pleasant time.
Pepper gasped when Thor fell, but relaxed when she saw him and Jane exit the rink without medical assistance. Tony laughed so hard he almost cried. She elbowed him in the ribs. They both stared at the two couples that skated around, impressed at how intently they seemed to be chatting. He chortled at the odd friendships they would be building. Now Tony skated quietly next to Pepper as she talked about her hopes for the coming year. He listened carefully for a few minutes, even provided her with his opinions, but he soon tuned out. Not because he was bored, but because a lot was on his mind…and on the line. He nervously wiped his palms on his pants.
"So what do you think?" Pepper asked with a wide smile.
His dear-in-the-headlights look told Pepper he had no idea what to think. Tony, ever thinking in his own world about his next creation. She shook her head, but waited anxiously for his response. Which was sure to be a good one. "Um, I think that whatever you think sounds good to me." He smiled with hopes that she would accept his answer.
"So you would be ok with me leaving to Asgard with Thor on a soul-searching vacation?" She teased.
"What?" He raised his voice and asked perplexedly. "Thor? To Asgard? With Thor?" He shook his head. "That's a terrible idea. One of the worst ones you've ever had." He rambled. "Why would you need to find your soul, anyway? Are you unsure about something? Is it me? Did I do something?" Tony stopped skating and pulled her with him to rest against the wall. His confusion and worry only intensified when Pepper laughed.
"That was great." She said in between catching her breath. Her soft curls fell forward as she struggled to stop laughing. Tony stared at her in confusion. His heart rate sky rocketing from the lack of comprehension he was experiencing. Pepper looked up and tucked her hair behind her ears. "I'm sorry. That was funny."
He shook his head. "I missed something. I know I did. Nothing about what you said was funny, Pepper." His fingers squeezed her hips as he pulled her closer. "Is this part of the not-so-subtle payback? If it is you can have more. In fact, I'll take the twelve percent and you take the other eighty-eight."
Pepper chuckled again and wrapped her arms around his neck. She had known him for many years now, had probably been in love with him for nearly as long, and yet she still felt something warm inside when they shared moments like this. In public or by themselves, being near each other, the light touches and loving glances amidst friendly banter- it was all perfect. "Careful Stark, as CO-CEO I am authorized to write up a document that would legally bind you to that proposition." She teased.
He smiled. "Legally binding huh. I might like that." His smile soon faded when he realized that she had yet to explain her fascination with giving him a heart attack. "What was so funny, Potts?"
She chuckled softly before she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I had asked you what you thought about maybe getting another tower started out here in California. You seemed distant, so I changed the question when you finally came back from…wherever you were." She shrugged. "I felt like pulling your leg."
"That is a dangerous trick, Ms. Potts." Tony paused. "I'm sorry my mind wandered for a bit there. I've been thinking a lot lately." He smiled apologetically.
"About?" She lifted the lapels of his coat to shield his face from the cool sea breeze.
"Quantum mechanics, this CEO that drives me absolutely insane, the String Theory, said CEO's close proximity…" He grinned. "I could go on forever." Tony's genuine smile caught stuck Pepper. Her own smile unavoidably came through while her heart raced at the sight before her. "Pepper I…"
She pulled him by his coat and kissed him before he could finish voicing his thoughts. They stood wrapped in each other's arms as others skated past them with wide smiles. Their lips busy exploring the pleasantly familiar territory of each other's mouths. "How did we go so long without doing this before?" Pepper mouthed when they broke for a breath of crisp air.
Tony grinned. "I don't know about you, but it was very hard for me to keep my comments…thoughts…to myself whenever you were near."
Pepper laughed. "Oh that was you restraining yourself?" She shook her head and hugged him with her head nestled under his chin. "I wonder what it would have been like if you hadn't been so adamant about denying yourself the liberty to speak your mind." He laughed softly.
"I've painted a pretty detailed and stimulating picture in my head."
"Keep it to yourself." They both laughed.
"Spoil sport."
The sound of a horn made them jump in each other's arms. Others around them reacted the same way at first, but quickly realized the sound was made to announce the new year had arrived on the East Coast. Everyone cheered and an excitement fluttered within them in anticipation. Tony and Pepper smiled happily as they stood in place.
"Hey! Let's go check out the ice sculptures!" The voice of Clint had Pepper and Tony turning their heads to spot him skating towards them. "Come on love birds. Can't you guys keep your hands off of each other for two minutes?" He teased.
"Yes we can. But I'd rather not. Besides, I'm the kind of guy who gets bored if his hands aren't doing something." Tony stated while he looked down at Pepper and winked.
"Wow. Too much information, Tony. Thank you for that." Bruce shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose with eyes tightly closed.
Betty shook her head at the exchange as well. "Anyway, do you guys want to join us?" She questioned the pair.
Pepper unwound her arms from his body to turn and face the group. "You guys go ahead." She took hold of Tony's hand to lace their fingers together. "I'm taking Tony with me." She beamed. His brows knitted together.
"Is that code for something?" He joked. Pepper elbowed him softly in the ribs. Again.
"Alright guys. We'll see you." Natasha stated as she exited the rink with the rest of the group behind her.
Tony pulled at Pepper's hand to turn her around. Her smile widened when he looked at her curiously. "What plans do you have?" He asked her.
"I just want to have fun." Pepper shrugged teasingly before she kissed him and exited the rink herself.
They walked hand in hand down the long corridor. Picture frames and doors past them on either side as they made their way to what appeared to be the end of the path. Tony observed Pepper curiously out of the corner of his eye. He wondered what and when she had planned whatever it was she planned to carry out.
A low rumbled could be heard as the music and celebration continued on several levels up. Aside from that, he could literally hear her breathe. Sometimes he longed for nothing more than an entire day of peace with Pepper cuddled next to him. It was a welcomed silence to his ears.
But he could only go so long without talking. Even if it was to lighten the mood. "You know…they say this ship is haunted, Pep." He looked around the hallway in an attempt to spook her.
Pepper huffed confidently and continued to lead them until she stopped at the very last door on the right. "So I've heard."
He smiled at her as he looked down into her blue eyes. "You're not scared." He stated rather than asked.
She shook her head. "I don't care."
"Wow. I'm actually turned on right now." Tony pulled her close to his body. She grinned up at him. "What if I told you that I'm scared. Will you protect me?"
"Always." She kissed him soundly.
He was just about to get lost in her when she opened the door behind them. Without breaking their kiss, Tony walked them back into the stateroom and closed the door as he backed Pepper into it. He smiled into their kiss when he heard a small moan escape her mouth. "I like your way of thinking." Tony spoke in regards to her booking a room for them.
"There's more." She moved from his lips to his jawline just below his ear.
An involuntary shudder made its way down his body. "Oh?" He urged her to continue by caressing her warm skin with his cold hands.
"We can fly now if you want." She proceeded her exploration of his neck with her lips.
"You're amazing, Potts. You know that right?" A giddy Tony spoke through gritted teeth.
"I mean in the suits."
"What?" Tony closed his eyes when she kissed his pulse point. Completely oblivious of her words.
"Turn around." Pepper spoke, almost daring him to break his hold on her.
Tony was an admirer of challenges.
Tony was also an admirer of Pepper Potts.
Which presented him with the dilemma he currently battled in his head. Part of him wanted to accept her challenge because he was, after all, a curious soul. A bigger part of him however, sought to stay in the arms of the only woman he was willing to damn curiosity for. The latter part of him won out as he made sure the lock on the door was engaged.
Pepper laughed on his skin when she heard the resounding click. Her body fought her as well. She wanted nothing more than to feel his skin on hers, but she was also excited to show him her interest in flying with him. So she forced herself to push him away. His sad pout amused her. "Turn. Around." She grinned.
With a heavy sigh, Tony did as he was instructed. When his eyes came to rest upon the two shiny suit cases, his pride soared. Virginia Pepper Potts was not only the most amazing assistant, CEO, planner, organizer, person in the world. She was now also the most amazing girlfriend…soul mate in the entire universe. He swiftly spun to meet her eye. "You want to fly the suit?" The excitement clearly etched on his face.
She responded only with a nod.
"I'm excited." He flaunted a cheeky grin. "In more ways than one."
Pepper laughed and shook her head. "Not surprised. Which is why I'm choosing when we fly. Otherwise we might never leave this room."
"Call it, beautiful." Tony knew she was right. He could never choose his suits over Pepper. Not willingly. Not anymore.
"Now." She walked towards the bed where her suitcase lay beside his. "Let's fly right now."
They flew together over the city, and even up the coast to Malibu and back. To say that Pepper had fun was an understatement. She was thrilled. Not only because she was experiencing something so new and so unimaginable, but because she was doing so with Tony by her side. Having witnessed his excitement for their joint escapade made her immeasurably happy.
Now, after what could have been hours (because neither of them had kept time), they landed on the roof of the Aquarium. Their faceplates lifted to reveal satisfied smiles on both of their faces. "That was incredible, Tony." Pepper's feet clanked as she turned to face him.
Tony's own metallic feet sounded as he walked to her. "What can I say, I aim to please." He stated boastfully. He clasped her gloved hands in his. "I take great pride in knowing my lady enjoyed herself."
"I truly did." She leaned closer in an attempt to kiss him. They struggled to find the right angle, and eventually laughed when their helmets would not grant them another inch. "I foresee this will become an issue of great concern for me." She spoke through their fit of laughter.
He nodded. "I can fix that. Consider it not an issue."
It was not long after that that Happy drove up to the front of the Aquarium waiting for the pair to make their way down. Tony made sure to give him a location where they could land away from the people to avoid any commotion. They walked towards the limo, Tony carrying both suitcases, when Happy opened the door for them. "Have fun?" He asked them with a smirk.
"Definitely." Pepper nodded happily before she stepped in.
She made herself comfortable on the seat while Tony and Happy placed the cases in the trunk. "So?" Happy questioned Tony under his breath careful about Pepper listening in.
Tony shook his head. "No go." They slammed the door shut.
Happy smiled and shook his head. "I knew you'd chicken out, boss." He walked towards the driver's door.
"I do not chicken out, Hogan. You're fired...again."
"Whatever you say." He saluted him as they entered the limo and made their trip back to the ship.
The couple arrived to find their friends enjoying some tubbing runs on the Chill level of the ship. Laugher surrounded them as kids and grown ups made their way down the icy hills.
A few seconds of observing was all it took for Pepper to pull Tony towards the entrance of the attraction. Tony wasn't going to fight it, the night had been perfect so far, and he saw no need to change that. "If I get frostbite, I fully expect to care for me, Pepper."
"Deal." She laughed.
"Hey guys!" Betty smiled as she made it to the top with her inner tube. Her face was red from the cold and from her laughing all the way down. "Are you guys ready?"
Pepper nodded. "Where's Bruce?"
"Here." He fixed his glasses as he came up to meet them.
Tony chuckled as he retrieved the inner tube from the attendant."That's a good look for you, big guy. Flushed and tussled hair. Sexy." He teased.
"Zip it, Tony." He walked towards Betty who already sat on her tube.
Tony set the tube down for Pepper and she sat waiting for him. "Race?" Tony asked.
Bruce shook his head in disbelief. "Is everything a competition to you?"
"Yup." He answered quickly as he settled in behind Pepper. "So?"
"We're in." Betty answered for both of them.
"I'm glad one of you has the guts in your relationship." Tony joked.
"Just go, Stark." Bruce urged. "On three."
"One." Pepper started with a grin.
"Two." Tony continued with a determined look down the hill.
"Three!" Betty shouted as both couples pushed themselves off the top and raced down towards the end.
Tony gripped the handles at his sides tightly while Pepper subconsciously held the material of his pant legs. The laughed as they hit bumps and jumped up on the tube. The cold air from the ice making their eyes water and their cheeks red.
"You're going down!" Bruce yelled as he leaned forward to increase their speed. Betty laughing her heart out.
All four of laughed as they saw the bottom approach them quickly. "Not if I can help it!" Tony released the handles and leaned forward with Pepper to improve their aerodynamics.
People rooted as they realized the teams that were 'competing'. They jumped and shouted. The race was close as the two tubes slid side by side. It wasn't until the end that Bruce and Betty pulled away slightly to beat Tony and Pepper by an inch. "Yeah!" Bruce and Betty cheered together as they came to a stop.
Tony and Pepper's tube came to a halt right beside them. The two of them laughed as they leaned back to breathe. They stood carefully and walked over to their friends to shake hands. "Good race." Pepper hugged Betty.
"I think you cheated." Tony chuckled. "You weight more than me." He pointed at Bruce.
"What?" Bruce laughed. "Sore loser. Rematch?"
Tony breathed in and shook his head. "No. I think I want to go at it with Pepper." He smiled back at her. She raised her eyebrows in ayou-really-want-to-go-there manner. He nodded at her silent question.
"Alright. We'll judge." Bruce suggested.
Pepper sat on her inner tube at the top as Tony grabbed his own and positioned himself for take-off. They turned to look at each other. Both determined to beat the other in a friendly show of superiority. "Any bets?" Pepper asked.
Tony pretended to be deep in thought.
She cut in before he could state his terms. "If I win, I get to take you to the stateroom right after we finish the race." She bit her lip to try and convince him.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, but recovered smoothly. "And if I win, you say yes." He smirked.
"What?" Pepper knitted her eyebrows.
"Ready?" Tony smiled and looked forward.
"Wait. Say yes to what?" She sat confused.
"Go!" Tony pushed himself off the top and laughed at his beautiful redhead.
"Tony!" She shook the confusion out of her head to push herself as well. She leaned forward to try to catch up to him.
The two tubes slid fast down the ice and the pair looked to the imaginary finish line and back towards each other. Tony looked over his shoulder and smiled smugly when he realized he could beat Pepper. Her tube was a few feet behind his despite her perfect form.
"Here they come!" Betty pointed.
"Tony's got this one." Bruce shook his head.
They raced down the last few feet. Pepper closed the distance. Tony leaned forward a bit more. She yelled out his name. He chuckled. The crowd roared once again.
"Tony wins!" Betty and Bruce shouted over the cheers.
The tubes somehow ended up sliding down the same line. Tony's comes to a complete stop as Pepper's continues down directly towards his. He turns to place the front of the tube before him for cushion. She braces for the impact and closes her eyes tightly in anticipation.
Bruce and Betty look horrified at what could end up being a serious collision. Gasps emanated from the crowd.
He avoided his natural instinct of closing his eyes in order to keep and eye on her. She yelped loudly as the tubes hit. Tony thanked his 'always correct' calculations as he judged where she would be thrown after the impact.
Pepper breathed hard as she expected to hit solid ice, but was surprised when she felt a strong pair of arms embrace her instead. She was a bit confused and wondered if someone had caught her when she flew up in the air. Her eyes opened slowly and she realized she had not been thrown up, but forward to land right in Tony's arms.
She sighed thankfully and closed her eyes. Tony's laugher brought her out of her thoughts. "Ouch." He uttered through his chuckles. "That hurt my ribs." He continued to laugh.
Pepper was a little taken back by his reaction. "What's so funny?" She looked down at his face. "We could have been seriously injured." She couldn't help the light slap at his shoulder.
Tony just laughed. "That was fun." He wrapped his arms tighter around her lower back.
A smile broke out on her face as his laughter intoxicated her. "You're an odd one, Stark."
"Maybe." Tony caught his breath. "But I'm also the winner. Which means I win. Which also means that I won the bet." He finally opened his eyes to look up at her confused blue orbs.
"Your bet was unclear. I can't agree to it without understanding." She shook her head.
Tony grinned widely. "It was clear. Just say yes."
Pepper glared at him. "Say yes to what?" She raised her eyebrows.
"To me." She looked perplexed. He smiled as he reached in his pocket for the object he held there for a better part of the night. He cleared his throat. "Marry me." He raised the ring up for her to see.
The crowd and their friends, who somehow all ended up as onlookers through the ordeal, gasped.
Pepper's own breath hitched in her throat from the sudden shock of the question. Her eyes glistened with tears as she rested above the man she loved. Her look went from the ring to Tony's smiling face. She wanted to speak, but found it hard to do so. So she chose to nod slowly before she cleared her throat. He nodded back at her to confirm she had just agreed. "Yes." She finally managed to answer him. "Yes." She repeated. The crowd clapped and cheered for them as they heard her reply.
Tony exhaled in relief as he kissed her lovingly. She smiled against his lips when he smoothly, and without looking, slid the gold titanium diamond ring onto the correct finger. "I told you it was clear." He spoke through several pecks. "I love you."
Pepper giggled and nodded with her lips still on his. "I love you."
If someone hadn't cleared their throat, the couple would have stayed there. On his tube. In each other's arms. Engrossed in their kiss. When they heard it though, they separated to look up at Rhodey. "Way to go, buddy." He smiled at them.
"Thanks, Platypus." Tony smiled up at his friend.
"Not that I want to keep you from your activities, because I probably couldn't even if I wanted to, but we have three minutes before midnight. And we were all kind of hoping we could celebrate without feeling the need to continue looking awkwardly at you two making out." He finished.
Pepper's face instantly reddened and she hid it in the crook of Tony's neck. "Gotcha." Tony nodded in agreement as he hugged Pepper tightly. She slowly stood and waited for Tony to join her. They walked towards the crowd and turned to look up at the sky.
The music on the dance level stopped. The crowd stood silent as they waited for the official time keeper to start the countdown on the intercom.
Tony looked at Pepper who happily waited for the show. He laced his fingers with hers and sighed as he felt the ring against his finger.
"Twenty seconds!" The man yelled over the system.
Everyone readied themselves. Couples embraced, parents held onto their children, and friends stood around.
"Ten!" He began.
"Nine!" Everyone on the ship joined in.
"Eight!" Not only could you hear the people aboard the ship chant, but the people on the street, the ones on the beach, and even the substantial crowd gathered at Pine Square as well.
"Seven!" Several smaller craft stopped near the Queen Mary to count down alongside of them, and to enjoy the show.
"Happy new year!" Everyone chimed at once as the ship's blow horn rang in the new year. Fireworks soon shot up into the sky from the stern of the ship. People cheered and clapped as others kissed and hugged.
Tony and Pepper faced each other as they locked lips and hugged. "Happy new year, Tony." She kissed him again.
He in turn poured his soul into it as he hugged her and lifted her slightly off the ground. "Happy new year, Pep."
No one could have separated the two. Not even an act of God. They embraced each other tightly without any desire to let go. And they didn't. Not for anything. Because they were officially prepared to face the new year together. As one. As it should be. Forever.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed it. If you are at all curious what Long Beach, CA and the Queen Mary look like, I recommend you GoogleMaps it on Satellite image. One of my favorite places to go during my summer nights. Risks and Consequences will be updated this weekend so stay tuned! P.S. Another trailer for Iron Man 3 is coming out! Don't miss it on Super Bowl Sunday! New poster is also out! I'm beyond excited...