Okay, so it's a day later than I anticipated, but I went Christmas shopping yesterday (well, I say Christmas shopping, I bought one Christmas present, and then bought myself Slash's autobiography, Light & Shade: Conversations with Jimmy Page and a pair of Converses... anyhoo..) But I'm publishing it now.
This is a Jack/OC story, so if you do not like that, hit the back button. And Jack will not be in this story 'til a few chapters in... this is mainly just a background chapter to my OC, Isabelle. Hope you like it!
This will change to "M" in later chapters. :)
Disclaimer for the whole story (mainly because I can't be bothered writing it every chapter... I'm lazy, what can I say?) - I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean. But I do own my OC, Isabelle.
Bye Bye Blackbird.
Chapter I.
The room was decorated in such a way that it was classic.
There was an elegant chaise-lounge against the wall, a large table in the centre of the room, a classic ornament cupboard in the corner, housing Chinese porcelain that had been in the family for generations. They would frequently tell the story of how their great-great-great-grandfather John went to China, and was given this by the Emperor himself.
Of course, this story was completely false, but they were incredibly proud of it nonetheless.
Atop of one of the fine bureau was a vase full of white lilies.
The woman who owned the house, came strolling into this room, looking over at the vase with a frown.
Something was incredibly off about it.
She approached them slowly, and as she was standing in front of them she realised what; the stem of one of the lily was bent.
With a tut, she removed the broken flower, telling the servant trailing behind her to get rid of it.
'Yes, Mrs Moran.' The servant replied, taking the flower into her hand, deciding to keep it in her room instead. If she was honest, there was nothing wrong with it.
'Now, Ariana, the Ball is tomorrow, we will be going into town tomorrow to pick everything up.' Mrs Moran declared, turning the vase just a tiny bit to the right so it was perfectly in centre. 'I want to make sure the food is good, then pick it up. We will then go to the orchestra, to sample their music; I don't want nothing... shoddy. Then, we'll pick up my dress for the night, understand?'
'Yes, Mrs Moran.'
'Good.' She nodded. 'You may return to your chambers.'
'Thank you, Mrs Moran.' She bowed her head, then turned and left the woman by herself in the room.
Mrs Moran, or Isabelle as she was known to her family and friends, was perfectly content with her life. She had a husband, Matthew Moran, who loved her very much.
She also had her parents, Elizabeth and Daniel Gray, who were both very much alive and very devoted to their only child.
She was also wealthy. She was born into wealth, and married into even more. And if they kept going this way, she would die with wealth.
She tucked as stray lock of her black, curly hair behind her ear, but it immediately fell out again. That was the only downside of having short hair, it was hell to try and keep it in its place.
Her brown eyes impatiently scanned the room, making sure everything was in its place.
Which it was.
After giving the room the all clear, she picked her dress up, so she wouldn't trample on it as she walked, and moved from the living-room to her husband's study.
She knocked twice.
'Matthew?' She questioned as she opened the door, and found her husband in his seat, looking over a piece of parchment. 'Is everything all right?'
He looked up as soon as she entered, seemingly thankful for the interruption.
He lay his piece of parchment down, as well as his quill. His hands then rubbed his eyes, showing just how tired he was.
'Everything is fine, Isabelle.'
She stopped short, and placed both hands on her hips. 'I don't believe you.'
He released his head from his hands and smirked at her.
'I can't get anything past you, can I?'
She smiled back at him, as she let her hands drop from her hips. She walked over to him, leaning against the desk.
'I am your wife, of course you can't.'
She reached out with her hand, and ran her fingers through his dirty blonde hair.
'Tell me Matthew.' She tried again, as she let her hand drop back onto her lap.
He sighed heavily.
'It's nothing serious, it's just a huge leap from being commodore, to being rear-admiral. I think after the first few weeks I'll be fine, it's just… right now, it's hard.'
She moved from her place resting against the desk, and walked to stand behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, and slowly began to massage them.
'Do not worry, you'll get there. These things take time.' She soothed, before she leaned down and kissed his hair.
'I love you.' She informed him, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and leaned her head down next to his.
'I love you, too, Isabelle.'
He turned his head, and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. Before she could begin to enjoy it, however, he pulled back and cleared his throat.
'I really need to get on with this, though.'
She let out a small sigh that he didn't notice, before she straightened and dusted her burgundy dress down.
'Of course.' She replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice, even though she hadn't intended to.
He didn't notice however, and just picked up his quill again and dipped it in his ink, starting to write again.
She walked back around the table, heading for the door and left him on his own, but not before she looked at him, with pursed lips and narrowed eyes.
'Ariana,' She started, looking up from the book she had in her hands, and over to the young woman who was currently dusting the large bookshelf.
'Yes, ma'am?' Ariana answered, stopping her chores to turn to her employer, though they were more like friends; the young servant was Isabelle's confidant, she could tell her anything that was worrying her.
'How long have you been with us?'
'Almost five years, Mrs. Moran.'
'Five years?' Isabelle repeated, gnawing on her lips for a second as she considered this.
'Yes, ma'am. I came here when I was 15 years.'
'So, that would make you 20, right now?' She asked, placing a small piece of parchment into her book to keep her place, before she closed it over.
Ariana nodded her head once, not exactly wishing to admit that aloud; it was improper for any woman to reveal her age, no matter if you were upper-class, or lower-class.
'Why haven't you married by now?' Isabelle asked, as she tapped the chair next to her, inviting Ariana over to sit next to her.
Ariana hesitantly made her way over to her, and sat down on the red velvet chaise-lounge.
'My father cannot afford the dowry, I am afraid.' She replied, looking down at her hands, that were folded neatly in her lap. 'Not that it matters, there has been no interest anyway.'
'But why not? You are a pretty thing.' Isabelle informed, smiling warmly at her. There wasn't that much of an age gap between them, but the class difference made it seem like the gap was huge.
'I do not know, ma'am. But I am fine the way I am; I want to marry for love, not out of propriety.'
'Don't we all,' Isabelle whispered, and Ariana turned to look at her, curiosity written all over her face.
'What do you mean, ma'am?'
Isabelle whipped her head to look at her, her eyes wide with shock as she realised she had said that out loud.
She waved her hand to dismiss it.
'Nothing, my dear, nothing.' She stood from the seat, wiping down her dress.
She picked up the book and placed it back on the bookshelf, before she turned back to Ariana, 'After you've finished this room, you may have the rest of the day off.'
'But ma'am, I still have-'
'I do not want to hear it,' Isabelle interrupted, raising her hand to stop her protest. 'The other maids can do it. You have the rest of the day off.'
Ariana stood, and bowed her head. 'Thank you ma'am.'
She walked over to start working again, and Isabelle started to leave.
However, she stopped and turned back to Ariana.
'Oh, and Ariana, when you meet your Prince Charming, I don't want you to let him go… so, if your father still cannot afford the dowry, come to me. I'll give you the money for it.'
She didn't wait for Ariana's reply, before she strode from the room, a smile on her lips and her head held high. Missing the small smile of Ariana's lip, and the small tear of happiness that rolled down her cheek.
So, there is chapter one, done and dusted. Let me know what you think in a review! What do you think of Isabelle? And Ariana? Don't worry, Jack'll appear soon! :D
Don't forget to like my Facebook page, for updates, sneak peeks, face characters and gorgeous covers! The link is on my profile! It's great fun, so it is! :D