Hey people! Phantom's back! This situation is still under the Jack the Ripper arc and was suggested by the brilliant Breyito-Black-Lupin. ^_^

I'm currently downloading Kuroshitsuji so that I can rewatch it but the internet hates me so I have to stick with my blurry memory for a while. Anyways, hope you find my humor in this situation satisfying. Enjoy! ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or any of its characters.

"What if"

Situation 2

What if: Sebastian isn't as indiferrent as he looks? ^_~

Sebastian wouldn't have it any other way, his young master, Earl Ciel Phantomhive bending over for him, moaning and screaming his name.

"A-ahn~ Ahh, Sebastian!" Ciel breathed as he leaned his palm on the wall for support. He was trying so hard not to beg his butler to go gentler. It hurt and he didn't understand how women can handle this kind of process. How could they stand going through this again and again? The earl was left to wonder as Sebastian continued his harsh ministrations.

"I-It hurts! Out~" he was cut off by an especially forceful tug. "Gu-agh~!"

"Please bear with it, bocchan." the raven replied, his voice in its usual monotone while his mind was in a whirl. He liked the pained expression Ciel was showing, the way he arched his back when Sebastian got rough. It was all so sinful and yet a tinge of innocence always accompanies them. An act only the earl of the Phantomhive can do. He wanted to get rougher, to break the porcelain skin being offered to him but, somehow, he was able to restrain himself. There was something about the child that made him want to protect it, something aside from the contract. Perhaps... No, that's preposterous. He is a demon, after all. He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard someone call his name.

"A-ahahh~ Sebastian!" Ciel screamed as he found it harder to breath by the second. This made Sebastian smirk as he loosened his hold only to get back to his task full-force. "Ah! Ahhn-ah~~"

Too preoccupied by their current situation, none of the two occupants in the room was able to notice the audience listening to them right outside the door. Even the demon's senses were fully focused on the innocent sin that was his master.


Madam Red sat on the couch of the Phantomhive manor's receiving area, waiting impatiently for the earl of the said manor and his butler to arrive. She was so excited to see her "niece", she couldn't stay patient.

"Where are they?!" at her wit's end, the crimson lady finally burst out making her companion chuckle while her butler scurried away.

"Now, now. Let's be patient, shall we, Madame Red? I'm sure the young earl is just having a hard time adapting to his new outfit." Lau said from the couch opposite Madame Red's, Ran Mao sitting on his lap, as per usual.

"He doesn't have to adapt! Can you see his skin? His feminine build? My nephew was supposed to be born a lady!" her eyes turned dreamy.

"But then the queen would lose her watchdog, wouldn't she?" the Chinese man said, his head tilted a little.

"Hmph! Perhaps that's the reason Ciel turned into a boy." the lady pouted childishly.

"Seems like you dream of a niece with a passion."

"Of course! And today it will come true! I can't wait anymore! If they aren't coming here, we're going there!" she said as she stood up and walked in the direction of the room she thought the earl would be found, her heels clicking with every step, Grell only a step behind her, following timidly.

"No one said they aren't coming, though." Lau muttered as he followed the ecstatic redhead, only to stop as he collided with the lady. "Is something wrong?" he inquired.

"You do know where Ciel is right now, right?" Lau smirked.

"As much as you do, madame." it was Madame Red's turn to smirk.

"I see, then I take it we have the same solution in mind?" the male's smirk widened as he wound his arm around Ran Mao's waist, pulling her close.

"After you." the redhead nodded, changing her course to the kitchen where, sure enough, the rash chef and clumsy maid were found, both busy trying and failing to complete their given chores. Madame Red cleared her throat as to announce her presence, making both servants look up from their tasks.

"O-oh... Madame R-Red... M-May we be of a-assistance?" Meirin inquired, in her usual stammer. Bard gave them a curt nod before going back to his work, leaving the purple haired maid to entertain their guests.

"Ahh... Meirin, isn't it?" the noblewoman asked, making sure in case her memory failed her.

"Y-Yes ma'am. Can I help you?"

"So, Madame Red, what are we doing here?" Lau piped up, making the aforementioned lady to sweat drop.

"And you acted as if you knew what I was thinking just now." she mumbled pressing two fingers in between her eyes to stop the upcoming headache and chose not to answer the Chinese man, focusing instead on the maid."Can you be so kind as to lead us to the earl?"

"O-Of course. Please follow me." she answered curtly, leading the way out of the kitchen and into the hallway. The maid turned to the direction opposite the one Madame Red had led them just a while ago. They rounded corners multiple times and if the two nobles weren't such frequent visitors, they'd have thought they were going in circles. After a few minutes of walking, Meirin said, "We are almost there." as she continued leading them to the room at the end of the hall they were currently in where the purple haired woman stopped dead on her tracks, eyes wide with a blush dusting her cheeks just below her thick glasses. Confused, the others followed suit, only to create four more exact replicas of the expression on the maid's face. The reason being the occupants in the room they were in front of and what they concluded - from the sounds erupting from the room - these occupants were doing. Blood trickled down Meirin's nose as an especially loud cry was heard.

"A-Ahhh~! Sebas~ Ahh~~ TIAN~!" it was their young earl's voice.


The minds of everyone inside and outside the room were in equally strong tornadoes for different reasons.

Ciel felt like he would break any minute now, his butler being able to take his soul even before he exacted his revenge. The earl was already suspecting that his butler was doing this for that exact reason. 'Sebastian planned this.' he thought only for it, together with all of his other thought processes, to be thrown out the window by another especially hard tug. Seriously, did his butler really have to be so rough?

Madame Red didn't know what to think and feel. Whether to be enraged at Sebastian for tainting his beloved nephew or to be elated at the juicy gossip she acquired, she didn't know, neither was she feeling any of the two at the moment. Right now, all she could think of was how her nephew looked like, in that dress she gave him as disguise, participating in this immoral act. How cute and sexy Ciel would look like with him screaming his butler's name, said butler being behind him, thrusting in and out of the blissfully tainted innocence. She just can't get the image out of her mind, no matter how unbefitting it was for a lady.

Lau and Grell were already hard but for different people. Lau was imagining how good it would feel if he was the one making the Phantomhive create those sounds, or at least being one of two (he has always fantasized a threesome with Ciel as his and Sebastian's shared uke). Grell, on the other hand, was imagining himself as the source of the erotic melody, the raven butler violating him was his reason to create such noises. Both males felt like they could come with just the audio entertainment.

Sebastian was going against every fiber in his body to keep his self from devouring his master, struggling with his demon so that he can suppress his self from relishing in the tortured screams of his current contractor, pleading for more in between pain and pleasure. No matter what he did to resist, he gradually started getting rougher and rougher, heightening the screams coming from the earl.

"Ngh~~ SEBAS- Gagh-aghh~ OUT- Ahh~! out.." Ciel was past the point of coherency. Meirin was passed out from blood loss a long time ago. Madame Red was in the midst of discovering her hidden, homosexuality loving, immoral self. Lau and Grell were ready to burst in any moment to join the two in their sinful pleasure, also in desperate need for release. Sebastian was slowly being overcome by his senses, losing to his demonic, entirely sadistic side. All of it came crashing down with the Earl of Phantomhive's childish comment.