Based on Season 2, Episode 19 "Folsom Prison Blues"

Prompt: "I'd say for you two 'Screwed to Hell' is an understatement" – Henricksen

It was something they had been struggling with – ever since they had started said screwing.

Ganking ghosts and exorcising demons was just part of the job – however 'serial killer' it may seem to an outsider. But sleeping with your own brother?

And by 'sleeping with' they actually meant 'fucking the brains out of', or 'screwing down into the leather back seat of the Impala', or even 'making sweet love to' if the motel wasn't too trashy and Sam had just flashed Dean those puppy dog eyes he never could resist.

And if doing any of the above with your brother was enough to send you to hell, then yeah, they'd earned a one way ticket and really were screwed.

Because if the number of evil entities they had wasted was anything to go by, then they were sure they would have one frosty welcome party – well as frosty as was possible in a great fiery pit.

What they had done over the years was nothing compared to what they had coming.

If downstairs was their final destination of course.

In all fairness the amount of evil they had sent back to hell surely should mean an automatic teleportation to Heaven, if such a place existed. But maybe immorality was damning enough to tip the scales.

Not that there would be any time for an incestuous relationship in here – admitting being gay in an all male prison was like wearing a giant neon sign proclaiming 'I suck cock like a pro'; not exactly the image Dean was going for.

In here, no matter who might be hellbound, the only thing that mattered was power and possession.

"Don't worry Sam – I promise I won't trade you for smokes" Dean quipped as they walked in, cuffed and chained.

Sam was the most important possession he owned and he knew it.