Lucy Heartfilia lived in the city that was home to the Saber Tooth guild. While Lucy could use magic she couldn't join the guild. Being deaf she was more of a hindrance to the guild she loved so much. And why did she love it? Her brothers Sting and Rouge were members. When they were home they lived together, mostly because Lucy hated being alone. The only thing she hated worse was her job as a stripper in a local bar. Honestly? She would rather join a guild but most turned her away because she couldn't hear. Her mother also told her every day before she died to never join a guild. She never said why, but then she died when Lucy was eight.

Rouge and Sting were coming home today from a quest so Lucy made sure to buy plenty of food to last them a few days. But then the happy feeling of their homecoming wasn't able to drown out the voice she heard in her head. The voices of the costumers at the bar rang high in her ears. The staccato beat of the rain and her footsteps could drown them out for a few minutes and then they would come back with a vengeance. Lucy stopped in front an alleyway when she heard a groan. She looked inside to find a boy around her age with… Is his hair pink? He was injured badly, so was his cat. Lucy sighed. She had to help them but the question was how? They were too big for her to carry by herself. She took out her Communication Lacrima and called the one person she knew would help. Rufus. He answered on the first ring.

"Hey Luce! What up?" he asked, making sure to speak slowly so I could read his lips.

"Hey I find myself in a bit of a fix. Can you come help me?" I asked using my most charming smile. He looked nervous.

"It ain't some guy you found injured is it? You know your brothers would kill me if I helped you with that."

Oh great, now what? I though to myself. Then an idea hit me. I began to look worried, checking behind me. I knew he could see everything I was doing. Sure enough he started to get irritated.

"I think I am being followed. I'm scared Ru." I said using the nickname I gave him. One that I only used when I was in trouble. That got his attention.

"Don't worry; I am on my way baby girl. I got your location. Just sit tight." He said before the line went dead. I smiled.

Score one for me! I thought evilly.

But my luck seemed to have run out. Because at that moment some one grabbed me from behind and forced me into the alley. I turned to face him, it was Rin. A regular at the bar who was notorious for roughing up the girls after their shifts. He took out a knife and held it to my throat, his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I bit down on his hand, he back handed me and I could already feel the bruise forming on my right eye. I fell to the ground with him on top of me, he held my hands immobile. He plunged the knife into my shoulder. I winced in pain as he drew it out and cut up my arms.

"Now look what you made me do. I had to cut you because you were being bad. You know I love you Lucy, and we are perfect for each other." He breathed in my ear. It felt so disgusting. I twisted and turned trying to get free of him, but another stab and slice stopped my struggles. The blade as torn from my side as he was ripped off of me by the wounded kid I had been trying to help. I lay there holding my throbbing shoulder as the boy collapsed to his knees again. I really thought we were going to die until Rufus came and tackled the guy to the ground. Orga came to my side quickly to check my wounds. They hurt but they weren't as bad as the guy who tried to help me. Rufus killed Rin and came to pick me up and started walking to my apartment.

"Wait! He tried to help. Now he is hurt. Orga take him to!" I yelled. He ran off to do as I had asked. Because it was either that or let me nearly die trying to help him myself. Rufus walked with me in his arms and the wounded kid was in Orga's as we made our way to my house. Unfortunately my luck hates me and my brothers were back already. Sting jumped up and nearly tackled Rufus to get me into his arms. He rushed me to the bathroom where he proceeded to strip my top off to bandage my wounds. Orga set the bleeding and unconscious kid on my sofa, and left. Rufus followed soon after.

"Ouch! That hurt Sting!" I wailed, starting to cry. Rouge came in and hugged me tightly, a small comfort until Sting was done.

"Was it Rin?" Sting growled out. I nodded.

"But that is not important, that kid tried to save me and got hurt." I started to say. But Rouge cut me off.

"And we thank him for that, but he is a member of Fairy Tail. And we don't know if he isn't a psycho." He said patiently.

"I don't care! You will treat him!" I yelled yanking my hearing aids out so it would be useless to argue with me. I walked off getting out of my work clothes and into my PJ's. Sting came in behind me, a worried look on his face.

Sting watched Lucy closely, while she was being her normal brave self he knew she was moments from bursting into tears. Not because of the pain she just had to endure but because of the shear terror she had to have felt. His twin Rouge was busy tending to the Fairy's injuries. Lucy started shaking, I walked over and put her hearing aids back in. Granted they didn't really work, she still couldn't hear much of anything. But they were a lifeline to their sister. When she lost her hearing, she became so afraid and alone. She clung to them even though they were more for show than anything. The absence of sound reminded her too much of what her father had done.

I wrapped my arms around her as she turned to bury her face in my chest. I growled in disgust with myself. A Fairy had saved his sister, and while he was truly grateful he hated that he couldn't be there for her. I dried her tears and led her to the sofa and sat her down next to the Fairy. Natsu I think his name was. I thought as I went to the kitchen to brew her up some hot coco. I was nice and brewed some up for all of us and grabbed four fish for our cats. I walked back and Natsu was chatting at Lucy. Not realizing the pained expression on her face. I started to lose my cool. But Lector, my cat, sat on my shoulder. Encouraging me to relax. Frosch on the other hand wasn't so quick.

"Idiot Fairy! She is deaf! She can't hear you, so speak slower so she can read your lips!" Rouge snapped. Normally it was rare for him to lose his cool like that. Unless it came to Lucy. There he lost it over the smallest thing, no that I had any room to talk. Natsu looked panicked.

"I am so sorry. I had no idea. Thank you for helping me." He said to her.

"Oh it's no trouble at all." She smiled as she sipped her coco. Natsu downed his in one gulp. He really is a flame brain. I thought idly.

"But I am in Fairy Tail and you're in Saber Tooth, so why help me?"

"But I'm not in Saber Tooth." Lucy looked puzzled, a very cute look for her. Natsu looked just as confused.

"I can see your mark, I'm not an idiot you know." He said.

"The guild master only let our sister get one because it was the only way we would join." I said handing Lucy and ice pack for her eye.

"Since she is deaf they don't allow her to go to the hall and most of the Guild ignores her." Finished Rouge. Natsu looked mad.

"Well that's stupid! You know, you guys should come to Fairy Tail!" he yelled. Lucy jumped and started shaking. I hit the noisy kid in the head.

"She has hearing aids and your shrill voice scared her!" I hissed.

"Well I wanted to but I gave up after everyone said no." she said.

"Then that settles it! You should quit Saber Tooth and join Fairy Tail! I guarantee Gramps would accept you!" Natsu kept yelling until I hit him again. Rouge and I looked at Lucy. It looked like she wanted to go but was afraid to.

"We will go if you go Luce." Rouge said quietly.

"Yeah and honestly we are tired of Minerva's crap." I added. Lucy beamed, she looked truly happy. Mimi flew around Lucy as happy as could be. Mimi was Lucy's cat, Lector was mine and Frosch was Rouges. We are one dysfunctional family.

I was absolutely on cloud nine! I was going to join Fairy Tail, but I tried not to get my hopes up. It would hurt a lot if I couldn't. More than the last few times. Sting and Rouge left to go square everything away with master. It was just Natsu, Lucy, and the cats alone in the apartment. Lucy got up to put the cups in the sink. Unfortunately the pain from her injuries caused her to drop one. She and Natsu bent down at the same time to pick up the pieces. Their faces just mere inches from each other. They sat there frozen for a bit. Natsu's mind was reeling. First a Saber Tooth member saved him then her learned she was apart of the guild but not. Now she is deaf and can't hear him.

Natsu took in her features. Golden blonde hair with deep brown eyes that were gentle and kind. He wondered for a moment if her hair was as soft as it looked or if it smelled like strawberries like she did. Natsu hastily grabbed the pieces and put them in the sink, desperately trying to get the lewd thoughts from his head. The deep V of her shirts neckline gave him a nice view of her bare breasts. Ones he would kill to taste. Oh gah! Stop Natsu, you have Lissanna! He yelled at himself. He turned to her sitting in a chair adjacent to the couch. He sat down on the couch, blushing like a mad man.

"S-so where do you work if you don't work in the guild?" I asked. Damn it, stop stuttering.

"I'm a dancer at a strip club down the road." She answered with a smile. A freakin smile! She frowned and walked over to me and placed her fore head on mine.

"You have a fever. Come on lie down and I will get you a blanket." She said bouncing off. She came and draped it over him.

"So what do your brothers think about it?" she paled.

"They don't like it. But this place is expensive since we live together, so we need the extra cash. It pays more than anything that isn't a quest." She said as if she was talking about the weather.

"So what kind of magic do you use?" I asked. It had to be a safe subject, it just had to be. Because the blanket is not doing a good job at hiding an erection.

"Oh Dragon and Mermaid slayer, Celestial, Spirit keys, I think." She said nervously. I cocked an eyebrow.

"You're not sure? Well here I can tell you have slayer magic, that has a scent of its own. If I had to guess you used Ice Dragon Slayer magic the most right?" she nodded and I smiled.

"Get some sleep kid." She said

"I am not a kid! My name is Natsu and I am the same age as you!" she laughed as she walked off to bed. I settled into a restless sleep. Always images of what she would look like naked and moaning while he…. Enough brain! He yelled at himself.

The next morning Natsu woke to the smell of pancakes, he got up groggily and found his way to the kitchen. Her back, that had held her guild mark, was now smooth and without it. As was the Twins. Which reminded Natsu…

"So why did you guys kill your dragons?" I asked aloud when it was supposed to be a thought.

"We had to." Sting said weakly.

"They were already dying, a slow and painful death. We stopped their suffering." Rouge finished. Natsu felt bad now. He would have done the same for Igneel. My cheeks became wet with tears; he walked over to the twins and hugged them both.

"I am so sorry! I misjudged you guys!" I said sobbing. They struggled to get out of my grip. Lucy turned and got angry.

"What did you two do to Natsu?" she put a plate piled high with pancakes on the table and ran to Natsu. She wiped away his tears.

"What is it? Are you hurt? Did they do something to make you upset?" she asked in rapid fire. Natsu shook his head and sat down and ate a majority of the pancakes. After everything was packed, both the pancakes and their clothes, they set off to the train station. Although the thought did not appeal to the Dragon Slayers at all. The spent the next three hours to Magnolia motion sick while the cats did their best to cheer them up. Once off the train Natsu jumped and skipped happily all the way to the guild. He was sure the master would accept them and that would make Lucy happy! He slowed into a walk half way to Fairy Tail.

Make Lucy happy? That's not what I am doing, is it? Why would I care? I thought to myself.

We continued walking in silence save for the strange conversation Rouge and Sting had with Lucy. They were make gestures with their hands and every now and then Lucy would giggle. We got to the doors to the guild hall when Lucy stared, wide eyed, at it. I kicked open the doors and jumped in.

"Hey guys I am back and I brought some new members!" I yelled. Everyone yelled back until they saw who was behind me.

Everyone started yelling at me, which made Lucy jump and hide behind Rouge and Sting covering her ears and trembling. Rouge held Lucy in a hug trying to calm her down, a worried look on his face.

"Guys you're scaring her!" I snapped back going to see if she was alright.

"They are Saber Tooth members Natsu! Why would you bring them here?" Gray yelled at me. I was about to send him flying when Sting spoke up.

"In case you idiots have yet to notice we ain't with Saber Tooth!" Sting snapped pointing to his arm where his mark should have been.

"Who you callin an idiot you kitty cat?" Gray sneered. Sting took a step closer.

"Wanna go Ice Princess?" he took another step forward only to be stopped by Lucy. I took the opportunity to run to get gramps.

Rouge watched as Lucy stopped Sting and was signing to him to stop. He nodded and turned to walk back to me. But Gray hard already cast a spell.

"Ice Make: Arrow!" He shouted as it flew forth. Sting stepped around Lucy and took the arrow into his shoulder. He fell to his knees as did Lucy to try and help him. I rushed forward and picked the Ice Mage up by his neck and shoved him away from her.

"You are a moron! Was there not enough of a clue to tell you she is deaf?!" I was beginning to lose my cool a lot lately.

At those words everyone's voice seemed to find an off switch. I walked over to Lucy and my brother and handed her the hearing aids. She finished healing Sting before she took them and put them back in. They were all completely silent, so much so that it was scary. Natsu came back down with a very short old man. Lucy helped Sting up and walked over to me. She was looking a little sick, very pale and I didn't like it. I made her drop him to the floor and checked the wound on her shoulder, it was open again. I pulled the bandages off and started re-binding it.

Gray was stunned into speechlessness. The girl he aimed for was deaf? That explains why she didn't move when I fired the arrow. All in all the girl was beautiful. Long blonde hair and a rockin body. She wore a black tube top that stopped an inch from her belly button with a blue skirt. She had on black lace-up boots with white and black stripped socks. But Gray couldn't stop staring at her chest. It was huge. Heat crept over my face as I quickly averted my gaze hoping those two Saber Tooth guys didn't notice it. But my luck just wouldn't have it.

"Hey Rouge. I do believe that Ice Mage is staring at our sister. And he is blushing." Sting growled with a face that the devil himself would hide from. Gray involuntarily gulped. Each twin grabbed his shoulders.

"So you were thinking perverted thoughts about our sister huh?" Rouge laughed evilly.

"No!" Yes, I thought, like how good she would feel under him. Moaning his name…

"Good, because if you were…" Sting and Rouge's grip tightened.

"We would have to kill you." Finished Rouge.

"G-Gramps! Don't you have a decision to make?" I squealed for help. Gramps closed his eyes in thought for a moment.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, your new guild, home, and family!" he said.

Everyone started cheering and drinking. Even Sting and Rouge were having fun. Gray spotted Natsu with Lissanna and Mirajane trying to talk to Lucy at the bar. I walked over and sat beside her.