Hmmm... I'll begin with something Disney...

"Aladdin has been accused of consorting with a genie…" Uther began.

"The Genie!" Genie shouted.

"Who is a creature of magic!"

"Ummm… okay?" Aladdin wondered why he'd come to anti-magic Camelot.

"You are to be burned tomorrow. Good day!"

Aladdin was towed away.

Uther looked around, making sure he was alone, before rubbing the lamp.

"Bring Ygraine back." He ordered the Genie.


The Genie found himself adjacent Aladdin on the pyre.

"Why did we come here?" asked the Genie.

"Your idea," Aladdin muttered.

"HI!" a boy in a neckerchief cried, beside them. "I'm magic!"

What a weird day!

Prince Ali,

Fabulous he

Burns on a pyyyyre!

Beside the genie, a warlock, and a distraught priiiiince!

What did you think? ;) I hope I'll start improving at these soon! XD