A/N: Here's a story I thought would be cool for KFP. I hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas! I don't own KFP.
Po meets Rudolph
Chapter 1 - Problems begin
It's a peaceful morning in the Valley of Peace, the Valley was covered in snow, and the surrounding area was too, giving the area a beautiful thing to see. The sky was nice, clear, and blue, not a cloud in the sky. It's five days before the Winter Feast, and Shifu wants it to be perfect as always. In the Student Barracks of the Jade Palace, we see our beloved panda sleeping on his bed, he's snoring peacefully, and he looks peaceful while laying there. The morning gone had rung about an hour ago, but Shifu gave them all a week off for the holidays, which was fine by Po, he can sleep in. Then, the panda began moving, he let out a yawn as he stretched out his arms and legs, he was waking up. He then sat up and clicked his neck before getting up and popping his back with droopy eyes. He then looked to his left and then he saw the list he made that he was supposed to do on that day. He picked it up and walked out of the room as he pulled out a smile, excited to begin shopping, making dishes, and decorating some.
"This is gonna be a great Christmas," Po thought to himself as he pulled out a wider smile.
He walked down the hallway to the kitchen and when he got there, he looked at his list and said to himself, "First thing to do; clean the training hall." He smiled to himself as he began walking to the training hall. He got his red scarf and wrapped it around his neck before going outside. Po always looks forward to this time of year, he just loved Christmas. When he got outside, he got a blast of cold, but he didn't mind, for he loved the cold at this time of year.
Later, he got to the training hall, and he saw Tigress training on the spinning logs while the Seven Swinging Clubs swung all around her. She punched and avoided them while she trained.
"I thought Shifu told us to take it easy," Po said to her.
Tigress looked at Po before hopping off the spinning logs as the Clubs stopped swinging.
"I'm always up for training," Tigress said, "I have a deep passion for kung fu."
Po smiled and said, "I can see that, Tigress. But you should take a break. I think we all deserve a break anyway." Tigress smiled a small smile, and said, "Thanks for your advice, but I like to train as hard as I can. Hardcore, you know."
"Well, I have to sweep the training hall, and Shifu says people aren't allowed to train when it's being cleaned," Po said.
Tigress sighed and said, "Fine. I'm going to eat something before I come back." As she began to leave, Po said with a smile, "Don't worry! This training hall will be clean as a whistle when you get back!"
Tigress smiled before she left, and then Po began looking for the cleaning materials. As he looked for them, he just thought of a new student that came in just a month ago. He's an African leopard who moved from Tanzania to see the wonders of China, and he loves kung fu. Po hasn't had a strong connection with the leopard, because the leopard likes to hang out with Tigress and he always tells her jokes that always make her laugh. This Christmas, Po wants to build up his courage to tell her how he feels about her, but he doesn't find it easy because of how nervous he is, he doesn't know if she feels the same way, plus she's mostly around that leopard. As he's in his thoughts, he bumps into the wall by accident and he held his head before finding the cleaning materials. He found a bucket of water and then he got to work on the training hall.
As he pulled out a sponge, soaked it in the water and began scrubbing, he was just too into the thoughts about how he'll tell Tigress how he feels about her. He thought about taking her to a rooftop to view the Valley on a clear night. He thought about writing a poem and sticking it into flowers he planned to get her. To him, she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life, she didn't need any makeup or anything, she had natural beauty. She may not think she can land a guy, but to Po, that's a wrong fact. As he cleans up, someone taps him on the back. Po looked to see that it was the African leopard that always hung out with Tigress, he was a strong leopard with red pants on and he had silver bracelets on. He felt a string of jealousy come to him, but, being Po, he pulled out a smile and tried to be nice as possible.
"Hi Emeka," Po said with a smile.
"Hey there, panda," Emeka said with a smile, "Are you cleaning the training hall?"
"Yeah," Po said with a smile, "I just thought I'd clean it up before Christmas, you know."
"Ah, I see." Emeka said.
"So, what's been going on with you?" Po asked, "Have anything you have planned?"
"Yes," Emeka said with a smile, "I just love the holidays, I'm gonna spend all my time in the Valley."
Po was wondering if he was making out with Tigress, since his room's next to hers, and they spend a lot of time together, always smiling and laughing. Po couldn't help but feel jealous, he couldn't make Tigress laugh when he told jokes, but Emeka could.
"Everything okay?" Emeka asked.
Po snapped out of his thoughts and then he said, "Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm just kinda in a daze, you know."
"Ah, I see." Emeka said with a smile. "Well, I gotta go."
Po didn't know what he was up too, but he figured to let it slide, because Po hardly holds a grudge. After Emeka left, Po slightly slammed his fist on the floor, not knowing he splattered water across the floor.
"How am I gonna tell Tigress with that leopard always around her?" Po thought angrily, thinking Emeka might still be nearby.
Po wants to be nice to Emeka, but he just has problems when he's around him. Every time he wants to talk to Tigress, Emeka always shows up and steals his conversation. He has appreciation of Shifu and the Five, Po's just been going through a lot with Emeka in the last month. But he keeps reminding himself to have a great Christmas with his heroes. And after the celebration, he plans to hopefully tell Tigress how he feels. Po then got up to move to a different area, being careful not to slip on the water. But what he didn't notice is that some water he splattered onto the floor after Emeka left.
"Man," Po said to himself, "I just wish Tigress feels the...WHOA!"
He slipped on the water on the floor, causing the water in the bucket to fly out and splash onto his face. Then he fell into the training area and then the spinning logs began spinning as the Clubs came out, swinging all around him. Po did a split that made him hold his groin in pain, he ducked before a club hit him. Then, to his horror, he heard a clanking sound, and then he heard a BOOM before the spinning logs stopped spinning and Po fell underneath the spinning logs. He looked around as the Swinging Clubs came crashing down, Po covered his head as the rumbling continued. There was smoke coming out of the gears, Po knew he was in deep trouble. What did he do to deserve this? Then the rumbling stopped as he heard a Talon ring fall off.
"Oh no," he mumbled to himself.
He began to sweat as he got a nervous look, he began to bite on his fingernails as he climbed up. And when he climbed up, he got a horrible surprise. The Swinging Clubs were destroyed, the Talon rings weren't in their place, the Jade Tortoise was knocked over onto the side of the training hall, and then he saw that the Fiery Field of Death was damaged. Po's eyes were as saucers as he looked to his right to see that two of the sponges have been jammed into the gears.
"Oh no!" Po said with a horrified tone, "Not again! And I promised to make it look good for Christmas!"
Po then tried to get the sponges out of the gears, but they were stuck tightly. He pulled harder and harder until he fell backward into the training area. He shook the dust off himself before standing up and he tried to make his way out. As he ran to the door, so ashamed of what happened, the doors flew open and it was Master Shifu!
"Master Shifu!" Po said in a panicked tone.
"Panda, what was that noise I heard while I was out here?" Shifu asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well...uh...you see..." Po stammered, nervously, "I uh...I was arranging the training hall to make it look better!"
Shifu got more suspicious and he asked, "How did you make it look better?" Po tried to come up with a solution and then Shifu asked, "What did you do?" Po didn't have an explanation, and then he pushed Po away. Po shouted "No" before Shifu's eyes got as wide as saucers, his jaw dropped when he saw the training hall.
"PAANNNDAAAAA!" Shifu shouted out of anger, he whirled around and demanded, "WHAT is the meaning of THIS?!"
"It was an accident!" Po said desperately, "I was cleaning it up, and then I...tripped and fell..."
"Panda!" Shifu shouted, gritting his teeth, "This training hall is a special place, and you wrecked it again! What do you have to say for yourself?!"
Po paused for a moment before he said, "I'm sorry Master." Then he bowed before his Master while Shifu groaned as he held his anger in, then he said, "I cannot even think of a punishment for you."
"I-I'm sorry, Master..." Po said with a guilty look, "I wanted it to be good looking for Christmas, and I just messed up."
"I tell you, you did," Shifu said, holding his anger in, "Now...we're gonna have to rebuild the whole thing!"
Then Emeka came over, and Po got a little jealous, Emeka smiled at the others and asked, "What's going on?" Then, he saw the training hall and he gasped when he did.
"What happened?!" he asked out of shock.
"The flabby panda did it!" Shifu said out of anger.
Emeka looked at Po, and asked, "Why would you do this?!"
"It was an accident!" Po said desperately.
"And we have to rebuild this thing!" Shifu complained, "And we just don't have the time to rebuild it!"
"Why don't you let me rebuild it?" Emeka volunteered.
"But Emeka," said Shifu, "I don't know how you'll be able to rebuild it before Christmas."
"I used to be a builder back in my younger ages," Emeka explained, "I'm really good at fixing stuff. Let me have a shot at it."
Shifu sighed and began thinking, Po was glad Tigress doesn't see the training hall, she would kill him if she found out. Po wanted to get out of there, right away, before someone else shows up. After Shifu thought for a few more minutes he turned to Emeka and said, "I'll give you a shot. I want it back into its regular state." Emeka bowed before Shifu and said, "Yes Master Shifu." Shifu turned to Po with a glare and said, "You are dismissed. You will be punished tonight, and it will be severe." Po formed a sad look and said, "Yes Master Shifu."
"Good," said Shifu, "Get out of my sight."
Then Po ran out of the training courtyard, feeling ashamed about the entire event. Emeka looked at Shifu and said, "I'll go get the tools." Shifu smiled and said, "I'm glad to have you around." Emeka smiled before he left Shifu to go get the tools.
In the kitchen, Tigress has been eating some dumplings; she's completely unaware what happened to the training hall. She ate a dumpling and then Po entered the kitchen, out of breath. Tigress swallowed her dumpling and said, "I thought you were fixing the training hall." Po sat down at the table and said, "I hardly had anything to clean...just a few sweeping spots to do."
"Is that so?" Tigress asked, "That wasn't what I expected."
"You know me," Po said with a smile, "I'm totally awesome at kung fu and cleaning."
"That's a little unusual," Tigress said, knowing Po doesn't like to clean too often.
Po's throat tightened in fear, knowing Tigress would eventually find out about the training hall. He wanted to talk to Tigress, to try and keep her from going into the training hall, and then he got even more nervous when she said, "I'm gonna train for about an hour and then I'm gonna go punch the ironwood trees some before going on a hike." Po was now sweating, of course, Tigress didn't notice. Po tried to gain courage back, as Tigress continued to eat.
"So Tigress," Po said, trying to keep his tone normal, "What do you think of Emeka?"
Tigress looked at Po with her beautiful golden eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"
"I-I mean," said Po with a little nervousness, "I just thought we'd talk about him. He is cool, you know."
Tigress smiled and said, "He is cool, isn't he? He tells such hilarious jokes, he's big, strong, and great at kung fu."
Po was a bit shocked, was she interested in Emeka? No, she couldn't be, he's only been here for a month, Po's throat tightened again as he asked, "What's it like when you're around him?"
"Well," said Tigress, "I like to hang out with him and..." she stopped and then she looked at Po and asked, "Why do you ask?"
"Uh...no reason," Po lied.
Tigress sighed before she ate the last of her dumplings. She put the bowl in the sink and said, "Well, I'm going back to train." Tigress began to head out, but Po shot up from his seat, grabbed her arm and said, "Wait! There's something..." His throat tightened again while Tigress gave him a confused look and asked, "What?"
"I-I just...need to tell you something important..." Po said with a tight throat, and nervousness in his voice.
Tigress shrugged while she kept a confused look and asked, "What do you want to tell me?" Po was now full of nervousness; he kept shaking his head while looking at the ground. Here he was, about to tell Tigress how he felt, he kept face palming himself in shame as he tried to tell her. His heart was racing and he was so close. Tigress was getting impatient now, and then Po said while holding her paws, "T-Tigress...I-I..." then he was cut off.
"Hey Tigress!" said Emeka with the tool bag, Tigress smiled when she saw him.
"Hey Emeka," Tigress said with a smile, "What have you got those tools for?"
"I'm gonna repair the training hall that Po destroyed," Emeka said with a smile.
When Tigress heard that, her eyes widened, she turned to face Po and screamed, "You destroyed the training hall?!"
"It was an accident!" Po said desperately.
"Oh, you clumsy, fat, flabby panda!" Tigress screamed, "Now I can't do part of my training!"
Po was shocked, Tigress never said anything that mean to him, he was nearly crying and then he choked out, "But I..."
"Get out of my sight!" Tigress screamed out of anger, "I don't want to see you or hear you outside the training hall right now! Get out of here!"
She pointed at his nose and gave him a shove, Po had some tears in his eyes as Tigress gave him a powerful glare, she was just burning up with anger. Then Po choked out and said, "All right, Tigress..." Then he ran out of the kitchen while trying to hold his tears back. Tigress didn't feel anything, she was just angry at Po. Emeka put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Why don't we go fix up the training hall? I know how to fix stuff." Tigress looked at him and then she nodded. As they began to walk, Emeka put a comforting arm around her, Tigress had a thought of going and apologizing, but she was too
ticked off.
With Po, he's crying and he wished he hadn't done such a thing. He just wished he could travel back in time and undo all of this. But he couldn't. He kept crying as he sat on a rock, a ways from the kitchen, looking at the Jade Palace. He then looked on his list again and saw that he had to bring in some boxes for the Jade Palace, the Christmas decorations.
"I hope I don't mess this up," Po said with sadness in his tone.
With that, he began to make his way to the Palace.
A/N: Don't hate me just yet! The story will get better as we go along! Please leave a review! :D And "Emeka" is an African boy name meaning "Success".