Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail, but I own my story ;)

Sting's POV

I walked into class, late as usual. This gave me a 'bad boy' reputation with the girls at my school: Fairy Academy.

Fairy Academy was a school for people with special talents. I was a great fighter. But I was also a guitarist and singer. I loved music, though not many people knew. I was just the tough guy.

As I plopped down in my chair, I ignored the Happy-sensei when he told me that I would be kicked out of school if I kept being late and propped my feet on my desk. The girls around me sighed and stared at me with dreamy looks, but the girl who sat next to me, Kiyomi Asama, the nerd, just snorted, rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

I was not a jealous or easily put off guy, but ever since the first day of Fairy Academy, when I'd been assigned to seat next to Kiyomi, she'd pissed me off. I was used to girls naturally liking me, but Kiyomi didn't like me. One girl isn't a problem of course, but the way she looks at me with contempt makes me hate her.

Lucy's POV

I snorted and rolled my eyes at that Sting Eucliffe. At Fairy Academy I went under the name of Kiyomi Asama. The people just assumed I was accepted because of smarts when I got into Fairy Academy, but I not actually a genius. I just get the best scores because all the guys are slacking or pranking people and all the girls are mooning over Sting Eucliffe. I got in because I am a great singer and dancer. I've been learning all kinds of dances since I was four. I'm an international sensation, I guess. Lucy Heartfilia: Singer and Dancer of Fiore. Those signs are everywhere in music shops and on the streets.

I looked back down at my work and scratched at the itchy, mousy-brown colored wig I wore to disguise myself. Happy-sensei's classes were weird. All about fish. Anatomy of fish, habitat of a fish, how to cook fish: 100 ways, how to eat fish properly, and so on. Right now we were supposed to write an essay on 'Why Fish are so Great'. I hate fish myself so the words in the essay were all made up and fake, just like my identity.

Fish is great because of its taste, that soft, burnt taste when you smoke it; that slippery, smooth taste when you boil it with soup.

Also, the look of fish is beautiful. Their scales shine in the sun and their tails are like mermaid tails…

I heard someone chuckle and turned around to see Sting Eucliffe standing right behind me, reading my essay. "Can I help you with something, Eucliffe?" I snapped. "Cheating's not allowed, you know." A chorus of gasps came from the girls in the class. "Sting-sama does NOT cheat," she yelled.

"Yeah!" A bunch of girls joined in the protest.

I rolled my eyes again and was just about to turn back to my paper when the bell rang for break. I collected my books and left.

Sting's POV

I followed Kiyomi when she left. I could never see her at lunch or break and wanted to know where she went. She went around the corner and after a few seconds I hurriedly followed her. "Why are you following me, Eucliffe?" Kiyomi asked, her arms folded.

"No reason," I said putting my signature smirk on my face. Her eyes narrowed under her large glasses and I knew she didn't believe me. I needed an excuse. "I just wanted to tell you that you name doesn't fit you at all. Kiyomi means pure beauty and you are an ugly nerd."

The words didn't have the effect I expected, which was for her to break down, crying. Instead, Kiyomi shrugged saying, "If that's it you can leave now. You've told me. No need to follow me anymore right?" she turned and walked down the hall.

I didn't even know WHY I was so curious about where she went. But I kept on following her. This time I was extra careful and she didn't catch me. I was so surprised when she stopped at our school auditorium, where I sang at school performances.

I ran to the back door to the auditorium and sank low in one of the seats in the back. With difficulty I saw that the headmaster, Makarov, was there. "OK, Lucy, you can take off you disguise now." Lucy? Who's Lucy? "Thank god," Kiyomi said, pulling of a wig and her glasses. Long blond hair streamed down her back. "That wig was getting itchy." Kiyomi was Lucy Heartfilia.