Warning. Sexual content ahead, so just keep reading anyway.

Chapter 10 - All Mine

"Hey, I haven't seen my parents around for a while. Where are they?" asked Natsuru.

"Not sure," shrugged Natsume. "They usually leave without a word, but not for too long though."

Her eyes glazed over to Natsuru, who was sitting next to her on the couch watching the television. The restaurant was closed for the day and needless to say, she was bored. There wasn't much downtime to be had due to her work and watching the kids, so she was looking forward to some alone time with Natsuru. It's been almost a month that he returned, but now the years of his absence seem more like a dream to Natsume than anything. They were a family now.

"How does it feel to be a father?" she asked.

Natsuru chuckled and grinned at her. "Not sure how to explain it, it's all so surreal."

"Getting along with the kids?"

He let out a sharp breath and looked at his lap. "Yeah, we're getting along great," he paused. "But…I feel a strange distance between them that I just can't seem to close." His voice sounded disappointed, as if he were blaming himself for it. But he knew it was out of his control and that he had to make the best of what the situation. "They're our flesh and blood, and I'll love them unconditionally!"

She nodded and smiled gingerly at him, making his heart skip a beat. Natsuru thought about what it must have been like for her at the time. She probably didn't know anything about being a mother, or what giving birth even meant. He shuffled closer to her, putting his arm over her shoulder as he pulled them closer. He could never get over her sweet scent. Resting his face on her shoulder, he placed his free hand over her belly. It still baffles him that two babies could have come from there, given her figure and frame. He could feel her heat permeate slightly through the shirt.

"I had a C-section you know," she said.

Natsuru cocked an eyebrow. "How'd you know what I was thinking?"

She smirked, "That's a secret. But here, look!" She lifted up her shirt, exposing her upper stomach.

Natsuru looked puzzled as he scanned the alluring expanse, searching for a scar from said operation.

"You're not going to find it," she said quite proudly. "It's already gone."

"I see, you just like showing off your mid-rift then?" teased Natsuru.

Natsume giggled. "Here," she said as she grabbed his hand. "It was right along…here."

She moved his hand down to the lower part of her stomach below her bellybutton, guiding him along the path of where the cut was made. He took note of how soft and warm her skin was. How curvy and dangerous her body was. He felt his heart racing as he felt a shock shoot up in spine and dissipate throughout his body. He slowly leaned in towards her face and gave her a nice loud smooch. He backed away slowly from her soft lips to be met with an expression rarely seen.

Her lips were slightly parted and her head was tilted down ever so slightly, as if she were looking up at him. As dense as he was, he didn't need her to say that she wanted more. So he indulged her, locking lips again and squeezing her tight in his arms.

"We're home!"

The familiar voice of a male child sounded its way to the living room, where the playful couple lounged. The two jolted away from each other and turned to meet the children walking into the living room. Takashi jumped onto his mother's lap, looking up at the two of them.

"Are we going to put the Christmas tree up today?" asked Takashi excitedly.

Natsume nodded, "Yup! Daddy and I were waiting for you guys to get home." She glanced at Natsuru and smiled. "Right?"

The two young ones looked at each other with bright smiles, Takashi's expression more so. "Can we go get the tree now? A real one?" he asked.

"You want a real tree again this year?" asked Natsume skeptically. She crossed her arms as she remembered last year's Christmas, where Serizawa obliged little Takashi in his request to get a real tree. The cons outweighed the pros, and since Natsume did all of the work, Takashi didn't seem to think much of it. It was messy, heavy, prickly, and a little expensive. Although she did enjoy the scent it gave off, it just wasn't worth it.

Takashi felt a tug on his shirt. He turned around to meet his sister as she gave him a look. The look he came to know as the look of disapproval. "That's a lot of work, Takashi," said Ayame. "Let's not bother Mama with that."

Ayame was the silent type, always keeping quiet, always obedient. Often times, she kept Takashi out of trouble by carefully manipulating him. And if that didn't work, some force would be necessary to persuade him, but it usually doesn't come down to that because she can get pretty scary.

Takashi laughed, "You're right, sorry Mom."

Natsume was left in awe of Ayame and Takashi's reactions. He wouldn't have expected such a thing to have been said by eight-year olds. Impressed was an understatement. Natsuru couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He looked at Natsume, arms crossed with a smirk on her face. She caught his eyes and gave him a look that said, 'That's right.'

He swallowed as he felt a chill crawl up his spine.

"Alright, let's go today!" said Natsume.

The two children rejoiced, jumping up and down in excitement. "Thank you Mom and Dad," they said. They immediately jumped on the two adults, hugging them with their tiny arms before running up the stairs.

Natsuru sighed, "You're something else, you know that?"

"Hmm?" she responded.

"The way you raised them," said Natsuru. "It's incredible." He straightened himself out on the couch, resting his head on Natsume's lap.

"Well we're not done yet," she said. She ran her fingers through his fairly long hair, playing with the streaks of blue. Natsuru closed his eyes and crossed his arms, letting out a deep breath. He laughed to himself, realizing that this was the first time he'd used her lap as a pillow.

Natsuru took a few steps back, smiling at his handiwork with his arms perched on his hips. The plastic tree was covered in an assortment of decorations and the like. Rather not just his handiwork, but of everyone else's. He'd never thought decorating a Christmas tree would be so fun. But there was still something amiss, something that was supposed to make a Christmas tree feel like, well, a Christmas tree.

He felt a tug at his shirt and turned around. There stood Ayame with a golden star in her adorably small hands. She held it out in front of Natsuru, saying, "Here, Papa."

A chuckled escaped his breath. He knelt down and gingerly touched her small hands. They seemed so fragile. "Let's put it on together," he said.

Ayame nodded with a smile, jumping onto Natsuru's shoulders with the golden ornament in hand. She reached out towards the top of the tree with all her might, triumphantly affixing it with the help of her father.

They stepped back, relishing in the satisfaction of having fully decorated their Christmas tree. Natsume walked over to an outlet nearby, plugging in the lights, which illuminated the tree. She took a step back to look at its shining radiance. There was something about a Christmas tree that made her feel warm and happy. She put one hand on her hip and brought Takashi in her embrace with the other. She looked over to Natsuru, who was still carrying Ayame on his shoulders, both with smiles on their faces. She looked down to Takashi and ruffled his hair a bit before turning to the tree. "Our first Christmas together," she said.

She wished this moment would last forever.

Natsume sat upright in her bed, fiddling around with her phone. The phone vibrated in her hand, a new text message. She quickly scanned through the message. "Hm, Shizu's gonna be back soon," she said to herself.

"What was that?" asked Natsuru from the bedroom door. He made his way over to his side of the bed and hopped in.

"Ah, I just got a text from Shizuku saying that she'll be returning soon. From England apparently." She set her phone down on the nightstand.

"Shizuku huh?" he said as he moved under the sheets. "It's too cold," he shuddered.

"Hey…" she said. Natsuru has his back turned to her. She scooted closer to him and wrapped her limbs around him, pressing her chest up against his back. Natsume was still a little restless from earlier today, and now that the kids are asleep, now would be the perfect time.

But she noticed that Natsuru wasn't responding at all. She waited for a few moments in silence to confirm. Her expression turned emotionless and blank; he was asleep, the bastard actually fell asleep right way. She rolled away from him and closed her eyes. But she wasn't surprised because for some reason, she had a feeling that something like this would happen.

Natsuru groggily awoke from his comfortable slumber, his hair disheveled resembling a bird's nest. He rubbed his eyes, picking out the crust around his eyes that had formed in his sleep and let out a silent yawn as he covered his mouth. He looked around the room and spotted Natsume standing by the dresser rummaging through clothes, her back turned to him. He was a little confused at the fact that she was not wearing a single piece of clothing.

"Uhh, Natsume? What are you up to?" he asked.

She turned her head only to give him a blank stare. She stopped what she was doing and started walking towards Natsuru. She was frustrated, so she wasn't feeling the least bashful of her bare body. Natsume found satisfaction from Natsuru's reaction, as his expression appeared dumbfounded. A menacing grin formed on her face as she crawled up the foot of the bed, slowly approaching Natsuru. She held herself over as she perched herself on top of his groin, with her hands on his chest.

The first thing that crossed Natsuru's mind was her body that lay bare on top of him; her perky breasts and the valley of curves and lush creamy skin. The second thing that crossed his mind was when she got to be so aggressive. He recalled their first time together and how timid she was. A lot of things can change in seven years.

"Natsuru," she said softly. Her eyes spoke for her as she peered into his own. They pleaded to him, 'Do something.'

Natsuru's mind reflected on what Ken had said to him. They weren't kids anymore; it's time to start acting like adults now. And he was right, it was high time that Natsuru took charge in his life and become more assertive and decisive. He is a fool who can't read atmospheres or situations very well. Even before his precious other, he feels unworthy.

He ceased his thinking and let his body and actions do the work for him. He sat up in the bed, pulling the sheets out from underneath them. Pulling her closer to him, he placed his hands on her lower back right above her butt. The feeling of her soft flesh pressed up against his chest excited Natsuru even more.

Natsume's hands timidly grabbed his chest, looking up at him as she did so. "…Took you long enough," she hissed at him.

Natsuru chuckled, "Sorry."

They were lost in each other's lips before long, swapping saliva and what have you. Natsume backed off for a moment. Feeling that it was unfair that Natsuru was still clothed, she sought to even things out by undressing him. She lifted his shirt with little difficulty, which revealed his surprisingly toned body. She couldn't help but gaze at his chiseled form and succumb to the desire of exploring his body with her hands.

It's been so long since she's had such intimate contact with a man's body that she forgot how attracted she was to such things. She caressed his sculpted chest and abs, making her way up to his large shoulders and meaty arms.

Feeling confident, Natsuru smirked at her. During his travels, he'd have to resort to odd jobs like heavy labor or construction for income. He remembered the hardest job he worked was at a farm, where everything was done the old fashioned way. He didn't even notice it himself that his body became like this, but he liked it, definitely liked it.

"Like what you see, little missy?" said Natsuru in the most flamboyantly ridiculous voice he could muster.

She cringed and looked away as she pressed her palm against his face. "Oh my god, don't do that you creep," she laughed.

Natsuru chuckled as he grabbed her arm, pulling her hand away from his face but pulling her closer to him and gave her a smooch. Natsume moved herself off his lap as she reached for her next target; his boxers. Much to Natsuru's surprise, she pulled them off with haste and tossed them aside.

Natsume stared at his erect manhood for a little while, it's been some time since she's seen one in person.

"…Ummm," said Natsuru. "This is a little embarrassing."

"Don't be such a baby," said Natsume. "Besides…I think…"



She was feeling a bit uneasy now, since she wasn't so experienced with foreplay. In fact, she's never done foreplay at all. She thought about all the things Shizuku, Mikoto, and Akane talked about whenever they had a girls' night out. There was a technique to it apparently and something about not letting your teeth get in the way.

Her heart was beating so fast and her head was rushing. 'Just do it,' she thought to herself. She grabbed the base gingerly, making sure that her anxiousness didn't get the best of her, and worked her tongue around his member, licking it from all angles. It was hard, warm, and gave off a distinct smell. Her mind was getting foggy, she could feel her body getting hotter and hotter by the second. As if the lust inside was finally being awakened after years of lying dormant.

Before she knew it, her mouth had enveloped his member, and her tongue wrapping around its length as her head bobbed up and down. Screw techniques; just follow what your body tells you to do. She heard his grunts every time she moved her tongue and mouth a certain way, and felt his hand grab her head.

Her saliva drenched him, making it easier for her to control her speed. She backed away from his member with a loud smack from her lips and took a deep breath. She glanced at him, finding great satisfaction in Natsuru's expression. His jaw was clenched as his hands were desperately grabbing the sheets of the bed. Natsume chuckled to herself as she spat on her hand and gripped his member in her palm. She was surprised at herself that she had done something so lewd, so shameless. But at the same time, all these erotic things made her feel, for lack of a better word, horny.

Natsume felt a sudden rush of excitement as a result of her dominance in the situation, with her hand running the length of his member like a piston. She figured she'd continue, but it seems as if Natsuru was at his limit. He grabbed her hand, to which Natsume looked at him. He had an awkward smile on his face, indicating to her that he was about to lose it. Looks like she wasn't as bad as she thought.

"My turn," said Natsuru. He grabbed her by the shoulder and quickly shifted roles. Now he was the one that lay on top of her.

Without a second to react, he busied his hands with her chest, squeezing them firmly to which Natsume squealed. He slowly moved down her body, kissing her stomach as he passed down to her nether regions. His hands ran down from her breasts, over her stomach, and to her thighs, appreciating all of her valleys and curves. It's amazing how soft and fragile a woman's body is; so alluring and warm. She couldn't help but feel timid as he stared at her private parts, legs spread and resting over his shoulders.

"You're so cute down here," he said playfully. Natsuru didn't have much experience in foreplay either, but through the years and with the help of the internet, he was at least a little aware of what he was doing.

He played with her folds gently with his fingers, running them up and down her opening.

Her legs twitched as a result of his touch and yelped. Natsuru knew all too well how sensitive her body was back in the early Kampfer days. The most memorable being the time he worked part time at that café. He could say that it was one of the strangest and most confusing experiences he's had.

He continued his teasing for a bit before slipping his middle finger in her. It was extremely tight and warm. Natsuru stopped and moved his mouth closer to her, thoroughly licking her nether regions. She yelped again and grabbed Natsuru's head with her hands, holding on tightly with his hair in her grasp. Natsuru took little notice to the pain of his hair being tugged, but continued to work his tongue. He grabbed her thighs and held them tight as he became more aggressive, licking and the smacking of his lips against her folds as he eased his finger into her, along with her moans of pleasure filled the room.

Natsume's body twitched as Natsuru had his way with her, working his tongue rather messily. Her torso pulsed up and down as she held herself on the bed. Then it hit her, a sudden rush of ecstasy shot through her body as she felt him exploring her clitoris. She bit her finger to hold back the scream of pleasure that was building inside of her. All that escaped her mouth were muffled moans, lest she were to wake the young ones.

The two lay silent now, save for Natsume's heavy breaths. Natsuru backed away from her, kissing her thigh as he moved himself so that they were face to face. He clasped his hands around her cheek and kissed her passionately.

She knew what was to come next, but she was still uneasy. "Natsuru wait, hold on," she said softly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Her face looked unsettling, as if she was too embarrassed to say it. "…Slowly," she said almost inaudibly.

Natsuru nodded and kissed her on the cheek. She felt a warm sensation inside her, being able to be this intimate with him, being this close with him, made her feel relieved and secure. She couldn't help but smile.

He steadied himself as he moved into position, with one hand holding onto her thigh and the other guiding his cock slowly into her flesh. A gasp of pleasure leapt out of Natsume's chest as she felt Natsuru's member slowly ease itself through. He inched in deeper and deeper, relishing in the tight warmth of her folds that enveloped him. With one last thrust, he had submerged the entirety of his girth inside her.

They laid there for a few moments, Natsume with heavy breaths, and Natsuru who was now nipping at her neck.

Natsume grimaced, taking note the size of Natsuru's manhood that had plunged deep inside her. He had gotten much bigger over the years, no doubt. Little by little, she felt her body become less tense as her womanhood conformed to the shape of his member and her breaths became steadier.

Natsuru could feel her body loosen up as her grip on his back became weak. He took it as an indication to advance. Natsuru extracted himself from her warm flesh only to slip back in all in one motion, which incited sharp moans from the two. He kept a steady pace, finding it almost difficult to move around her constricting flesh. Natsuru looked at her, eyes closed and wearing an expression of both pain and pleasure.

Mixed sensations flooded her body as she bit her lip. 'It hurt like this back then, too,' she thought to herself. She learned long ago of a woman's great pain, but also great pleasure.

Her head shot back and her chest jerked upwards as she felt the pain of intrusion slowly turn into waves of pleasure. She waited eagerly for his next thrust, which seemed to be more enjoyable than the last, and so on. Her arms desperately gripped him as if she was hanging on to dear life, with every motion forcing gasps of breaths and moans from her mouth.

The sensation Natsuru feels is almost unbearable. Her walls felt so inviting, so alluring with its dampness and warmth. The sounds of pleasure that escaped her breath excited him, also indicating to him that he was doing well. The smell of her distinct shampoo and scent flooded his nostrils as he buried his head in her neck. It was easier now; he felt her womanhood practically sucking him in as he thrusted his member in, and out. Natsuru tested her, slowly moving faster and faster until her moans became mere seconds apart.

Instinctively, Natsuru trails down her body with his lips brushing past her neck, making his way to her breasts. Without a second thought, he began to suckle on her, his tongue dancing around her hardened nipple.

She yelped, grabbing his head as she looked down to watch him play with her breasts. Once he felt satisfied, he quickly moved and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. Her breaths were sharp, exhaling in rhythm with Natsuru's hips that moved like a pendulum. They separated from each other's lips, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Damnit," grunted Natsuru.

He stopped, overwhelmed by the sensation that surrounded his member, tightening around it like a vise. Natsuru sat up, grabbing Natsume's legs and moving them almost behind her head. He let out a sharp breath and thrusted firmly one last time before stopping.

"Oh my...GOD!"

Both of their eyes widened, realizing how loud Natsume's voice was just now. She immediately placed a hand over her mouth, not that it would've helped.

Natsuru glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was still early in the morning and the kids should still be asleep, so that was somewhat of a relief.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded. "It…It kind of hurts when you get that deep…" she said timidly.

"Sorry." He sat himself up, supporting Natsume in his arms as she perched on his lap with her legs wrapped around.

Natsume shook her head. "It's okay, it was good, just go slower."

"I think I'm at my limit," said Natsuru as he cracked a smile.

She couldn't say she was surprised or that she wasn't disappointed. After all, it had been a while. As she shifted her weight on top of him, she could feel his erect member twitching inside her ever so slightly. It wasn't a safe day and they didn't have contraceptives. But the feelings of lust clouded her mind as she rocked back and forth, inciting grunts from Natsuru that excited her even more.

That was what she wanted, to embrace and to be embraced, and to share in this intimate experience with him. Only him. Her selfish desires called to her from within.

Keep going, it was just getting good!

She agreed; why stop now when they were getting to the fun part? She gave into her lust, thrusting her hips fervently on Natsuru's manhood. Better judgment gave way to longing desire as she continued relentlessly.

They clung onto each other for dear life. Natsume's arms wrapped around his neck and Natsuru's straddled around her waist. Thought and reasoning inched away as carnal desires took her. Natsume's lips trailed from his mouth all to way to his ear where she whispered, "You're all mine."

"What's with this bed scene all of a sudden? It's too sudden!" Is what you may be thinking.

Well good...stay tuned.